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the decameron(十日谈)-第69章

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neither Tilts nor Tourneying; nor many lost mornings and evenings; nor
infinite other such like Offices; which the Magnifico (for her sake)
from time to time had spent in vaine; without the least shew of
acceptation; or any hope at all to winne her love: mooved now in
this very houre; by these solemne is protestations; or rather most
prevailing asseverations; she began to finde that in her; which
(before) she never felt; namely Love。 And although (to keepe her
promise made to her husband) shee spake not a word: yet her heart
heaving; her soule throbbing; sighes intermixing; and complexion
altering; could not hide her intended answer to the Magnifico; if
promise had beene no hinderance to her will。 All this while the
Magnifico sate as mute as she; and seeing she would not give him any
answere at all; he could not choose but wonder thereat; yet at
length perceived; that it was thus cunningly contrived by her husband。
Notwithstanding; observing well her countenance; that it was in a
quite contrary temper; another kinde of fire sparkling in her eye;
other humours flowing; her pulses strongly beating; her stomacke
rising; and sighes swelling; all these were arguments of a change; and
motives to advance his hope。 Taking courage by this ticklish
perswasion; and instructing his mind with a new kinde of counsell;
he would needes answer himselfe on her behalfe; and as if she had
uttered the words; thus he spake。
  Magnifico; and my friend; surely it is a long time since; when I
first noted thine affection toward me to be very great and most
perfect; but now I am much more certain thereof; by thine owne
honest and gentle speeches; which content me as they ought to do。
Neverthelesse; if heretofore I have seemed cruell and unkinde to thee;
I would not have thee thinke; that my heart was any way guilty of my
outward severity; but did evermore love thee; and held thee deerer
then any man living。 But yet it became me to do so; as well in feare
of others; as for the renowne of mine owne reputation。 But now is
the time at hand; to let thee knowe more clearly; whether I do
affect thee or no: as a just guerdon of thy constant love
which long thou hast; and still doest beare to me。 Wherefore;
comfort thy selfe; and dwell on this undoubted hope; because Signior
Francesco my husband; is to be absent hence for many dayes; beeing
chosen Podesta at Millaine; as thou canst not choose but heare; for it
is common through the Country。
  I know (for my sake) thou hast given him thy goodly ambling Gelding;
and so soone as he is gone; I promise thee upon my word; and by the
faithfull love I beare thee; that I will have further conference
with thee; and let thee understand somewhat more of my minde。 And
because this is neither fitting time nor place; to discourse on
matters of such serious moment: observe heereafter; as a signall; when
thou seest my Crimson Skarfe hanging in the window of my Chamber;
which is upon the Garden side; that evening (so soone as it is
night) come to the Garden gate; with wary respect that no eye do
discover thee; and there thou shalt finde me walking; and ready to
acquaint thee with other matters; according as I shall finde occasion。
  When the Magnifico in the person of the Lady; had spoken thus;
then he returned her this answer。 Most vertuous Lady; my spirits are
so transported with extraordinary joy; for this your gracious and
welcome answer; that my sences faile me; and all my faculties quite
forsake me; that I cannot give you such thankes as I would。 And if I
could speak equally to my desire; yet the season suites not therewith;
neither were it convenient that I should be so troublesome to you。 Let
me therefore humbly beseech you; that the desire I have to
accomplish your will (which wordes availe not to expresse) may remaine
in your kinde consideration。 And as you have commanded me; so will I
not faile to performe it accordingly; and in more thankfull manner;
then (as yet) I am able to let you know。 Now there resteth nothing
else to do; but under the protection of your gracious pardon; I to
give over speech; and you to attend your woorthy Husband。
  Notwithstanding all that hee had spoken; yet shee replyed not one
word; wherefore the Magnifico arose; and returned to the Knight; who
went to meete him; saying in a lowd laughter。 How now man? Have I
not kept my promise with thee? No Sir; answered the Magnifico; for you
promised I should speake with your wife; and you have made mee talke
to a marble Statue。 This answere; was greatly pleasing to the
Knight; who; although hee had an undoubted opinion of his wife; yet
this did much more strengthen his beliefe; and hee said。 Now thou
confessest thy Gelding to bee mine? I doe; replied the Magnifico;
but if I had thought; that no better successe would have ensued on the
bargaine; without your motion for the horse; I would have given him
you: and I am sorie that I did not; because now you have bought my
horse; and yet I have not sold him。 The Knight laughed heartily at
this answer; and being thus provided of so faire a beast; hee rode
on his journey to Millaine; and there entred into his authority of
  The Lady remained now in liberty at home; considering on the
Magnificoes words; and likewise the Gelding; which (for her sake)
was given to her husband。 Oftentimes shee saw him passe too and fro
before her windowe; still looking when the Flagge of defiance should
be hanged forth; that hee might fight valiantly under her Colours。 The
Story saith; that among many of her much better meditations; shee
was heard to talke thus idely to her selfe。 What doe I meane?
Wherefore is my youth? The olde miserable man is gone to Millaine; and
God knoweth when hee comes backe againe; ever; or never。 Is dignity
preferred before wedlockes holy duty; and pleasures abroade; more then
comforts at home? Ill can age pay youths arrerages; when: time is
spent; and no hope sparde。 Actions omitted; are oftentimes repented;
but done in due season; they are sildome sorrowed for。 Upon these
un…Lady…like private consultations; whether the window shewed the
signa or no; it is no matter belonging to my charge: I say; husbands
are unwise; to graunt such ill advantages; and wives much worse; if
they take hold of them; onely Judge you the best; and so the Tale is

                    THE THIRD DAY THE SIXTH NOVELL

                            AVAILABLE IN LOVE

  Ricciardo Minutolo fell in love with the wife of Philippello
Fighinolfi; and knowing her to be very jealous of her Husband; gave
her to understand; that hee was greatly enamoured of his Wife; and had
appointed to meete her privately in a Bathing house; on the next day
following: where shee hoping to take him tardie with his close
compacted Mistresse; found her selfe to be deceived by the said

  No more remained to be spoken by Madame Eliza; but the cunning of
the Magnifico; being much commended by all the company: the Queene
commanded Madame Fiammetta; to succede next in order with one of her
Novels; who (smiling) made answer that shee would; and began thus。
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