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4 breaking dawn破晓-第134章

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Kate's。 Now my hands were free; and if Kate wanted to keep her hands attached to her wrists; she'd 
better keep her distance。 

Kate probably didn't understand; never having known for herself the passion of a mother for her child。 
She must 

not have realized just how far past too far she'd already gone。 I was so furious that my vision took on a 
strange reddish tint; and my tongue tasted like burning metal。 The strength I usually worked to keep 
restrained flowed through my muscles; and I knew I could crush her into diamond…hard rubble if she 
pushed me to it。 

The rage brought every aspect of my being into sharper focus。 I could even feel the elasticity of my 
shield more exactly now—feel that it was not a band so much as a layer; a thin film that covered me from 
head to toe。 With the anger rippling through my body; I had a better sense of it; a tighter hold on it。 I 
stretched it around myself; out from myself; swaddling Renesmee completely inside it; just in case Kate 
got past my guard。 

Kate took another calculated step forward; and a vicious snarl ripped up my throat and through my 
clenched teeth。 

〃Be careful; Kate;〃 Edward cautioned。 

Kate took another step; and then made a mistake even someone as inexpert as I could recognize。 Just a 
short leap away from me; she looked away; turning her attention from me to Edward。 

Renesmee was secure on my back; I coiled to spring。 

〃Can you hear anything from Nessie?〃 Kate asked him; her voice calm and easy。 

Edward darted into the space between us; blocking my line to Kate。 

〃No; nothing at all;〃 he answered。 〃Now give Bella some space to calm down; Kate。 You shouldn't goad 
her like that。 I know she doesn't seem her age; but she's only a few months old。〃 

〃We don't have time to do this gently; Edward。 We're going to have to push her。 We only have a few 
weeks; and she's got the potential to—〃 

〃Back off for a minute; Kate。〃 

Kate frowned but took Edward's warning more seriously than she'd taken mine。 

Renesmee's hand was on my neck; she was remembering Kate's attack; showing me that no harm was 
meant; that Daddy was in on it。。。。 

This did not pacify me。 The spectrum of light I saw still seemed tainted with crimson。 But I was in better 
control of myself; and I could see the wisdom of Kate's words。 The anger helped me。 I would learn 
faster under pressure。 

That didn't mean I liked it。 

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〃Kate;〃 I growled。 I rested my hand on the small of Edward's back。 I could still feel my shield like a 
strong; flexible sheet around Renesmee and me。 I pushed it farther; forcing it around Edward。 There was 
no sign of a flaw in the stretchy fabric; no threat of a tear。 I panted with the effort; and my words came 
out sounding breathless rather than furious。 〃Again;〃 I said to Kate。 〃Edward only。〃 

She rolled her eyes but flitted forward and pressed her palm to Edward's shoulder。 

〃Nothing;〃 Edward said。 I heard the smile in his voice。 

〃And now?〃 Kate asked。 


〃And now?〃 This time; there was the sound of strain in her voice。 

〃Nothing at all。〃 

Kate grunted and stepped away。 

〃Can you see this?〃 Zafrina asked in her deep; wild voice; staring intently at the three of us。 Her English 
was strangely accented; her words pulling up in unexpected places。 

〃I don't see anything I shouldn't;〃 Edward said。 

〃And you; Renesmee?〃 Zafrina asked。 

Renesmee smiled at Zafrina and shook her head。 

My fury had almost entirely ebbed; and I clenched my teeth together; panting faster as I pushed out 
against the elastic shield; it felt like it was getting heavier the longer I held it。 It pulled back; dragging 

〃No one panic;〃 Zafrina warned the little group watching me。 〃I want to see how far she can extend。〃 

There was a shocked gasp from everyone there—Eleazar; Carmen; Tanya; Garrett; Benjamin; Tia; 
Siobhan; Maggie—everyone but Senna; who seemed prepared for whatever Zafrina was doing。 The 
others' eyes were blank; their expressions anxious。 

〃Raise your hand when you get your sight back;〃 Zafrina instructed。 〃Now; Bella。 See how many you 
can shield。〃 

My breath came out in a huff。 Kate was the closest person to me besides Edward and Renesmee; but 
even she was about ten feet away。 I locked my jaw and shoved; trying to heave the resisting; resilient 
safeguard farther from myself。 Inch by inch I drove it toward Kate; fighting the reaction that fought back 
with every fraction that I gained。 I only watched Kate's anxious expression while I worked; and I 
groaned quietly with relief when her eyes blinked and focused。 She raised her hand。 

〃Fascinating!〃 Edward murmured under his breath。 〃It's like one…way glass。 I can read everything they're 
thinking; but they can't reach me behind it。 And I can hear Renesmee; though I couldn't when I was on 
the outside。 I'll bet Kate could shock me now; because she's underneath the umbrella。 I still can't hear 
you。。。 hmmm。 How does that work? I wonder if。。。〃 

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He continued to mumble to himself; but I couldn't listen to the words。 I ground my teeth together; 
struggling to force the shield out to Garrett; who was closest to Kate。 His hand came up。 

〃Very good;〃 Zafrina complimented me。 〃Now—〃 

But she'd spoken too soon; with a sharp gasp; I felt my shield recoil like a rubber band stretched too far; 
snapping back into its original shape。 Renesmee; experiencing for the first time the blindness Zafrina had 
conjured for the others; trembled against my back。 Wearily; I fought back against the elastic pull; forcing 
the shield to include her again。 

〃Can I have a minute?〃 I panted。 Since I'd become a vampire; I hadn't felt the need to rest even once 
before this moment。 It was unnerving to feel so drained and yet so strong at the same time。 

〃Of course;〃 Zafrina said; and the spectators relaxed as she let them see again。 

〃Kate;〃 Garrett called as the others murmured and drifted slightly away; disturbed by the moment of 
blindness; vampires were not used to feeling vulnerable。 The tall; sandy…haired Garrett was the only 
non…gifted immortal who 

seemed drawn to my practice sessions。 I wondered what the lure was for the adventurer。 

〃I wouldn't; Garrett;〃 Edward cautioned。 

Garrett continued toward Kate despite the warning; his lips pursed in speculation。 〃They say you can put 
a vampire flat on his back。〃 

〃Yes;〃 she agreed。 Then; with a sly smile; she wiggled her fingers playfully at him。 〃Curious?〃 

Garrett shrugged。 〃That's something I've never seen。 Seems like it might be a bit of an exaggeration___〃 

〃Maybe;〃 Kate said; her face suddenly serious。 〃Maybe it only works on the weak or the young。 I'm not 
sure。 You look strong; though。 Perhaps you could withs
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