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them; as indeed they did; notwithstanding all her out cryes and
exclaimes; bearing her perforce aboard their Barke。
Setting sayle thence; they arrived in Calabria; and then there
grew a great contention betweene them; to which of them this booty
of beauty should belong; because each of them pleaded a title to
her。 But when they could not grow to any agreement; but doubted
greater disasters would ensue thereon; by breaking their former league
of friendship: by an equall conformity in consent; they resolved; to
bestow her as a rich present; on Frederigo King of Sicille; who was
then young and joviall; and could not be pleased with a better gift;
wherefore; they were no sooner landed at Palermo; but they did
according as they had determined。 The King did commend her beauty
extraordinarily; and liked her farre beyond all his other Loves:
but; being at that time empaired in his health; and his body much
distempered by ill dyet; he gave command; that untill he should be
in more able disposition; she must be kept in a goodly house of his
owne; erected in a beautifull Garden; called the Cube; where she was
attended in most pompous manner。
Now grew the noyse and rumor great in Ischia; about this rape or
stealing away of Restituta; but the chiefest greevance of all; was;
that it could not be knowne how; by whom; or by what meanes。 But Guion
di Procida; whom this injury concerned much more then any other: stood
not in expectation of better tydings from Ischia; but h earing what
course the Barke had taken; made ready another; to follow after with
all possible speede。 Flying thus on the winged winds through the Seas;
even from Minerva; unto the Scalea in Calabria; searching for his lost
Love in every angle: at length it was told him at the Scalea; that
shee was carryed away by certaine Sicillian Marriners; to Palermo;
whither Guion set sayle immediately。
After some diligent search made there; he understood; that she was
delivered to the King; and he had given strict command; for keeping
her in his place of pleasure; called the Cube: which newes were not
a little greevous to him; for now he was almost quite out of hope; not
onely of ever enjoying her; but also of seeing her。 Neverthelesse;
Love would not let him utterly despaire; whereupon he sent away his
Barque; and perceiving himselfe to be unknowne of any; he continued
for some time in Palermo; walking many times by that goodly place of
pleasure。 It chanced on a day; that keeping his walke as he used to
do; Fortune was so favourable to him; as to let him have a sight of
her at her window; from whence also she had a full view of him; to
their exceeding comfort and contentment。 And Guion observing; that the
Cube was seated in a place of small resort; approached so neere as
possibly he durst; to have some conference with Restituta。
As Love sets a keene edge on the dullest spirit; and (by a small
advantage) makes a man the more adventurous: so this little time of
unseene talke; inspired him with courage; and her with witty advice;
by what meanes his accesse might be much neerer to her; and their
communication concealed from any discovery; the scituation of the
place; and benefit of time duly considered。 Night must be the cloud to
their amorous conclusion; and therefore; so much thereof being
spent; as was thought convenient; he returned thither againe; provided
of such grappling…yrons; as is required when men will clamber; made
fast unto his hands and knees; by their helpe hee attained to the
top of the wall; whence discending downe into the Garden; there he
found the maine yard of a ship; whereof before she had given him
instruction; and rearing it up against her Chamber window; made that
his meanes for ascending thereto; she having left it open for his
easier entrance。
You cannot denie (faire Ladies) but here was a very hopefull
beginning; and likely to have as happy an ending; were it not true
Loves fatal misery; even in the very height of promised assurance;
to be thwarted by unkind prevention; and in such manner as I will tell
you。 This night; intended for our Lovers meeting; proved disastrous
and dreadfull to them both: for the King; who at the first sight of
Restituta; was highly pleased with her excelling beauty; gave order to
his Eunuches and other women; that a costly bathe should be prepared
for her; and therein to let her weare away that night; because the
next day he intended to visit her。 Restituta being royally conducted
from her Chamber to the Bathe; attended on with Torchlight; as if
she had bene a Queene: none remained there behind; but such women as
waited on her; and the Guards without; which watched the Chamber。
No sooner was poore Guion aloft at the window; calling softly to his
Mistresse; as if she had bene there; but he was over…heard by the
women in the darke: and immediately apprehended by the Guard; who
forthwith brought him before the Lord Marshall; where being
examined; and he avouching; that Restituta was his elected wife; and
for her he had presumed in that manner; closely was he kept in
prison till the next morning。 When he came into the Kings presence;
and there boldly justified the goodnesse of his cause: Restituta
likewise was sent for; who no sooner saw her deare Love Guion; but she
ran and caught him fast about the necke; kissing him in teares; and
greeving not a little at his hard fortune。 Heereat the King grew
exceedingly enraged; loathing and hating her now; much more then
formerly hee did affect her; and having himselfe seene by what strange
meanes he did climbe over the wall; and then mounted to her Chamber
window; he was extreamely impatient; and could not otherwise bee
perswaded; but that their meetings thus had bene very many。
Forthwith hee sentenced them both with death; commanding; that
they should be conveyed thence to Palermo; and there (being stript
starke naked) be bound to a stake backe to backe; and so to stand
the full space of nine houres; to see if any could take knowledge;
of whence; or what they were; then afterward; to be consumed with
fire。 The sentence of death; did not so much daunt or dismay the poore
Lovers; as the uncivill and unsightly manner; which (in feare of the
Kings wrathfull displeasure) no man durst presume to contradict。
Wherefore; as he had commanded; so were they carryed thence to
Palermo; and bound naked to a stake in the open Market place; and
(before their eyes) the fire of wood brought; which was to consume
them; according to the houre as the King had appointed。 You neede
not make any question; what an huge concourse of people were soone
assembled together; to behold such a sad and wofull spectacle; even
the whole City of Palermo; both men and women。 The men were stricken
with admiration; beholding the unequalled beauty of faire Restituta;
and the selfe…same passion possessed the women; seeing Guion to be
such a goodly and compleat young man: but the poore infortunate Lovers
themselves; they stood with their lookes dejected to the ground; being
much pittied of all; but no way to be holpen or rescued by any;
awaiting when the happy houre would come; to finish both their shame
and lives together。