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in this wofull manner tormented; your tribulations are not only so
much the more credited; but also as amply grieved for; and pittied。 In
which heavy and irksome perturbations; I see not any meanes of remedy;
but onely one; being a kinde of physicke (beyond all other) to cure
him of his foolish jealousie; which medicine is very familiar to me;
because I know best how to compound it; alwayes provided; that you can
be of so strong a capacity; as to be secret in what I shall say unto
Good Father (answered the Woman) never make you any doubt thereof;
for I would rather endure death it selfe; then disclose any thing
which you enjoyne me to keepe secret: wherefore; I beseech you Sir
to tell me; how; and by what meanes it may be done。 If (quoth the
Abbot) you desire to have him perfectly cured; of disease so dangerous
and offensive; of necessity he Must be sent into Purgatory。 How may
that be done; saide the woman; he being alive? He must needs die;
answered the Abbot; for his more speedy passage thither; and when he
hath endured so much punishment; as may expiate the quality of his
jealousie; we have certaine devoute and zealous prayers; whereby to
bring him backe againe to life; in as able manner as ever he was。
Why then; replyed the woman; I must remaine in the state of a
Widdow? Very true; saide the Abbot; for a certaine time; in all
which space; you may not (by no meanes) marrie againe; because the
heavens will therewith be highly offended: but Ferando being
returned to life againe; you must repossesse him as your Husband;
but never to be jealous any more。 Alas Sir (quoth the woman) so that
he may be cured of his wicked jealousie; and I no longer live in
such an hellish imprisonment; do as you please。
Now was the Abbot (well neere) on the highest step of his hope;
making her constant promise; to accomplish it: But (quoth he) what
shall be my recompence when I have done it? Father; saide she;
whatsoever you please to aske; if it remaine within the compasse of my
power: but you being such a vertuous and sanctified man; and I a woman
of so meane worth or merit; what sufficient recompence can I be able
to make you? Whereunto the Abbot thus replyed。 Faire woman; you are
able to do as much for me; as I am for you; because I doe dispose my
selfe; to performe a matter for your comfort and consolation; even
so ought you to be as mindfull of me; in any action concerning my life
and welfare。 In any such matter Sir (quoth she) depending on your
benefit so strictly; you may safely presume to command me。 You must
then (saide the Abbot) grant me your love; and the kinde embracing
of your person; because so violent are mine affections; as I pine
and consume away daily; till I enjoy the fruition of my desires; and
none can helpe me therein but you。
When the woman heard these words; as one confounded with much
amazement; thus shee replied。 Alas; holy Father! What a strange motion
have you made to me? I beleeved very faithfully; that you were no
lesse then a Saint; and is it convenient; that when silly women come
to ask counsell of such sanctified men; they should returne them
such unfitting answeres? Be not amazed good woman; saide the Abbot; at
the motion which I have made unto you; because holinesse is not
thereby impaired a jot in me; for it is the inhabitant of the soule;
the other is an imperfection attending on the body: but be it
whatsoever; your beauty hath so powerfully prevailed on me; that
entire love hath compelld me to let you know it。 And more may you
boast of your beauty; then any that ever I beheld before; considering;
it is so pleasing to a sanctified man; that it can draw him from
divine contemplations; to regard a matter of so humble an equalitie。
Let me tell you moreover; woorthy Woman; that see me reverenced here
as Lord Abbot; yet am I but as other men are; and in regard I am
neither aged; nor mishapen; me thinkes the motion I have made;
should be the lesse offensive to you; and therefore the sooner
granted。 For; all the while as Ferando remaineth in Purgatory; doe you
but imagine him to be present with you; and your perswasion will the
more absolutely be confirmed。 No man can; or shall be privy to our
close meetings; for I carry the same holy opinion among all men; as
you your selfe conceived of me; and none dare be so saucie; as to call
in question whatsoever I doe or say; because my words are Oracles; and
mine actions more than halfe miracles; doe you not then refuse so
gracious an offer。 Enow there are; who would gladly enjoy that;
which is francke and freely presented to you; and which (if you be a
wise Woman) is meerely impossible for you to refuse。 Richly am I
possessed of Gold and Jewels; which shall be all yours; if you
please in favour to be mine; wherein I will not be gaine…saide; except
your selfe do deny me。
The Woman having her eyes fixed on the ground; knew not well how
shee should denie him; and yet in plaine words; to say shee consented;
shee held it to be overbase and immodest; and ill agreeing with her
former reputation: when the Abbot had well noted this attention in
her; and how silent shee stood without returning any answere; he
accounted the conquest to be more then halfe his owne: so that
continuing on his former perswasions; hee never ceased; but allured
her still to beleeve whatsoever he saide。 And much ashamed of his
importunity; but more of her owne flexible yeelding weaknesse; made
answere; that shee would willingly accomplish his request; which yet
shee did not absolutely grant; untill Ferando were first sent into
Purgatory。 And till then (quoth the Abbot) I will not urge any more;
because I purpose his speedy sending thither: but yet; so farre lend
me your assistance; that either to morrow; or else the next day; he
may come hither once more to converse with me。 So putting a faire gold
Ring on her finger; they parted till the next meeting。
Not a little joyfull was the Woman of so rich a gift; hoping to
enjoy a great many more of them; and returning home to her neighbours;
acquainted them with wonderfull matters; all concerning the
sanctimonious life of the Abbot; a meere miracle of men; and worthy to
be truely termed a Saint。 Within two dayes after; Ferando went to
the Abbey againe; and so soone as the Abbot espyed him; he presently
prepared for his sending of him into Purgatorie。 He never was
without a certaine kinde of drugge; which being beaten into powder;
would worke so powerfully upon the braine; and all the other vitall
senses; as to entrance them with a deadly sleepe; and deprive them
of all motion; either in the pulses; or in any other part else; even
as if the body were dead indeede; in which operation; it would so hold
and continue; according to the quantity given and drunke; as it
preased the Abbot to order the matter。 This powder or drugge; was sent
him by a great Prince of the East; and therewith he wrought wonders
upon his Novices; sending them into Purgatory when he pleased; and
by such punishments as he inflicted on them there; made them (like
credulous asses) believe whatsoever himselfe listed。
So much of this powder had the Abbot provided; as should suffice