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her owne vertue; but by her sodaine and inopinate death。 And
although the nature of Love is such (according as we have oftentimes
heeretofore maintained) to make his abiding in the houses of the
Noblest persons; yet men and women of poore and farre inferiour
quality; do not alwayes sit out of his reach; though enclosed in their
meanest Cottages; declaring himselfe sometime as a powerfull
commaunder in those humble places; as he doth in the richest and
most imperious Palaces。 As will plainly appeare unto you; either in
all; or a great part of my Novell; whereto our Citie pleadeth some
title; though; by the diversity of our discourses; talking of so
many severall accidents; we have wandred into many other parts of
the world; to make all answerable to our owne liking。
It is not any long time since; when there lived in our City of
Florence; a young and beautifull Damosell; yet according to the nature
of her condition; because she was the Daughter of a poore Father;
and called by the name of Simonida。 Now; albeit she was not supplied
by any better means; then to maintaine her selfe by her owne
painfull travell; and earne her bread before she could eate it; by
carding and spinning to such as employed her; yet was she not so
base or dejected a spirit; but had both courage and sufficient vertue;
to understand the secret soliciting of love; and to distinguish the
parts of well deserving both by private behaviour and outward
ceremony。 As naturall instinct was her first tutor thereto; so
wanted she not a second maine and urging motion; a chip hewed out of
the like Timber; one no better in birth then her selfe; a proper young
springall; named Pasquino; whose generous behaviour; and gracefull
actions (in bringing her dayly wooll to spin; by reason his Master was
a Clothier) prevailed upon her liking and affection。
Nor was he negligent in the observation of her amorous regards;
but the Tinder tooke; and his soule flamed with the selfe same fire;
making him as desirous of her loving acceptance; as possibly she could
be of his: so that the commanding power of love; could not easily be
distinguished in which of them it had the greater predominance。 For
every day as he brought her fresh supply of woolles; and found her
seriously busied at her wheele: her soule would vent forth many
deepe sighes; and those sighes fetch floods of teares from her eyes;
thorough the singular good opinion she had conceyved of him; and
earnest desire to enjoy him。 Pasquino on the other side; as leysure
gave him leave for the least conversing with her: his disease was
every way answerable to hers; for teares stood in his eyes; sighes
flew abroad; to ease the poore hearts afflicting oppressions; which
though he was unable to conceale; yet would he seeme to clowd them
cleanly; by entreating her that his Masters worke might be neatly
performed; and with such speed as time would permit her; intermixing
infinite praises of her artificiall spinning; and affirming withall;
that the Quilles of Yearne received from her; were the choisest beauty
of the whole peece; so that when other workewomen played; Simonida was
sure to want no employment。
Hereupon; the one soliciting; and the other taking delight in
being solicited; it came to passe; that often accesse bred the
bolder courage; and over…much bashfulnesse became abandoned; yet no
immodesty passing betweene them: but affection grew the better
setled in them both; by interchangeable vowes of constant
perseverance; so that death onely; but no disaster else had power to
divide them。 Their mutuall delight continuing on in this manner;
with more forcible encreasing of their Loves equall flame: it
fortuned; that Pasquino sitting by Simonida; told her of a goodly
Garden; whereto he was desirous to bring her; to the end; that they
might the more safely converse together; without the suspition of
envious eyes。 Simonida gave answer of her wellliking the motion; and
acquainting her Father therewith; he gave her leave; on the Sunday
following after dinner; to go fetch the pardon of S。 Gallo; and
afterwards to visit the Garden。
A modest yong maiden named Lagina; following the same profession;
and being an intimate familiar friend; Simonida tooke along in her
company; and came to the Garden appointed by Pasquino; where she found
him readily expecting her comming; and another friend also with him;
called Puccino (albeit more usually tearmed Strambo) a secret
well…willer to Lagina; whose love became the more furthered by his
friendly meeting。 Each Lover delighting in his hearts chosen
Mistresse; caused them to walke alone by themselves; as the
spaciousnesse of the Garden gave them ample liberty: Puccino with
his Lagina in one part; and Pasquino with his Simonida in another。 The
walke which they had made choise of; was by a long and goodly bed of
Sage; turning and returning by the same bed their conference ministred
occasion; and as they pleased to recreate themselves; affecting rather
to continue still there; then in any part of the Garden。
One while they would sit downe by the Sage bed; and afterward rise
to walke againe; as ease and wearinesse seemed to invite them。 At
length; Pasquino chanced to crop a leafe of the Sage; wherewith he
both rubbed his teeth and gummes; and champing it betweene them
also; saying; that there was no better thing in the world to cleanse
the teeth withall; after feeding。 Not long had he thus champed the
Sage in his teeth; returning to his former kinde of discoursing; but
his countenance began to change very pale; his sight failed; and
speech forsooke him; so that (in briefe) he fell downe dead。 Which
when Simonida beheld; wringing her hands; she cryed out for helpe to
Strambo and Lagina; who immediately came running to her。 They
finding Pasquino not onely to be dead; but his body swolne; and
strangely over…spred with foule black spots; both on his face;
hands; and all parts else beside: Strambo cried out; saying; Ah wicked
maide; what hast thou poisoned him?
These words and their shrill out…cries also were heard by Neighbours
dwelling neere to the Garden; who comming in sodainly uppon them;
and seeing Pasquino lying dead; and hugely swoln; Strambo likewise
complaining; and accusing Simonida to have poysoned him; she making no
answer; but standing in a gastly amazement; all her senses meerely
confounded; at such a strange and uncouth accident; in loosing him
whom she so dearely loved: knew not how to excuse…her selfe; and
therefore every one verily beleeved; that Strambo had not unjustly
accused her。 Poore wofull maide; thus was she instantly apprehended;
and drowned in her teares; they led her along to the Potes。 tates
Palace; where her accusation was justified by Strambo; Lagina; and two
men more; the one named Atticciato; and the other Malagevole; fellowes
and companions with Pasquino; who came into the Garden also upon the
The Judge; without any delay at all; gave eare to the busines; and
examined the case very strictly: but could by no meanes comprehend;
that any malice should appeare in her towards him; nor that she was
guiltie of the mans death。 Wherefore; in the presence of Simoni