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and justly reprooved mine avarice; niggardnesse; and base folly。 And
trust me Bergamino; I never felt such a fit of covetousnesse come upon
me; as this which I have dishonestly declared to thee: and which I
will now banish from me; with the same correction as thou hast
taught mee。 So; having payed the Host all his charges; redeeming
also his robes or garments; mounting him on a good Gelding; and
putting plenty of Crownes in his purse; he referd it to his owne
choise to depart; or dwell there still with him。
Guillaume Boursier; with a few quaint and familiar words; checkt the
miserable covetousnesse of Signior Herminio de Grimaldi。
Madam Lauretta; sitting next to Philostratus; when she had heard the
witty conceite of Bergamino; knowing; that she was to say somewhat;
without injunction or command; pleasantly thus began。
This last discourse (faire and vertuous company) induceth me to tell
you; how an honest Courtier reprehended in like manner (and nothing
unprofitably) base covetousnesse in a Merchant of extraordinary
wealth。 Which Tale; although (in effect) it may seeme to resemble
the former; yet perhaps; it will prove no lesse pleasing to you; in
regard it sorted to as good an end。
It is no long time since; that there lived in Genes or Geneway; a
Gentleman named Signior Herminio de Grimaldo; who (as every one wel
knew) was more rich in inheritances; and ready summes of currant money
then any other knowne Citizen in Italy。 And as hee surpassed other men
in wealth; so did he likewise excell them in wretched Avarice; being
so miserably greedy and covetous; as no man in the world could be more
wicked that way; because; not onely he kept his purse lockt up from
pleasuring any; but denied needfull things to himselfe; enduring
many miseries onely to avoid expences; contrary to the Genewayes
generall custom; who alwayes delighted to be decently cloathed; and to
have their dyet of the best。 By reason of which most miserable
basenesse; they tooke away from him the Sirname of Grimaldi; whereof
he was in right descended; and called him master Herminio the covetous
Mizer; a nickname very notably agreeing with his gripple nature。
It came to passe; that in this time of his spending nothing; but
multiplying daily by infinite meanes; that a civill honest Gentleman
(a Courtier of ready wit; and discoursive in Languages) came to
Geneway; being named Guillaume Boursier。 A man very farre differing
from divers Courtiers in these dayes; who for soothing shamefull and
gracelesse maners in such as allow them maintenance; are called and
reputed to bee Gentlemen; yea speciall favourites: whereas much more
worthily; they should be accounted as knaves and villaines; being
borne and bred in all filthinesse; and skilfull in every kinde of
basest behaviour; not fit to come in Princes Courts。 For; whereas in
passed times; they spent their dayes and paines in making peace;
when Gentlemen were at warre or dissention; or treating on honest
marriages; betweene friends and familiars; and (with loving
speeches) would recreate disturbed mindes; desiring none but
commendable exercises in Court; and sharpely reprooving (like Fathers)
disordred life; or ill actions in any; albeit with recompence
little; or none at all; these upstarts now adayes; employ all their
paines in detractions; sowing questions and quarrels betweene one
another; making no spare of lyes and falshoods。 Nay which is worse;
they wil do this in the presence of any man; upbraiding him with
injuries; shames; and scandals (true or not true) upon the very
least occasion。 And by false and deceitful flatteries and villanies of
their owne inventing; they make Gentlemen to become as vile as
themselves。 For which detestable qualities; they are better beloved
and respected of their misdemeanored Lords; and recompenced in more
bountifull maner; then men of vertuous carriage and desert。 Which is
an argument sufficient; that goodnesse is gone up to heaven; and
hath quite forsaken these loathed lower Regions; where men are drowned
in the mud of all abhominable vices。
But returning where I left (being led out of my way by a just and
religious anger against such deformity) this Gentleman; Master
Guillaume Boursier; was willingly seene; and gladly welcommed by all
the best men in Geneway。 Having remained some few daies in the City;
and amongst other matters; heard much talke of the miserable
covetousnesse of master Herminio; he grew very desirous to have a
sight of him。 Master Herminio had already understood; that this
Gentleman; Master Guillaume Boursier was vertuously disposed; and (how
covetously soever hee was inclined) having in him some sparkes of
noble nature; gave him very good words; and gracious entertainment;
discoursing with him on divers occasions。
In company of other Genewayes with him; he brought him to a new
erected house of his; a building of great cost and beauty; where;
after he had shewne him all the variable rarieties; he beganne thus。
Master Guillaume; no doubt but you have heard and seene many things;
and you can instruct me in some queint conceit or device; to be fairly
figured in painting; at the entrance into the great Hall of my
House。 Master Guillaume hearing him speake so simply; returned him
this answer: Sir; I cannot advise you in any thing; so rare or unseene
as you talk of: but how to sneeze (after a new manner) upon a full and
over…cloyed stomacke; to avoyde base humours that stupifie the braine;
or other matters of the like quality。 But if you would be taught a
good one indeede; and had a disposition to see it fairely effected;
I could instruct you in an excellent Emblem; wherwith (as yet) you
never came acquainted。
Master Herminio hearing him say so; and expecting no such answer
as he had; saide; Good Master Guillaume; tell me what it is; and on my
faith I will have it fairely painted。 Whereto Master Guillaume
suddenly replied; Do nothing but this Sir: Paint over the Portall of
your Halles enterance; the lively picture of Liberality; to bid all
your friends better welcome; then hitherto they have beene。 When
Master Herminio heard these words; he becam possessed with such a
sudden shame; that his complexion changed from the former palenesse;
and answered thus。 Master Guillaume; I will have your advice so
truly figured over my gate; and shee shall give so good welcome to all
my guests; that both you; and all these Gentlemen shall say; I have
both seene her; and am become reasonably acquainted with her。 From
that time forward; the words of Master Guillaume were so effectuall
with Signior Herminio; that he became the most bountifull and best
house…keeper; which lived in his time in Geneway: no man more
honouring and friendly welcoming both strangers and Citizens; then
he continually used to do。