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the score being wiped off; the second must needes follow; and
beside; except he meant to leave his lodging; hee must live upon the
third so long as it would last; till hee saw what end his hopes
would sort too。 It fortuned; during the time of living thus upon his
last refuge; that hee met with Maister Can one day at dinner; where he
presented himselfe before him; with a discontented countenance:
which Maister Can well observing; more to distaste him; then take
delight in any thing that could come from him; he sayd。 Bergamino; how
cheerest thou? Thou art very melancholly; I prythee tell us why?
Bergamino suddenly; without any premeditation; yet seeming as if he
had long considered thereon; reported this Tale。
Sir; I have heard of a certaine man; named Primasso; one skilfully
learned in the Grammar; and (beyond all other) a very witty and
ready versifier: in regard whereof; he was so much admired; and
farre renowned; that such as never saw him; but onely heard of him;
could easily say; this is Primasso。 It came to passe; that being
once at Paris; in poore estate; as commonly he could light on no
better fortune (because vertue is slenderly rewarded; by such as
have the greatest possessions) he heard much fame of the Abbot of
Clugni; a man reputed (next to the Pope) to be the richest Prelate
of the Church。 Of him he heard wonderfull and magnificent matters;
that he alwayes kept an open and hospitable Court; and never made
refusall of any (from whence soever hee came or went) but they did
eate and drinke freely there; provided; that they came when the
Abbot was set at the Table。 Primasso hearing this; and being an
earnest desirer to see magnificent and vertuous men; hee resolved to
goe see this rare bounty of the Abbot; demanding how far he dwelt from
Paris? Being answered; about some three Leagues thence。 Primasso
made account; that if he went on betimes in the morning; he should
easily reach thither before the houre for dinner。
Being instructed in the way; and not finding any to walke along with
him; fearing; if he went without some furnishment; and should stay
long there for his dinner; he might (perhaps) complaine of hunger:
he therefore carried three loaves of bread with him; knowing that he
could meet with water every where; albeit he used to drinke but
little。 Having aptly conveyed his bread about him; he went on his
journy; and arrived at the Lord Abbots Court; an indifferent while
before dinner time: wherefore entering into the great Hall; and so
from place to place; beholding the great multitude of Tables;
bountifull preparation in the Kitchin; and what admirable provision
there was for dinner; he said to himselfe; Truly this man is more
magnificent then fame hath made him; because shee speakes too
sparingly of him。
While thus he went about; considering on all these things very
respectively; he saw the Maister of the Abbots Houshold (because
then it was the houre of dinner) command water to be brought for
washing hands; so everie one sitting down at the Tatle; it fell to the
lot of Primasso; to sit directly against the doore; whereat the
Abbot must enter into the Hall。 The custome in this Court was such;
that no manner of Foode should be served to any of the Table; untill
such time as the Lord Abbot was himselfe set: whereupon; every thing
being fit and ready; the Master of the Houshold went to tell his Lord;
that nothing now wanted but his onely presence。
The Abbot comming from his Chamber to enter the Hall; looking
about him; as hee was wont to doe; the first man hee saw was Primasso;
who being but in homely habite; and he having not seene him before
to his remembrance; a present bad conceite possessed his braine;
that he never saw an unworthier person; saying within himselfe: See
how I give my goods away to bee devoured。 So returning backe to his
Chamber againe; commaunded the doore to be made fast; demaunding of
every man neere about him; if they knew the base Knave that sate
before his entrance into the Hall; and all his servants answered no。
Primasso being extreamely hungry; with travailing on foote so farre;
and never used to fast so long; expecting still when meate would be
served in; and that the Abbot came not at all: drew out one of his
loaves which hee brought with him; and very heartily fell to feeding。
My Lord Abbot; after hee had stayed within an indifferent while;
sent forth one of his men; to see if the poore fellow was gone; or no。
The servant told him; that he stayed there; and fed upon dry bread;
which it seemed he had brought thither with him。 Let him feede on
his owne (replyed the Abbot) for he shall taste of none of mine this
day。 Gladly wold the Abbot; that Primasso should have gone thence of
himselfe; and yet held it scarsely honest in his Lordship; to dismisse
him by his owne command。 Primasso having eaten one of his Loaves;
and yet the Abbot was not come; began to feede upon the second: the
Abbot still sending to expect his absence; and answered as he was
before。 At length; the Abbot not comming; and Primasso having eaten up
his second loafe; hunger compeld him to begin with the third。
When these newes were carried to the Abbot; sodainly he brake
forth and saide。 What new kinde of needy tricke hath my braine begotte
this day? Why do I grow disdainfull against any man whatsoever? I have
long time allowed my meate to be eaten by all commers that did
please to visit me; without exception against any person; Gentleman;
Yeoman; poore or rich; Marchant or Minstrill; honest man or knave;
never refraining my presence in the Hall; by basely contemning one
poore man。 Beleeve me; covetousnesse of one mans meate; doth ill agree
with mine estate and calling。 What though he appeareth a wretched
fellow to me? He may be of greater merit then I can imagine; and
deserve more honor then I am able to give him。
Having thus discoursed with himselfe; he would needs understand of
whence; and what he was; and finding him to be Primasso; come onely to
see the magnificence which he had reported of him; knowing also (by
the generall fame noysed every where of him) that he was reputed to be
a learned; honest; and ingenious man: he grew greatly ashamed of his
owne folly; and being desirous to make him an amends; strove many
waies how to do him honor。 When dinner was ended; the Abbot bestowed
honorable garments on him; such as beseemed his degree and merit;
and putting good store of money in his purse; as also giving him a
good horse to ride on; left it at his owne free election; whether he
would stay there still with him; or depart at his pleasure。
Wherewith Primasso being highly contented; yeelding him the
heartiest thankes he could devise to do; returned to Paris on
horse…backe; albeit he came poorely thether on foot。
Master Can de la Scala; who was a man of good understanding;
perceived immediately (without any further interpretation) what
Bergamino meant by this morall; and smiling on him; saide:
Bergamino; thou hast honestly expressed thy vertue and necessities;
and justly reprooved mine avarice; niggardnesse; and base folly。 And
trust me Bergamino; I never felt such a fit of covetousnesse come upon