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4 breaking dawn破晓-第128章

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〃If the Volturi won't pause to listen to our witness; we cannot simply stand by;〃 Tanya insisted。 〃Of 
course; I should only speak for myself。〃 

Kate snorted。 〃Do you really doubt me so much; sister?〃 

Tanya smiled widely at her。 〃It is a suicide mission; after all。〃 

Kate flashed a grin back and then shrugged nonchalantly。 〃I'm in。〃 

〃I; too; will do what I can to protect the child;〃 Carmen agreed。 Then; as if she couldn't resist; she held 
her arms out toward Renesmee。 〃May I hold you; bebe linda?〃 

Renesmee reached eagerly toward Carmen; delighted with her new friend。 Carmen hugged her close; 
murmuring to her in Spanish。 

It was like it had been with Charlie; and before that with all the Cullens。 Renesmee was irresistible。 What 
was it about her that drew everyone to her; that made them willing even to pledge their lives in her 

For a moment I thought that maybe what we were attempting might be possible。 Maybe Renesmee 
could do the impossible and win over our enemies as she had our friends。 

And then I remembered that Alice had left us; and my hope vanished as quickly as it had appeared。 


〃What is the werewolves' part in this?〃 Tanya asked then; eyeing Jacob。 

Jacob spoke before Edward could answer。 〃If the Volturi won't stop to listen about Nessie; I mean 
Renesmee;〃 he corrected himself; remembering that Tanya would not understand his stupid nickname; 
〃we will stop them。〃 

〃Very brave; child; but that would be impossible for more experienced fighters than you are。〃 

〃You don't know what we can do。〃 

Tanya shrugged。 〃It is your own life; certainly; to spend as you choose。〃 

Jacob's eyes flickered to Renesmee—still in Carmen's arms with Kate hovering over them—and it was 
easy to read the longing in them。 

〃She is special; that little one;〃 Tanya mused。 〃Hard to resist。〃 

〃A very talented family;〃 Eleazar murmured as he paced。 His tempo was increasing; he flashed from the 
door to Carmen and back again every second。 〃A mind reader for a father; a shield for a mother; and 
then whatever magic this extraordinary child has bewitched us with。 I wonder if there is a name for what 
she does; or if it is the norm for a vampire hybrid。 As if such a thing could ever be considered normal! A 
vampire hybrid; indeed!〃 

〃Excuse me;〃 Edward said in a stunned voice。 He reached out and caught Eleazar's shoulder as he was 

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about to turn again for the door。 〃What did you just call my wife?〃 

Eleazar looked at Edward curiously; his manic pacing forgotten for the moment。 〃A shield; I think。 She's 
blocking me now; so I can't be sure。〃 

I stared at Eleazar; my brows furrowing in confusion。 Shield? What did he mean about my blocking him? 
I was standing right here beside him; not defensive in any way。 

〃A shield?〃 Edward repeated; bewildered。 

〃Come now; Edward! If I can't get a read on her; I doubt you can; either。 Can you hear her thoughts 
right now?〃 

Eleazar asked。 

〃No;〃 Edward murmured。 〃But I've never been able to do that。 Even when she was human。〃 

〃Never?〃 Eleazar blinked。 〃Interesting。 That would indicate a rather powerful latent talent; if it was 
manifesting so clearly even before the transformation。 I can't feel a way through her shield to get a sense 
of it at all。 Yet she must be raw still—she's only a few months old。〃 The look he gave Edward now was 
almost exasperated。 〃And apparently completely unaware of what she's doing。 Totally unconscious。 
Ironic。 Aro sent me all over the world searching for such anomalies; and you simply stumble across it by 
accident and don't even realize what you have。〃 Eleazar shook his head in disbelief。 

I frowned。 〃What are you talking about? How can I be a shield? What does that even mean?〃 All I 
could picture in my head was a ridiculous medieval suit of armor。 

Eleazar leaned his head to one side as he examined me。 〃I suppose we were overly formal about it in the 
guard。 In truth; categorizing talents is a subjective; haphazard business; every talent is unique; never 
exactly the same thing twice。 But you; Bella; are fairly easy to classify。 Talents that are purely defensive; 
that protect some aspect of the bearer; are always called shields。 Have you ever tested your abilities? 
Blocked anyone besides me and your mate?〃 

It took me few seconds; despite how quickly my new brain worked; to organize my answer。 

〃It only works with certain things;〃 I told him。 〃My head is sort of。。。 private。 But it doesn't stop Jasper 
from being able to mess with my mood or Alice from seeing my future。〃 

〃Purely a mental defense。〃 Eleazar nodded to himself。 〃Limited; but strong。〃 

〃Aro couldn't hear her;〃 Edward interjected。 〃Though she was human when they met。〃 

Eleazar's eyes widened。 

〃Jane tried to hurt me; but she couldn't;〃 I said。 〃Edward thinks Demetri can't find me; and that Alec 
can't bother me; either。 Is that good?〃 

Eleazar; still gaping; nodded。 〃Quite。〃 

〃A shield!〃 Edward said; deep satisfaction saturating his tone。 〃I never thought of it that way。 The only 
one I've ever met before was Renata; and what she did was so different。〃 

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Eleazar had recovered slightly。 〃Yes; no talent ever manifests in precisely the same way; because no one 
ever thinks in exactly the same way。〃 

〃Who's Renata? What does she do?〃 I asked。 Renesmee was interested; too; leaning away from 
Carmen so that she could see around Kate。 

〃Renata is Aro's personal bodyguard;〃 Eleazar told me。 〃A very practical kind of shield; and a very 
strong one。〃 

I vaguely remembered a small crowd of vampires hovering close to Aro in his macabre tower; some 
male; some female。 I couldn't remember the women's faces in the uncomfortable; terrifying memory。 One 
must have been Renata。 

〃I wonder。。。;〃 Eleazar mused。 〃You see; Renata is a powerful shield against a physical attack。 If 
someone approaches her—or Aro; as she is always close beside him in a hostile situation—they find 
themselves。。。 diverted。 

There's a force around her that repels; though it's almost unnoticeable。 You simply find yourself going a 
different direction than you planned; with a confused memory as to why you wanted to go that other way 
in the first place。 She can project her shield several meters out from herself。 She also protects Caius and 
Marcus; too; when they have a need; but Aro is her priority。 

〃What she does isn't actually physical; though。 Like the vast majority of our gifts; it takes place inside the 
mind。 If she tried to keep you back; I wonder who would win?〃 He shook his head。 〃I've never heard of 
Aro's or Jane's gifts being thwarted。〃 

〃Momma; you're special
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