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the decameron(十日谈)-第116章

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poore Ruggieroes life。 Mistresse Doctor; affecting her Maide
dearely; and plainely perceiving; that no disastrous fortune
whatsoever; could alter her love to condemned Ruggiero; hoping the
best hereafter; as the Maide her selfe did; and willing to save life
rather then suffer it to be lost without just cause; she directed
her in such discreet manner; as you will better conceive by the
  According as she was instructed by her Mistresse; she fell at the
feete of Master Doctor; desiring him to pardon a great error;
whereby she had over…much offended him。 As how? said Master Doctor。 In
this manner (quoth the Maide) and thus proceeded。 You are not ignorant
Sir; what a lewde liver Ruggiero de Jeroly is; and notwithstanding all
his imperfections; how deerely I love him; as he protesteth the like
to me; and thus hath our love continued a yeere; and more。 You being
gone to Malfy; and your absence granting me apt opportunity; for
conference with so kinde a friend; I made the bolder; and gave him
entrance into your house; yea even into mine owne Chamber; yet free
from any abuse; neither did he (bad though he be) offer any。 Thirsty
he was before his comming thither; either by salt meat; or distempered
diet; and I being unable to fetch him wine or water; by reason my
Mistresse sat in the Hall; seriously talking with her Sisters;
remembred; that I saw a violl of Water standing in your Chamber
Window; which he drinking quite off; I set it empty in the place
againe。 I have heard your discontentment for the said Water; and
confesse my fault to you therein: but who liveth so justly; without
offending at one time or other? And I am heartily sory for my
transgression; yet not so much for the water; as the hard fortune that
hath followed thereon; because thereby Ruggiero is in danger to lose
his life; and all my hopes are utterly lost。 Let me entreat you
therefore (gentle Master) first to pardon me; and then to grant me
permission; to succour my poore condemned friend; by all the best
meanes I can devise。
  When the Doctor had heard all her discourse; angry though he were;
yet thus he answered with a smile。 Much better had it bin; if thy
follies punishment had falne on thy selfe; that it might have paide
thee with deserved repentance; upon thy Mistresses finding thee
sleeping。 But go and get his deliverance if thou canst; with this
caution; that if ever hereafter he be seene in my house; the perill
thereof shall light on thy selfe。 Receiving this answer; for her first
entrance into the attempt; and as her Mistresse had advised her; in
all hast she went to the prison; where she prevailed so well with
the Jaylor; that hee granted her private conference with Ruggiero。 She
having instructed him what he should say to the Provost; if he had any
purpose to escape with life; went thither before him to the Provost;
who admitting her into his presence; and knowing that shee was
Master Doctors Maid; a man especially respected of all the City; he
was the more willing to heare her message; he imagining that shee
was sent by her Master。
  Sir (quoth shee) you have apprehended Ruggiero de Jeroly; as a
theefe; and judgement of death is (as I heare) pronounced against him:
but hee is wrongfully accused; and is clearly innocent of such a
heinous detection。 So entring into the History; she declared every
circumstance; from the originall to the end: relating truly; that
being her Lover; shee brought him into her Masters house; where he
dranke the compounded sleepy water; and reputed for dead; she laide
him in the Chest。 Afterward; she rehearsed the speeches betweene the
Joyner; and him that laide claime to the Chest; giving him to
understand thereby; how Ruggiero was taken in the Lombards house。
  The Provost presently gathering; that the truth in this case was
easie to be knowne; sent first for Master Doctor Mazzeo; to know;
whether he compounded any such water; or no: which he affirmed to be
true; and upon what occasion he prepared it。 Then the Joyner; the
owner of the Chest; and the two Lombards; being severally questioned
withall: it appeared evidently; that the Lombards did steale the Chest
in the night season; and carried it home to their owne house。 In the
end; Ruggiero being brought from the prison; and demanded; where he
was lodged the night before; made answer; that he knew not where。
Onely he well remembred; that bearing affection to the Chamber…maide
of Master Doctor Mazzeo della Montagna; she brought him into a
Chamber; where a violl of water stoode in the Window; and he being
extreamly thirsty; dranke it off all。 But what became of him afterward
(till being awake; he found himselfe enclosed in a Chest; and in the
house of the two Lombards) he could not say any thing。
  When the Provost had heard all their answers; which he caused them
to repeate over divers times; in regard they were very pleasing to
him: he cleared Ruggiero from the crime imposed on him; and
condemned the Lombards in three hundred Ducates; to be given to
Ruggiero in way of an amends; and to enable his marriage with the
Doctors Mayde; whose constancie was much commended; and wrought such a
miracle on penitent Ruggiero; that after his marriage; which was
graced with great and honourable pompe; he regained the intimate
love of all his kindred; and lived in most Noble condition; even as if
he had never bene any disordered man。
  If the former Novels had made all the Ladies sad and sighe; this
last of Dioneus as much delighted them; as restoring them to their
former jocond humor; and banishing Tragicall discourse for ever。 The
King perceiving that the Sun was neere setting; and his government
as neere ending; with many kinde and courteous speeches; excused
himselfe to the Ladies; for being the motive of such an argument; as
expressed the infelicity of poore Lovers。 And having finished his
excuse; up he rose; taking the Crown of Lawrell from off his owne
head; the Ladies awaiting on whose head he pleased next to set it;
which proved to be the gracious Lady Fiammetta; and thus he spake。
Here I place this Crowne on her head; that knoweth better then any
other; how to comfort this faire assembly to morrow; for the sorrow
which they have this day endured。
  Madame Fiammetta; whose lockes of haire were curled; long; and
like golden wiers; hanging somewhat downe over her white and
delicate shoulders; her visage round; wherein the Damaske Rose and
Lilly contended for priority; the eyes in her head; resembling those
of the Faulcon messenger; and a dainty mouth; her lippes looking
like two little Rubyes; with a commendable smile thus she replyed。
  Philostratus; gladly I do accept your gift; and to the end that ye
may the better remember your selfe; concerning what you have done
hitherto: I will and command; that generall preparation be made
against to morrow; for faire and happy fortunes hapning to Lovers;
after former cruell and unkinde accidents。 Which proposition was
very pleasing to them all。
  Then calling for the Master of the Houshold; and taking order with
him; what was most needfull to be done; she gave leave unto the
whole company (who were all risen) to go recreate themselve
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