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intended to make triall of thine honest carriage。 Well Sir (sayde
shee) twas happy that hee tempted mee with words; and let you taste
the proofe of them by deeds: and let him thinke; that I brooke those
words as distastably; as you do or can; his ill deeds。 But seeing he
is so just; faithfull; and loyall to you; you may love him the better;
and respect him as you finde occasion。
Whereto Egano thus replyed。 Now trust me thou hast said very well:
And me wi drawing hence the argument of his setled perswasion; that he
had the chastest Woman living to his wife; and so just a Servant; as
could not be fellowed: there never was any further discoverie of
this Garden…night accident。 Perhaps; Madame Beatrix and Anichino might
subtilly smile thereat in secret; in regard that they knew more then
any other else beside did。 But; as for honest meaning Egano; hee never
had so much as the verie least mistrust of ill dealing; either in
his Lady; or Anichino; whom hee loved and esteemed farre more
respectively uppon this proofe of his honestie towards him; then hee
would or could possibly have done; without a triall so playne and
Arriguccio Berlinghieri; became immeasurably jelous of his Wife
Simonida; who fastened a thred about her great toe; for to serve as
a small; when her amorous friend should come to visite her。 Arriguccio
findeth the fallacie; and while he pursueth the amorous friend; shee
causeth her Maide to lye in her bed against his returne: whom he
beateth extreamly; cutting away the lockes of her haire (thinking he
had doone all this violence to his wife Simonida:) and afterward
fetcheth her Mother and Brethren; to shame her before them; and so
be rid of her。 But they finding all his speeches to be utterly
false; and reputing him to bee a drunken jealous foole; all the
blame and disgrace falleth on himselfe。
It seemed to the whole assembly; that Madam Beatrix; dealte somewhat
strangely; in the manner of beguiling her husband; and affirmed
also; that Anichino had great cause of fear; when she held him so
strongly by her beds side; and related all his amorous temptation。 But
when the King perceyved; that Madame Philomena sate silent; he
turned to Madam Neiphila; willing her to supply the next place; who
modestly smiling; thus began。
Faire Ladies; it were an heavy burthen imposed on me; and a matter
much surmounting my capacity; if I should vainely imagine; to
content you with so pleasing a Novell; as those have already done;
by you so singularly reported: neverthelesse; I must discharge my
dutie; and take my fortune as it fals; albeit I hope to finde you
You are to know then; that sometime there lived in our Citie; a very
welthy Merchant; named Arriguccio Berlinghieri; who (as many Merchants
have done) fondly imagined; to make himselfe a Gentleman by
marriage。 Which that he might the more assuredly do; he took to wife a
Gentlewoman; one much above his degree or element; she being named
Simonida。 Now; in regard that he delighted (as it is the usuall life
of a Merchant) to be often abroad; and little at home; whereby shee
had small benefit of his company; shee grew very forward in
affection with a young Gentleman; called Signior Roberto; who had
solicited hir by many amorous meanes; and (at length) prevailed to win
her favor。 Which favour being once obtained; affection gaddes so farre
beyond al discretion; and makes Lovers so heedelesse of their
private conversations: that either they are taken tardy in their
folly; or else subjected to scandalous suspition。
It came to passe; that Arriguccio; either by rumour; or some other
more sensible apprehension; had received such intelligence
concerning his Wife Simonida; as he grew into extraordinarie jealousie
of her; refraining travaile abroad; as formerly he was wont to doe;
and ceassing from his verie ordinary affayres; addicting all his
care and endeavour; onely to be watchfull of his Wife; so that he
never durst sleepe; untill she were by him in the bed; which was no
meane mollestation to her; being thus curbd from her familiar meetings
with Roberto。 Neverthelesse; having a long while consulted with her
wittes; to find some apte meanes for conversing with him; being
thereto also very earnestlie still solicited by him; you shall heare
what course she undertooke。
Her Chamber being on the streete side; and somewhat juttying over
it; she observed the disposition of her Husband; that every night it
was long before he fell asleepe: but beeing once falne into it; no
noyse whatsoever; could easily wake him。 This his solemne and sound
sleeping; emboldned her so farre; as to meete with Roberto at the
streete doore; which (while her Husband slept) softly she would open
to him; and therein private converse with him。
But; because shee would know the certaine houre of his comming;
without the least suspition of any: she hung a thred forth of her
Chamber Window; descending downe; within the compasse of Robertoes
reach in the street; and the other end thereof; guided from the Window
to the bed; being conveyed under the Cloathes; and shee being in
bed; she fastned it about her left great Toe; wherewith Roberto was
sufficiently acquainted; and thus enstructed withall; that at his
comming; he should plucke the thred; and if her husband was in his
dead sleep; she would let go the thred; and come downe to him: but
if he slept not; she would hold it strongly; and then his tarrying
would prove but in vaine; there could be no meeting that night。
This devise was highly pleasing both to Roberto and Simonida;
being the intelligencer of their often meeting; and many times also
advising the contrary。 But in the end; as the quaintest cunning may
faile at one time or other; so it fortuned one night; that Simonida
being in a sound sleepe; and Arriguccio waking; because his drowsie
houre was not yet come: as he extendeth forth his legge in the bed; he
found the thred; which feeling in his hand; and perceiving it was tyed
to his wives great toe; it prooved apt tinder to kindle further
jealousie; and now hee suspected some treachery indeede; and so much
the rather because the thred guided (under the cloathes) from the
bed to the window; and there hanging downe into the streete; as a
warning to some further businesse。
Now was Arriguccio so furiously enflamed; that hee must needes bee
further resolved in this apparant doubt: and because therein hee would
not be deceived; softly he cut the thred from his wives toe; and
made it fast about his owne; to trye what successe would ensue
thereon。 It was not long before Roberto came; and according as hee
used to doe; hee pluckt the thred; which Arriguccio felt; but
because hee had not tyed it fast; and Roberto pulling it
over…hardly; it fell downe from the window into his hand; which he
understood as his lesson; to attend her comming; and so hee did。
Arriguccio stealing softly