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Candye; where every one made account; but especially Chynon; in regard
of ancient and new combined Kindred; as also very intimate friends; to
finde very worthy entertainement; and so to continue there safely with
Iphigenia。 But Fortune; who was so favourable to Chynon; in granting
him so pleasing a Conquest; to shew her constancy; so sodainly changed
the inestimable joy of our jocond Lover; into as heavy sorrow and
disaster。 For; foure houres were not fully compleated; since his
departure from the Rhodians; but darke night came upon them; and he
sitting conversing with his faire Mistresse; in the sweetest solace of
his soule; the winds began to blow roughly; the Seas swelled
angerly; and a tempest arose impetuously; that no man could see what
his duty was to do; in such a great unexpected distresse; nor how to
warrant themselves from perishing。
If this accident were displeasing to poore Chynon; I thinke the
question were in vaine demanded: for now it seemeth to him; that the
Godds had granted his cheefe desire; to the end he should dye with the
greater anguish; in losing both his love and life together。 His
friends likewise; felte the selfesame affliction; but especially
Iphigenia; who wept and greeved beyond all measure; to see the ship
beaten with such stormy billowes; as threatned her sinking every
minute。 Impatiently she cursed the love of Chynon; greatly blaming his
desperate boldnesse; and maintaining; that so violent a tempest
could never happen; but onely by the Gods displeasure; who would not
permit him to have a wife against their will; and therefore thus
punished his proud presumption; not onely in his unavoidable death;
but also that her life must perish for company。
She continuing in these wofull lamentations; and the Mariners
labouring all in vaine; because the violence of the tempest
encreased more and more; so that every moment they expected
wracking: they were carried (contrary to their owne knowledge) very
neere unto the Isle of Rhodes; which they being no way able to
avoyd; and utterly ignorant of the Coast; for safety of their lives;
they laboured to land there if possibly they might。 Wherein Fortune
was somewhat furtherous to them; driving them into a small gulfe of
the Sea; whereinto (but a little while before) the Rhodians; from whom
Chynon had taken Iphigenia; were newly entred with their ship。 Nor had
they any knowledge each of other; till the breake of day (which made
the heavens to looke more clearly) gave them discovery of being within
a flight shoote together。 Chynon looking forth; and espying the same
ship which he had left the day before; hee grew exceeding
sorrowfull; as fearing that which after followed; and therefore hee
willed the Mariners; to get away from her by all their best endeavour;
and let fortune afterward dispose of them as she pleased; for into a
worse place they could not come; nor fall into the like danger。
The Mariners employed their very utmost paines; and all proved but
losse of time: for the winde was so sterne; and the waves so
turbulent; that still they drove them the contrary way: so that
striving to get forth of the gulfe; whether they would or no; they
were driven on land; and instantly knowne to the Rhodians; whereof
they were not a little joyfull。 The men of Rhodes being landed; ran
presently to the neere…neighbouring Villages; where dwelt divers
worthy Gentlemen; to whom they reported the arrivall of Chynon; what
fortune befell them at Sea; and that Iphigenia might now be
recovered againe with chastisement to Chynon for his bold insolence。
They being very joyfull of these good newes; took so many men as
they could of the same Village; and ran immediately to the Sea side;
where Chynon being newly Landed and his people; intending flight
into a neere adjoyning Forrest; for defence of himselfe and Iphigenia;
they were all taken; led thence to the Village; and afterwards to
the chiefe City of Rhodes。
No sooner were they arrived; but Pasimondo; the intended Husband for
Iphigenia (who had already heard the tydings) went and complained to
the Senate; who appointed a Gentleman of Rhodes named Lysimachus;
and being that yeere soveraigne Magistrate over the Rhodians; to go
well provided for the apprehension of Chynon and his company;
committing them to prison; which accordingly was done。 In this manner;
the poore unfortunate lover Chynon; lost his faire Iphigenia; having
won her in so short a while before; and scarsely requited with so much
as a kisse。 But as for Iphigenia; she was royally welcommed by many
Lords and Ladies of Rhodes; who so kindely comforted her; that she
soone forgotte all her greefe and trouble on the Sea; remaining in
company of those Ladies and Gentlewomen; untill the day determined for
her marriage。
At the earnest entreaty of divers Rhodian Gentlemen; who were in the
Ship with Iphigenia; and had their lives courteously saved by
Chynon: both he and his friends had their lives likewise spared;
although Pasimondo laboured importunately; to have them all put to
death; onely they were condemned to perpetuall imprisonment; which
(you must thinke) was most greevous to them; as being now hopelesse of
any deliverance。 But in the meane time; while Pasimondo was ordering
his nuptiall preparation; Fortune seeming to repent the wrongs she had
done to Chynon; prepared a new accident; whereby to comfort him in
this deepe distresse; and in such manner as I will relate unto you。
Pasimondo had a Brother; yonger then he in yeeres; but not a jot
inferiour to him in vertue; whose name was Hormisda; and long time the
case had bene in question; for his taking to wife a faire young
Gentlewoman of Rhodes; called Cassandra; whom Lysimachus the Governour
loved very dearly; and hindred her marriage with Hormisda; by divers
strange accidents。 Now Pasimondo perceiving; that his owne Nuptials
required much cost and solemnity; hee thought it very convenient; that
one day might serve for both their Weddings; which else would lanch
into more lavish expences; and therefore concluded; that his brother
Hormisda should marry Cassandra; at the same time as he wedded
Iphigenia。 Hereupon; he consulted with the Gentlewomans parents; who
liking the motion as well as he; the determination was set downe;
and one day to effect the duties of both。
When this came to the hearing of Lysimachus; it was very greatly
displeasing to him; because now he saw himselfe utterly deprived of al
hope to attaine the issue of his desire; if Hormisda received
Cassandra in marriage。 Yet being a very wise and worthy man; he
dissembled his distaste; and began to consider on some apt meanes;
whereby to disappoint the marriage once more; which he found
impossible to be done; except it were by way of rape or stealth。 And
that did not appeare to him any difficult matter; in regard of his
Office and Authority: onely it would seeme dishonest in him; by giving
such an unfitting example。 Neverthelesse; after long deliberation;
honour gave way to love; and resolutely he concluded to steale her
away; whatsoever became of it。
Nothing wanted now; but a convenient company to assist him; and
the order how to have it d