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to bee at rest in his owne Lodging; and all else sleeping in their
bed; closely he steals into the Gallery; where alighting his Taper;
with the Tinder purposely brought thither; the Mantle folded about
him; and the Wand in his hand; valiantly he adventures upon his
lives perill。 Twice hee knockt softly at the doore; which a wayting
woman immediately opened; and receyving the Light; went forth into the
Gallery; while the supposed King; was conversing with the Queene。
Alas good Queene; heere is a sinne commited without any guiltie
thought in thee; as (within a while after) it plainely appeared。
For; the Querry having compassed what he most coveted; and fearing
to forfelte his life by delay; when his amorous desire was
indifferently satisfied: returned backe as he came; the sleepy waiting
woman not so much as looking on him; but rather glad; that she might
get her to rest againe。 Scarcely was the Querrie stept into his bed;
unheard or discerned by any of his fellowes; divers of them lodging
both in that and the next Chamber: but it pleased the King to visite
the Queene; according to his wonted manner; to the no little
mervaile of the drowsie wayting woman; who was never twice troubled in
a night before。 The King being in bed; whereas alwayes till then;
his resort to the Queene; was altogether in sadnesse and
melancholly; both comming and departing without speaking one word: now
his Majestie was become more pleasantly disposing; whereat the
Queene began not a little to mervaile。 Now trust mee Sir; quoth
shee; this hath beene a long wished; and now most welcome
alteration; vouchsafing twice in a night to visite me; and both within
the compasse of one houre; for it cannot be much more; since your
being here; and now comming againe。
The King hearing these words; sodainely presumed; that by some
counterfeit person or other; the Queene had beene this night beguiled:
wherefore (very advisedly) hee considered; that in regard the party
was unknowne to her; and all the women about her; to make no outward
appearance of knowing it; but rather concealed it to himselfe。 Farre
from the indiscretion of some haire…braind men; who presently would
have answered and sworne; I came hither this night; till now。
Whereupon many dangers might ensue; to the dishonour and prejudice
of the Queene: beside; her error being discovered to her; might
afterward be an occasion; to urge a wandring in her appetite; and to
covet after change againe。 But by this silence; no shame redounded
to him or her; whereas prating; must needs be the publisher of open
infamie: yet was hee much vexed in his minde; which neither by
lookes or words hee would discover; but pleasantly said to the Queene;
Why Madam; although I was once heere before to night; I hope you
mislike not my second seeing you; nor if I should please to come
againe。 No truly Sir; quoth she; I onely desire you to have care of
your health。 Well; said the King; I will follow your counsaile; and
now returne to mine owne lodging againe; committing my Queene to her
good rest。
His blood boyling with rage and distemper; by such a monstrous
injurie offered him; he wrapt his night…mantle about out and leaving
his Chamber; imagining; that whatsoever he was; needs he must be one
of his owne house: he tooke a light in his hand; and convayed it
into a little Lanthorne; purposing to be resolved in his suspition。 No
guests or strangers were now in his Court; but onely such as
belonged to his houshold; who lodged altogether about the Escurie
and Stables; being there appointed to divers beds。 Now; this was his
conceite; that whosoever had beene so lately familiar with the Queene;
his heart and his pulse could (as yet) be hardly at rest; but rather
would be troubled with apparant agitation; as discovering the guilt of
so great an offender。 Many Chambers had he passed thorow; where all
were soundly sleeping; and yet he felt both their brests and pulses。
At last he came to the lodging of the man indeede; that had so
impudently usurped his place; who could not as yet sleepe; for joy
of atchieved adventure。 When he espied the King come in; knowing
well the occasion of his search; he began to waxe very doubtfull; so
that his heart and pulse beating extreamely; he felt a further
addition of feare; as being confidently perswaded; that there was
now no other way but death; especially if the King discovered his
agony。 And although many considerations were in his braine; yet
because he saw that the King was unarmed; his best refuge was; to make
shew of sleepe; in expectation what the King intended to doe。 Among
them all he had sought; yet could not find any likelihood; whereby
to gather a grounded probability; he came to this Querry; whose
heart and pulses laboured so strongly; that he said to himselfe; Yea
mary; this is th man that did the deede。
Nevertheless; purposing to make no apparance of his further
intention; he did nothing else to him; but drawing forth a paire of
sheares; which purposely he brought thither with him; he clipped
away a part of his lockes; which (in those times) they used to weare
very long; to the end that he might the better know him the next
morning; and so returned backe to his lodging againe。 The Querry;
who partly saw; but felt what was done to him; perceived plainely
(being a subtill ingenious fellow) for what intent he was thus marked。
Wherefore; without any longer dallying; up he rose; and taking a paire
of sheares; wherewith they used to trim their Horses; softly he went
from bed to bed; where they all lay yet soundly sleeping; and clipt
away each mans locke from his right eare; in the selfe same manner
as the King had done his; and being not perceived by any one of
them; quietly he laide him downe againe。
In the morning; when the King was risen; he gave command that before
the Pallace gates were opened; all his whole Family should come before
him; as instantly his will was fulfilled。 Standing all uncovered in
his presence; he began to consider with himselfe; which of them was
the man that he had marked。 And seeing the most part of them to have
their lockes cut; all after one and the selfe same manner;
marvailing greatly; he saide to himselfe。 The man whom I seeke for;
though he be but of meane and base condition; yet it plainely
appeareth; that he is of no deject or common understanding。 And
seeing; that without further clamour and noyse; he could not find
out the party he looked for; he concluded; not to win eternall
shame; by compassing a poore revenge: but rather (by way of
admonition) to let the offender know in a word; that he was both noted
and observed。 So turning to them all; he saide; He that hath done
it; let him be silent; and doe so no more; and now depart about your
Some other turbulent spirited man; no imprisonments; tortures;
examinations; and interrogations; could have served his turne; by
which course of proceeding; he makes the shame to be publikely knowne;
which reason requireth to keepe concealed。 But admit that condigne
vengeance were taken; it diminisheth not one tittle of the shame;
neither qualifieth the peoples bad affections; who will lash out as