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demeanour; deserveth a Lady of farre greater worth; although (perhaps)
Nobility in blood be denied him; and may make him seeme not so
excellent; as one derived from Royall discent。 Holy and religious
vowes have past betweene us both; and the Ring on his finger; is the
firme pledge of my faith and constancie; never to accept any other man
in marriage; but him onely; although my Father; or any else doe
dislike it。 Wherefore (holy Father) the principall cause of my comming
hither; being already effectually concluded on; I desire to compleat
the rest of my Pilgrimage; by visiting the sanctified places in this
City; whereof there are great plenty: And also; that sacred
marriage; being contracted in the presence of God onely; betweene
Alessandro and my selfe; may by you be publikely confirmed; and in
an open congregation。 For; seeing God hath so appointed it; and our
soules have so solemnely vowed it; that no disaster whatsoever can
alter it: you being Gods Vicar here on earth; I hope will not
gainesay; but confirme it with your fatherly benediction; that wee may
live in Gods feare; and dye in his favour。
Perswade your selves (faire Ladies) that Alessandro was in no
meane admiration; when hee heard; that his wife was daughter to the
King of England; unspeakable joy (questionlesse) wholly overcame
him: but the two Knights were not a little troubled and offended; at
such a straunge and unexpected accident; yea; so violent were their
passions; that had they beene any where else; then in the Popes
presence; Alessandro had felt their furie; and (perhaps) the Princesse
her selfe too。 On the other side; the Pope was much amazed at the
habite she went disguised in; and likewise at the election of her
husband; but; perceiving there was no resistance to be made against
it; hee yeelded the more willingly to satisfie her desire。 And
therefore; having first comforted the two Knights; and made peace
betweene them; the Princesse; and Alessandro; he gave order for the
rest that was to be done。
When the appointed day for the solemnity was come; hee caused the
Princesse (cloathed in most rich and royall garments) to appeare
before all the Cardinals; and many other great persons then in
presence; who were come to this worthy Feast; which hee had caused
purposely to bee prepared; where she seemed so faire and goodly a
Lady; that every eye was highly delighted to behold her; commending
her with no meane admiration。 In like manner was Alessandro greatly
honoured by the two Knights; being most sumptuous in appearance; and
not like a man that had lent money to usury; but rather of very royall
quality; the Pope himselfe celebrating the marriage betweene them;
which being finished; with the most magnificent pompe that could be
devised; hee gave them his benediction; and licenced their departure
Alessandro; his Princesse and her traine thus leaving Rome; they
would needes visite Florence; where the newes of this accident was
(long before) noysed; and they received by the Citizens in royall
manner。 There did shee deliver the three brethren out of prison;
having first payed all their debts; and reseated them againe (with
their wives) in their former inheritances and possessions。
Afterward; departing from Florence; and Agolanto; one of the Uncles
travailing with them to Paris; they were there also most honourably
entertained by the King of France。 From whence the two Knights went
before for England; and prevailed so successefully with the King; that
hee received his daughter into grace and favour; as also his Sonne
in law her husband; to whom hee gave the order of Knighthoode; and
(for his greater dignitie) created him Earle of Cornewall。
And such was the noble spirit of Alessandro; that he pacified the
troubles betweene the King and his sonne; whereon ensued great comfort
to the Kingdome; winning the love and favour of all the people; and
Agolanto (by the meanes of Alessandro) recovered all that was due to
him and his brethren in England; returning richly home to Florence;
Count Alessandro (his kinsman) having first dub'd him Knight。 Long
time he lived in peace and tranquility; with the faire Princesse his
wife; proving to be so absolute in wisedome; and so famous a Souldier;
that (as some report) by assistance of his Father in law; he conquered
the Realme of Ireland; and was crowned King thereof。
Landolpho Ruffolo; falling into poverty; became a Pirate on the
Seas; and being taken by the Genewayes; hardly escaped drowning: Which
yet (neverthelesse) he did; upon a little Chest or Coffer; full of
very rich Jewels; being carried thereon to Corfu; where he was well
entertained by a good woman; And afterward; returned richly home to
his owne house。
Madam Lauretta; sitting next to Madam Pampinea; and seeing how
triumphantly she had finished her discourse; without attending any
thing else; spake thus。 Gracious Ladies; we shall never behold (in
mine opinion) a greater act of Fortune; then to see a man so suddainly
exalted; even from the lowest depth of poverty; to a Royall estate
of dignity; as the discourse of Madam Pampinea hath made good; by
the happy advancement of Alessandro。 And because it appeareth
necessary; that whosoever discourseth on the subject proposed;
should no way vary from the very same termes; I shall not shame to
tell a tale; which; though it containe far greater mishapes then the
former; may sort to as happy an issue; albeit not so noble and
magnificent。 In which respect; it may (perhaps) merit the lesse
attention; but howsoever that fault shall be found in you; I meane
to discharge mine owne duty。
Opinion hath made it famous for long time; that the Seacoast of
Rhegium to Gaieta; is the onely delactable part of all Italy; wherein;
somewhat neere to Salerno; is a shore looking upon the Sea; which
the inhabitants there dwelling; doe call the coast of Malfy; full of
small Townes; Gardens; Springs; and wealthy men; trading in as many
kindes of Merchandizes; as any other people that I know。 Among which
Townes; there is one; named Ravello; wherein (as yet to this day there
are rich people) there was (not long since) a very wealthy man;
named Landolpho Ruffolo; who being not contented with his riches;
but coveting to multiply them double and trebble; fell in danger; to
loose both himselfe and wealth together。 This man (as other
Merchants are wont to doe) after hee had considered on his affaires;
bought him a very goodly Ship; lading it with divers sorts of
Merchandizes; all belonging to himselfe onely; and making his voyage
to the Isle of Cyprus。 Where he found; over and beside the
Merchandizes he had brought thither; many Ships more there arrived;
and all laden with the same commodities; in regard whereof; it was
needefull for him; not onely to make a good Mart of his goods; but
also was further constrained (if hee meant to vent his commodities) to
sell them away (almost) for nothing; endangering his utter destruction
and overthrow。 Whereu