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set the Pan into that spare place; because it should not bee offensive
to us。 By this time; Herculano had espied him that sneezed; who
being almost stifled with the smell; and closenesse of the small roome
wherein hee lay; had not any power to helpe himselfe; but still
continued coughing and sneezing; even as if his heart would have split
in twaine。 Foorth hee pluckt him by the heeles; and perceiving how
matter had past; hee saide to her。 I thanke you Wife now I see the
reason; why you kept us so long from comming into this roome: let
mee die; if I beare this wrong at your hands。 When his Wife heard
these words; and saw the discovery of her shame; without returning
either excuse or answere; foorth of doores shee ranne; but whither;
wee know not。 Herculano drew his Dagger; and would have slaine him
that still lay sneezing: but I disswaded him from it; as well in
respect of his; as also mine owne danger; when the Law should
censure on the deede。 And after the young man was indifferently
recovered; by the perswasion of some Neighbours comming in: hee was
closely conveyed out of the House; and all the noyse quietly pacified。
Onely (by this meanes; and the flight of Herculanoes Wife) wee were
disappointed of our Supper; and now you know the reason of my so soone
When shee had heard this whole discourse; then shee perceived;
that other Women were subject to the like infirmitie; and as wise
for themselves; as shee could be; though these the like sinister
accidents might sometime crosse them: and gladly shee wished; that
Herculanoes Wives excuse; might now serve to acquite her: but
because in blaming others errours; our owne may sometime chance to
escape discovery; and cleare us; albeit wee are as guilty; in a sharpe
reprehending manner; thus shee began。 See Husband; heere is hansome
behaviour; of an holy faire…seeming; and Saint…like woman; to whom I
durst have confest my sinnes; I conceived such a religious
perswasion of her lives integrety; free from the least scruple of
taxation。 A woman; so farre stept into yeeres; as shee is; to give
such an evill example to younger women; is it not a sinne beyond all
sufferance? Accursed be the houre; when she was borne into this World;
and her selfe likewise; to bee so lewdly and incontinently given; an
universall shame and slaunder; to all the good women of our City。
Shall I tearme her a woman; or rather some savage monster in a
womans shape? Hath shee not made an open prostitution of her
honesty; broken her plighted faith to her Husband; and all the womanly
reputation shee had in this World? Her Husband; being an honourable
Citizen; entreating her alwayes; as few men else in the City doe their
wives; what an heart…breake must this needes bee to him; good man?
Neither I; nor any honest man else; ought to have any pity on her; but
(with our owne hands) teare her in peeces; or dragge her along to a
good fire in the Market place; wherein she and her minion should be
consumed together; and their base ashes dispersed abroad in the winde;
least the pure Aire should be infected with them。
Then; remembring her owne case; and her poore affrighted friend; who
lay in such distresse under the Hen…coope; she began to advise her
Husband; that he would be pleased to go to bed; because the night
passed on apace。 But Pedro; having a better will to eate; then to
sleepe; desired her to let him have some meate; else hee must goe to
bed with an empty bellie; whereto shee answered。 Why Husband (quoth
shee) doe I make any large provision; when I am de。 bard of your
company? I would I were the Wife of Herculano; seeing you cannot
content your selfe from one nights feeding; considering; it is now
over…late to make any thing ready。
It fortuned; that certaine Husbandmen; which had the charge of
Pedroes Farmehouse in the Countrey; and there followed his affaires of
Husbandry; were returned home this instant night; having their Asses
laden with such provision; as was to bee used in his City…house。
When the Asses were unladen; and set up in a small Stable; without
watering; one off them being (belike) more thirsty then the rest;
brake loose; and wandering all about smelling to seeke water; happened
into the entry; where the young man lay hidden under the Hen pen。 Now;
hee being constrained (like a Carpe) to lye flat on his belly; because
the Coope was over…weighty for him to carry; and one of his hands more
extended foorth; then was requisite for him in so urgent a shift: it
was his hap (or ill fortune rather) that the Asse set his foote on the
young mans fingers; treading so hard; and the paine being very
irkesome to him; as hee was enforced to cry out aloude: which Pedro
hearing; he wondered thereat not a little。
Knowing that this cry was in his house; hee tooke the Candle in
his hand; and going foorth of the Parlour; heard the cry to be louder;
because the Asse removed not his foote; but rather trod the more
firmely on his hand。 Comming to the Coope; driving the Asse; and
taking off the old sacke; he espyed the young man; who; beside the
painefull anguish he felt of his fingers; arose up trembling; as
fearing some outrage beside to bee offered him by Pedro; who knew
the youth perfectly; and demaunded of him; how he came thither。 No
answere did hee make to that question; but humbly entreated (for
charities sake) that hee would not doe him any harme。 Feare not (quoth
Pedro) I will not offer thee any violence: onely tell mee how thou
camest hither; and for what occasion; wherein the youth fully resolved
Pedro being no lesse joyfull for thus find。 him; then his Wife was
sorrowfull; tooke him by the hand; and brought him into the Parlour;
where shee sate trembling and quaking; as not knowing what to say in
this distresse。 Seating himselfe directly before her; and holding
the youth still fast by the hand; thus hee began。 Oh Wife! What bitter
speeches did you use (even now) against the Wife of Herculano;
maintaining that shee had shamed all other women; and justly
deserved to be burned? Why did you not say as much of your selfe?
Or; if you had not the heart to speake; how could you bee so cruell
against her; knowing your offence as great as hers? Questionlesse;
nothing else urged you thereto; but that all women are of one and
the same condition; covering their owne grosse faults by farre
inferiour infirmities in others。 You are a perverse generation;
meerely false in your fairest shewes。
When she saw that he offered her no other violence; but gave her
such vaunting and reproachfull speeches; holding still the young man
before her face; meerely vexe and despight her: shee began to take
heart; and thus replied。 Doest thou compare mee with the Wife of
Herculano; who is an old; dissembling hypocrite? Yet she can have of
him whatsoever shee desireth; and he useth her as a woman ought to be;
which favour I could never yet finde at thy hands。 Put the case;
that thou keepest me in good garments; allowing mee to goe neatly
hosed and shod; yet well thou knowest; there are other meere matters
belonging to a woman; and every way as necessarily required; both
for the preservation of Houshold quietnesse; an