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the decameron(十日谈)-第195章

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shillings then about him; which he delivered to Bruno; who presently
went to Florence; to a frend of his an Apothecarie; of whom he
bought a pound of white Ginger; which hee caused him to make uppe in
small Pilles: and two other beside of a Dogges…dates or Dowsets;
confected all over with strong Aloes; yet well moulded in Sugare; as
all the rest were: and because they should the more easily bee
knowne from the other; they were spotted with Gold; in verie formall
and Physicall manner。 He bought moreover; a big Flaggon of the best
Malmesey; returning backe with all these things to Calandrino; and
directing him in this order。
  You must put some friend in trust; to invite your Neighbors
(especially such as you suspect) to a breakfast in the morning: and
because it is done as a feast in kindnesse; they will come to you
the more willingly。 This night will I and Buffalmaco take such
order; that the Pilles shall have the charge imposed on them; and then
wee will bring them hither againe in the morning: and I; my selfe (for
your sake) will deliver them to your guests; and performe whatsoever
is to bee sayde or done。 On the next morning; a goodly company being
assembled; under a faire Elme before the Church; as well young
Florentynes (who purposely came to make themselves merry) as
neighbouring Husbandmen of the Village: Bruno was to begin the
service; with the Pils in a faire Cup; and Buffalmaco followed him
with another Cup; to deliver the wine out of the Flaggon; all the
company beeing set round; as in a circle; and Bruno with Buffalmaco
being in the midst of them; Bruno thus spake。
 Honest friends; it is fit that I should acquaint you with the
occasion; why we are thus met together; and in this place: because
if anie thing may seeme offensive to you; afterward you shall make
no complaint of me。 From Calandrino (our loving friend heere
present) yesternight there was a new…kild fat Brawne taken; but who
hath done the deede; as yet he knoweth not; and because none other;
but some one (or more) heere among us; must needs offend in this case:
he; desiring to understand who they be; would have each man to receive
one of these Pilles; and afterward to drinke of this Wine; assuring
you all; that whosoever stole the Brawne hence; cannot be able to
swallow the Pill: for it wil be so extreme bitter in his mouth; as
it will enforce him to Coughe and spet extraordinarily。 In which
respect; before such a notorious shame be received; and in so goodly
an assembly; as now are heere present: it were much better for him
or them that have the Brawne; to confesse it in private to this honest
Priest; and I will abstaine from urging anie such publike proofe。
  Every one there present answered; that they were well contented both
to eate and drinke; and let the shame fall where it deserved;
whereupon; Bruno appointing them how they should sit; and placing
Calandrino as one among them: he began his counterfeite exorcisme;
giving each man a Pill; and Buffalmaco a Cup of Wine after it。 But
when he came to Calandrino; hee tooke one of them which was made of
the Dogges dates or Dowsets; and delivering it into his hand;
presently hee put it into his mouth and chewed it。 So soone as his
tongue tasted the bitter Aloes; he began to coughe and spet extreamly;
as being utterly unable; to endure the bitternesse and noysome
smell。 The other men that had receyved the Pils; beganne to gaze one
upon another; to see whose behaviour should discover him; and Bruno
having not (as yet) delivered Pils to them all; proceeded on still
in his businesse; as seeming not to heare any coughing; till one
behinde him; saide。 What meaneth Calandrino by this spetting and
  Bruno sodainely turning him about; and seeing Calandrino to cough
and spet in such sort; saide to the rest。 Be not too rash (honest
Friends) in judging of any man; some other matter (then the Pille) may
procure this Coughing; wherfore he shall receive another; the better
to cleare your beleefe concerning him。 He having put the second
prepared Pill into his mouth; while Bruno went to serve the rest of
the Guests: if the first was exceeding bitter to his taste; this other
made it a great deale worse; for teares streamed forth of his eyes
as bigge as Cherry…stones; and champing and chewing the Pill; as
hoping it would overcome his coughing; he coughed and spette the
more violently; and in grosser manner then he did before; nor did they
give him any wine to helpe it。
  Buffalmaco; Bruno; and the whole company; perceiving how he
continued still his coughing and spetting; saide all with one voyce;
That Calandrino was the Theefe to him selfe: and gave him manie grosse
speeches beside; all departing home unto their houses; very much
displeased and angry with him。 After they were gone; none remained
with him but the Priest; Bruno and Buffalmaco; who thus spake to
Calandrino。 I did ever thinke; that thou wast the theefe thy selfe;
yet thou imputedst thy robbery to some other; for feare we should once
drinke freely of thy purse; as thou hast done many times of ours。
Calandrino; who had not yet ended his coughing and spetting; sware
many bitter Oathes; that his Brawne was stolne from him。 Talke so long
as thou wilt; quoth Buffalmaco; thy knavery is both knowne and
seene; and well thou mayst be ashamed of thy selfe。 Calandrino hearing
this; grew desperately angry; and to incense him more; Bruno thus
pursued the matter。
  Heare me Calandrino; for I speake to thee in honest earnest; there
was a man in the company; who did eate and drinke heere among thy
neighbours; and plainly told me; that thou keptst a young Lad heere to
do thee service; feeding him with such victuals as thou couldst spare;
by him thou didst send away thy Brawne; to one that bought it of
thee for foure Crownes; onely to cousen thy poore wife and us。 Canst
thou not yet learne to leave thy mocking and scorning? Thou hast
forgotte; how thou broughtst us to the plaine of Mugnone; to seeke for
black invisible stones: which having found; thou concealedst them to
thy selfe; stealing home invisibly before us; and making us follow
like fooles after thee。
  Now likewise; by horrible lying Oathes; and perjured
protestations; thou wouldst make us beleeve; that the Brawne (which
thou hast cunningly sold for ready money) was stolne from thee out
of thy house; when thou art onely the Theefe to thy selfe; as by
that excellent rule of Art (which never faileth) hath plainly; to
thy shame; appeared。 Wee being so well acquainted with thy
delusions; and knowing them perfectly; now do plainly tell thee;
that we mean not to be foold any more。 Nor is it unknowne to thee;
what paines wee have taken; in making this singular peece of proofe。
Wherefore we inflict this punishment on thee; that thou shalt bestow
on this honest Priest and us; two couple of Capons; and a Flaggon of
Wine; or else we will discover this knavery of thine to thy Wife。
  Calandrino perceiving; that all his protestations could winne no
credit with them; who had now the Law remaining in their owne hands;
and purposed to deale with him as they pleased: apparantly saw; that
sighing and sorrow did nothing avail
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