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disposition) by wrapping their bodies in such base clothing; they
condemned and despised all temporall occasions。 But now adaies they
make them large; deepe; glistering; and of the finest cloth or stuffes
to bee gotten; reducing those habites to so proude and pontificall a
forme; that they walke Peacock…like; rustling; and strouting with them
in the Churches; yea; and in open publike places; as if they were
ordinary secular persons; to have their pride more notoriously
observed。 And as the Angler bestoweth his best cunning; with one
line and baite to catch many fishes at one strike; even so do these
counterfeited habit…mongers; by their dissembling and crafty
dealing; beguile many credulous widdowes: simple women; yea; and men
of weake capacity; to credit whatsoever they doe or say; and herein
they doe most of all exercise themselves。
And to the end; that my speeches may not savor of any untruth
against them; these men which I speake of; have not any habite at
all of religious men; but onely the colour of their garments; and
whereas they in times past; desired nothing more then the salvation of
mens soules; these fresher witted fellowes; covet after women and
wealth; and employ all their paines by their whispering confessions;
and figures of painted fearefull examples; to affright and terrifie
unsetled and weake consciences; by horrible and blasphemous
speeches; yet adding perswasion withall; that their sinnes may be
purged by Almes…deedes and Masses。 To the end; that such as credit
them in these their dayly courses; being guided more by apparance of
devotion; then any true compunction of heart; to escape severe
penances by them enjoyned: may some of them bring bread; others
wine; others coyne; all of them matter of commoditie and benefit;
and simply say; these gifts are for the soules of their good friends
I make not any doubt; but almes…deedes and prayers; are very mighty;
and prevailing meanes; to appease heavens anger for some sinnes
committed; but if such as bestow them; did either see or know; to whom
they give them: they would more warily keepe them; or else cast them
before Swine; in regard they are altogether so unworthy of them。 But
come we now to the case of your ghostly father; crying out in your
eare; that secret mariage was a most greevous sinne: Is not the breach
thereof farre greater? Familiar conversation betweene man and man
and woman; is a concession meerely naturall: but to rob; kill; or
banish any one; proceedeth from the mindes malignity。 That thou did
rob Theobaldo; your selfe hath already sufficiently witnessed; by
taking that from him; which with free consent in mariage you gave him。
Next I must say; that by all the power remaining in you; you kild him;
because you would not permit him to remaine with you; declaring your
selfe in the very height of cruelty; that hee might destroy his life
by his owne hands。 In which case the Law requireth; that whosoever
is the occasion of an ill act committed; hee or she is as deepe in the
fault; as the party that did it。 Now concerning his banishment; and
wandring seaven yeeres in exile thorow the world; you cannot denie;
but that you were the onely occasion thereof。 In all which three
severall actions; farre more capitally have you offended; then by
contracting of mariage in such clandestine manner。
But let us see; whether Theobaldo deserved all these severall
castigations; or not。 In trueth he did not; your selfe have
confessed (beside that which I know) that hee loved you more deerely
then himselfe; and nothing could be more honoured; magnified and
exalted; then dayly you were by him; above all other women whatsoever。
When hee came in any place; where honestly; and without suspition
hee might speake to you: all his honour; and all his liberty; lay
wholly committed into your power。 Was hee not a noble young Gentleman?
Was he (among all those parts that most adorne a man; and appertaine
to the very choycest respect) inferiour to any one of best merit in
your Citie? I know that you cannot make deniall to any of these
demands。 How could you then by the perswasion of a beast; a foole; a
villaine; yea; a vagabond; envying both his happinesse and yours;
enter into so cruell a minde against him? I know not what error
misguideth women; in scorning and despising their husbands: but if
they entred into a better consideration; understanding triely what
they are; and what nobility of nature God hath endued man withall;
farre above all other creatures; it would bee their highest title of
glory; when they are so preciously esteemed of them; so dearely
affected by them; and so gladly embraced in all their best abilities。
This is so great a sinne; as the divine justice (which in an
equall Ballance bringeth all operations to their full effect) did
not purpose to leave unpunished; but as you enforced against all
reason; to take away Theobaldo from your selfe: even so your father
Aldobrandino; without any occasion given by Theobaldo; is in perill of
his life; and you a partaker of his tribulation。 Out of which if you
desire to be delivered; it is very convenient that you promise one
thing which I shall tell you; and may much better be by you performed。
Namely; that if Theobaido do returne from his long banishment; you
shall restore him to your love; grace; and good acceptation;
accounting him in the selfe…same degree of favour and private
entertainment; as he was at the first; before your wicked ghostly
father so hellishly incensed you against him。
When the Pilgrim had finished his speeches; the Gentlewoman who
had listned to them very attentively (because all the edged reasons
appeared to be plainly true) became verily perswaded; that all these
afictions had falne on her and her father; for the ingratefull offence
by her committed; and therefore thus is replied。 Worthy man; and the
friend to goodnesse; I know undoubtedly; that the words which you have
spoken are true; and also I understand by your demonstration; what
manner of people some of those religious persons are; whom
heretofore I have reputed to be Saints; but find them now to be far
otherwise。 And to speake truly; I perceive the fault to be great and
greevous; wherein I have offended against Theobaldo; and would (if I
could) willingly make amends; even in such manner as you have advised。
But how is it possible to be done? Theobaldo being dead; can be 'no'
more recalled to this life; and therefore; I know not what promise I
should make; in a matter which is not to bee performed。 Whereto the
Pilgrime without any longer pausing; thus answered。
Madam; by such revelations as have beene shewne to me; I know for
a certainety; that Theobaldo is not dead; but living; in health; and
in good estate; if he had the fruition of your grace and favour。
Take heede what you say Sir (quoth the Gentlewoman) for I saw him
lye slain before my doore; his bodie having received many wounds;
which I folded in mine armes; and washed his face with my brinish
teares; whereby (perhaps) the scandall arose; that flew abroad to my
disgrace。 Beleeve me Madam; replyed the Pilgrim; say what you will;
I dare assure you that Theobaldo is