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Now Ladies; I think I need not demand the question; whether Signior
Ansaldo were wel pleased; or no; who going to beholde t; saw it most
plenteously stored; with al kind of fruit trees; flowers; herbes and
plants; as no one could be named; that was wanting in this artificiall
garden。 And having gathered some pretty store of them; secretly he
sent them to Madam Dianora; inviting hir to come see her Garden;
perfected according to her owne desire; and uppon view thereof; to
confesse the integrity of his love to her; considering and
remembring withall; the promise shee had made him under solemne
oath; that she might be reputed for a woman of her word。
When the Lady beheld the fruites and flowers; and heard many other
thinges recounted; so wonderfully growing in the same Garden: began to
repent her rash promise made; yet notwithstanding her repentance; as
Women are covetous to see all rarities; so; accompanied with divers
Ladies and Gentlewomen more; she went to see the Garden; and having
commended it with much admiration; she returned home againe; the
most sorrowfull Woman as ever lived; considering what she had tyed her
selfe to; for enjoying this Garden。 So excessive grew her griefe and
affliction; that it could not be so clouded or concealed: but her
Husband tooke notice of it; and would needs understand the occasion
thereof。 Long the Lady (in regard of shame and modesty) sate without
returning any answer; but being in the end constrained; she disclosd
the whol History to him。
At the first; Signior Gilberto waxed exceeding angry; but when he
further considered withall; the pure and honest intention of his Wife;
wisely he pacified his former distemper; and saide。 Dianora; it is not
the part of a wise and honest woman; to lend an eare to ambassages
of such immodest nature; much lesse to compound or make agreement
for her honesty; with any person; under any condition whatsoever。
Those perswasions which the heart listeneth to; by allurement of the
eare; have greater power then many do imagine; and nothing is so
uneasie or difficult; but in a lovers judgement it appeareth possible。
Ill didst thou therefore first of all to listen; but worse (afterward)
to contract。
But; because I know the purity of thy soule; I wil yeelde (to
disoblige thee of thy promise) as perhaps no wise man else would do:
mooved thereto onely by feare of the Magitian; who seeing Signior
Ansaldo displeased; because thou makest a mockage of him; will do some
such violent wrong to us; as we shal be never able to recover。
Wherefore; I would have thee go to Signior Ansaldo; and if thou
canst (by any meanes) obtaine of him; the safe…keeping of thy
honour; and ful discharge of thy promise; it shal be an eternall
fame to thee; and the crowne of a most victorious conquest。 But if
it must needs be otherwise; lend him thy body onely for once; but
not thy wil: for actions committed by constraint; wherein the will
is no way guilty; are halfe pardonable by the necessity。
Madame Dianora; hearing her husbands words; wept exceedingly; and
avouched; that shee had not deserved any such especiall grace of
him; and therefore she would rather dye; then doe it。 Neverthelesse;
it was the wil of her Husband to have it so; and therefore (against
her wil) she gave consent。 The next morning; by the breake of day;
Dianora arose; and attiring her selfe in her very meanest garments;
with two servingmen before her; and a waiting Woman following; she
went to the lodging of Signior Ansaldo; who hearing that Madam Dianora
was come to visite him; greatly mervailed; and being risen; he
called the Magitian to him; saying。 Come go with me; and see what
effect will follow upon thine Art。 And being come into her presence;
without any base or inordinate appetite; he did her humble
reverence; embracing her honestly; and taking her into a goodly
Chamber; where a faire fire was readilie prepared; causing her to
sit downe by him; he sayde unto her as followeth。
Madam; I humbly intreat you to resolve me; if the affection I have
long time borne you; and yet do stil; deserve any recompence at all:
you would be pleased then to tel me truly; the occasion of your
instant comming hither; and thus attended as you are。 Dianora;
blushing with modest shame; and the teares trickling mainly down her
faire cheekes; thus answered。 Signior Ansaldo; not for any Love I
beare you; or care of my faithfull promise made to you; but onely by
the command of my husband (who respecting more the paynes and trave of
your inordinate love; then his owne reputation and honor; or mine;)
hath caused me to come hither: and by vertue of his command; am
ready (for once onely) to fulfill your pleasure; but far from any will
or consent in my selfe。 If Signior Ansaldo were abashed at the
first; hee began now to be more confounded with admiration; when he
heard the Lady speake in such strange manner: and being much moved
with the liberall command of her husband; he began to alter his
inflamed heate; into most honourable respect and compassion; returning
her this answer。
Most noble Lady; the Gods forbid (if it be so as you have sayd) that
I should (Villain…like) soile the honour of him; that takes such
unusuall compassion of my unchaste appetite。 And therefore; you may
remaine heere so long as you please; in no other condition; but as
mine owne naturall borne Sister; and likewise; you may depart freely
when you will: conditionally; that (on my behalfe) you render such
thankes to your husband; as you thinke convenient for his great bounty
towards me; accounting me for ever heereafter; as his loyall Brother
and faithfull servant。 Dianora having well observed his answer; her
heart being ready to mount out at her mouth with joy; said。 All the
world could never make mee beleeve (considering your honourable
minde and honesty) that it would happen otherwise to me; then now it
hath done; for which noble courtesie; I will continually remaine
obliged to you。 So; taking her leave; she returned home honorably
attended to her husband; and relating to him what had happened; it
proved the occasion of begetting intire love and friendship;
betweene himselfe and the Noble Lord Ansaldo。
Now concerning the skilfull Magitian; to whom Ansaldo meant to
give the bountifull recompence agreed on betweene them; hee having
seene the strange liberality; which the husband expressed to Signior
Ansaldo; and that of Ansaldo to the Lady; hee presently saide。 Great
jupiter strike me dead with thunder; having my selfe seene a husband
so liberall of his honour; and you Sir of true noble kindnesse; if I
should not be the like of my recompence: for; perceiving it to be so
worthily imployed; I am well contented that you shal keepe it。 The
Noble Lord was modestly ashamed; and strove (so much as in him lay)
that he should take all; or the greater part thereof: but seeing he
laboured meerly in vaine; after the third day was past; and the
Magitian had destroyed the Garden againe; hee gave him free liberty to
depart; quite controlling all fond and unchaste affection in himselfe;
either towards Dianora; or any Lady else; and living (ever after) as
best becommeth any Nobleman