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〃In like manner; if Gisippus hath married Sophronia well; it is
foolish and superfluous; to finde fault with the manner hee used in
her marriage。 If you mislike his course in the case; beware of him
hereafter; yet thanke him because it is no worse。 〃Neverthelesse;
you are to understand; that I sought not by fraud or deceit; (but
onely by witte) any opportunitie; whereby any way to sullie the
honestie and cleere Nobilitie of your bloud; in the person of
Sophronia: for although in secret I made her my wife; yet I came not
as an enemie; to take her perforce; nor (like a ravisher) wronged
her virginitie; to blemish your no。 titles; or despising your
alliance。 But fervently; enflamed by her bright beauty; and incited
also by her unparalleld vertues; I shaped my course; knowing well
enough; that if I tooke the ordinarie way of wiving; by moving the
question to you; I should never winne your consent; as fearing; lest I
would take her with me to Rome; and so conveigh out of your sight; a
jewell by you so much esteemed; as she is。
〃For this; and no other reason; did I presume to use the secret
cunning which now is openly made knowne unto you: and Gisippus
disposed himselfe thereunto; which otherwise hee never determined to
have done; in contracting the marriage for me; and shee consenting
to me in his name。
Moreover; albeit most earnestly I affected her; I sought to
procure your union; not like a lover; but as a true husband; nor would
I immodestly touch her; till first (as her selfe can testifie) with
the words becomming wedlocke; and the Ring also I espoused her;
demanding of her; if shee would accept mee as her husband; and shee
answered mee; with her full consent。 Wherein; if it may seeme that
shee was deceived; I am not any way to be blamed; but she; for not
demanding; what; and who I was。
This then is the great evill; the great offence; and the great
injurie committed by my friend Gisippus; and by mee as a Lover: that
Sophronia is secretly become the wife of Titus Quintus Fulvius。 And
for this cause; like spies you watch him; threaten him daily; as if
you intended to teare him in pieces。 What could you doe more; if hee
had given her to a man of the very vilest condition? to a villaine; to
a slave? What prisons? what fetters? Or what torments are sufficient
for this fact? But leaving these frivolous matters; let us come to
discourse of more moment; and better beseeming your attention。
The time is come; that I may no longer continue heere; because
Publius my Father is dead; and I must needs returne to Rome; wherefore
being minded to take Sophronia thither with mee; I was the more
willing to acquaint you therewith; as also what else I have said;
which otherwise had still beene concealed from you。 Nor can you but
take it in good part; if you be wise; and rest well contented with
what is done: considering; if I had any intention eyther to deceive;
or otherwise wrong you; I could have basely left her; and made a
scorne both of her and you; you not having any power to stay mee
heere。 But the Gods will never permitte that any couragious Romane;
should ever conceive so vile and degenerate a thought。
Sophronia; by ordination of the Gods; by force of humane Lawes;
and by the laudable consent of my friend Gisippus; as also the
powerfull command of Love is mine。 But you perchance; imagining your
selves to be wiser then the Gods; or any other men whatsoever; may
thinke ill of it; and more brutishly then beasts; condemne their
working in two kinds; which would be offensive to mee。 The one is;
your detaining of Sophronia from mee; of whom you have no power; but
what pleaseth mee。 The other; is your bitter threatnings against
Gisippus my deare friend; to whom you are in duty obliged。 In both
which cases; how unreasonablie soever you carrie your selves; I intend
not at this time to presse any further。 But rather let mee counsell
you like a friend; to cease your hatred and disdaine; and suffer
Sophronia to be delivered mee; that I may depart contentedly from
you as a kinsman; and (being absent) remaine your friend: assuring
you; that whether what is done shall please or displease you; if you
purpose to proceed any otherwise: I will take Gisippus along with me;;
and when I come to Rome; take such sure order; to fetch her hence; who
in justice is mine; even in meere despight of you all; and then you
shall feele by sound experience; how powerfull is the just indignation
of the wronged Romanes。〃
When Titus had thus concluded his Oration; he arose with a sterne
and discontented countenance; and tooke Gisippus by the hand;
plainly declaring; that he made small account of all the rest that
were in the Temple; and shaking his head at them; rather menaced
then any other wise seemed to care for them。
They which tarried; when they were gone; considering partly on the
reasons alleadged by Titus; and partly terrified by his latest
speeches; became induced; to like well of his alliance and amitie;
as (with common consent) they concluded: that it was much better to
accept Titus as their kinsman (seeing Gisippus had made manifest
refusall thereof) than to lose the kinred of the one; and procure
the hatred of the other。 Wherefore they went to seeke Titus; and
said unto him; they were very well contented that Sophronia should bee
his Wife; hee their deare and loving kinsman; and Gisippus to
remaine their much respected friend。 And embracing one another; making
a solemne feast; such as in the like cases is necessarilie required;
they departed from him; presently sending Sophronia to him; who making
a vertue of necessity; converted her love (in short time after) to
Titus; in as effectuall manner; as formerly shee had done to Gisippus;
and so was sent away with him to Rome; where she was received and
welcommed with very great honour。
Gisippus remaining still at Athens; in small regard of eyther theirs
or his owne friends: not long after by meanes of sundry troublesome
Citizens; and partialities happening among the common people; was
banished from Athens; and hee; as also all his familie; condemned to
perpetuall exile: during which tempestuous time; Gisippus was become
not onely wretchedly poore; but wandred abroad as a common begger;
in which miserable condition he travelled to Rome; to try if Titus
would take any acknowledgement of him。 Understanding that he was
living; and one most respected among the Romanes; as being a great
Commander and a Senator: he enquired for the place where hee dwelt;
and going to be neere about his house; stayed there so long; till
Titus came home; yet not daring to manifest himselfe; or speake a word
to him; in regard of his poore and miserable estate; but strove to
have him see him; to the end; that hee might acknowledge and call
him by his name; notwithstanding; Titus passed by him without either
speech; or looking on him: Which when Gisippus perceived; and making
full account; that (at the least) he would remember him; in regard
of former courtesies; done to him: confounded with griefe and
desperate thoughtes; hee departed thence; never meaning to see him any
Now; in regard it was night; he having eaten not