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the wars of the jews-第42章

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(26) That is; a woman; not; a man。

(27) This death of Antigonus is confirmed by Plutarch and。 Straho; the latter of whom is cited for it by Josephus himself; Antiq。 B。 XV。 ch。 1。 sect。 2; as Dean Aldrich here observes。

(28) This ancient liberty of Tyre and Sidon under the Romans; taken notice of by Josephus; both here and Antiq。 B。 XV。 ch。 4。 sect。 1; is confirmed by the testimony of Sirabe; B。 XVI。 p。 757; as Dean Aldrich remarks; although; as he justly adds; this liberty lasted but a little while longer; when Augtus took it away from them。

(29) This seventh year of the reign of Herod 'from the conquest or death of Antigonus'; with the great earthquake in the beginning of the same spring; which are here fully implied to be not much before the fight at Actium; between Octavius and Antony; and which is known from the Roman historians to have been in the beginning of September; in the thirty…first year before the Christian era; determines the chronology of Josephus as to the reign of Herod; viz。 that he began in the year 37; beyond rational contradiction。 Nor is it quite unworthy of our notice; that this seventh year of the reign of Herod; or the thirty…first before the Christian era; contained the latter part of a Sabbatic year; on which Sabbatic year; therefore; it is plain this great earthquake happened in Judea。

(30) This speech of Herod is set down twice by Josephus; here and Antiq。 B。 XV。 ch。 5。 sect。 3; to the very same purpose; but by no means in the same words; whence it appears that the sense was Herod's; but the composition Josephus's。

(31) Since Josephus; both here and in his Antiq。 B。 XV。 ch。 7。 sect。 3; reckons Gaza; which had been a free city; among the cities given Herod by Augustus; and yet implies that Herod had made Costobarus a governor of it before; Antiq。 B。 XV。 ch。 7。 sect。 9; Hardain has some pretense for saying that Josephus here contradicted himself。 But perhaps Herod thought he had sufficient authority to put a governor into Gaza; after he was made tetrarch or king; in times of war; before the city was entirely delivered into his hands by Augustus。

(32) This fort was first built; as it is supposed; by John Hyrcanus; see Prid。 at the year 107; and called 〃Baris;〃 the Tower or Citadel。 It was afterwards rebuilt; with great improvements; by Herod; under the government of Antonius; and was named from him 〃the Tower of Antoni;〃 and about the time when Herod rebuilt the temple; he seems to have put his last hand to it。 See Antiq。 B。 XVIII。 ch。 5。 sect。 4; Of the War; B。 I。 ch。 3。 sect。 3; ch。 5。 sect。 4。 It lay on the northwest side of the temple; and was a quarter as large。

(33) That Josephus speaks truth; when he assures us that the haven of this Cesarea was made by Herod not less; nay rather larger; than that famous haven at Athens; called the Pyrecum; will appear; says Dean Aldrich; to him who compares the descriptions of that at Athens in Thucydides and Pausanias; with this of Cesarea in Josephus here; and in the Antiq。 B。 XV。 ch。 9。 sect。 6; and B。 XVII。 ch。 9。 sect。 1。

(34) These buildings of cities by the name of Caesar; and institution of solemn games in honor of Augustus Caesar; as here; and in the Antiquities; related of Herod by Josephus; the Roman historians attest to; as things then frequent in the provinces of that empire; as Dean Aldrich observes on this chapter。

(35) There were two cities; or citadels; called Herodium; in Judea; and both mentioned by Josephus; not only here; but Antiq。 B。 XIV。 ch。 13。 sect。 9; B。 XV。 ch。 9。 sect。 6; Of the War; B。 I。 ch。 13。 sect。 8; B。 III。 ch。 3。 sect。 5。 One of them was two hundred; and the other sixty furlongs distant from Jerusalem。 One of them is mentioned by Pliny; Hist。 Nat。 B。 V。 ch。 14。; as Dean Aldrich observes here。

(36) Here seems to be a small defect in the copies; which describe the wild beasts which were hunted in a certain country by Herod; without naming any such country at all。

(37) Here is either a defect or a great mistake in Josephus's present copies or memory; for Mariamne did not now reproach Herod with this his first injunction to Joseph to kill her; if he himself were slain by Antony; but that he had given the like command a second time to Soemus also; when he was afraid of being slain by Augustus。 Antiq。 B。 XV。 ch。 3。 sect。 5; etc。

(38) That this island Eleusa; afterward called Sebaste; near Cilicia; had in it the royal palace of this Archclaus; king of Cappadocia; Strabo testifies; B。 XV。 p。 671。 Stephanus of Byzantiam also calls it 〃an island of Cilicia; which is now Sebaste;〃 both whose testimonies are pertinently cited here by Dr。 Hudson。 See the same history; Antiq。 B。 XVI。 ch。 10。 sect。 7。

(39) That it was an immemorial custom among the Jews; and their forefathers; the patriarchs; to have sometimes more wives or wives and concubines; than one at the same the and that this polygamy was not directly forbidden in the law of Moses is evident; but that polygamy was ever properly and distinctly permitted in that law of Moses; in the places here cited by Dean Aldrich; Deuteronomy 17:16; 17; or 21:15; or indeed any where else; does not appear to me。 And what our Savior says about the common Jewish divorces; which may lay much greater claim to such a permission than polygamy; seems to me true in this case also; that Moses; 〃for the hardness of their hearts;〃 suffered them to have several wives at the same time; but that 〃from the beginning it was not so;〃 Matthew 19:8; Mark 10:5。

(40) This vile fellow; Eurycles the Lacedemonian; seems to have been the same who is mentioned by Plutarch; as (twenty…live years before) a companion to Mark Antony; and as living with Herod; whence he might easily insinuate himself into the acquaintance of Herod's sons; Antipater and Alexander; as Usher; Hudson; and Spanheim justly suppose。 The reason why his being a Spartan rendered him acceptable to the Jews as we here see he was; is visible from the public records of the Jews and Spartans; owning those Spartans to be of kin to the Jews; and derived from their common ancestor Abraham; the first patriarch of the Jewish nation; Antiq。 B。 XII。 ch。 4。 sect。 10; B。 XIII。 ch。 5。 sect。 8; and 1 Macc。 12:7。

(41) See the preceding note。

(42) Dean Aldrich takes notice here; that these nine wives of Herod were alive at the same time; and that if the celebrated Mariamne; who was now dead; be reckoned; those wives were in all ten。 Yet it is remarkable that he had no more than fifteen children by them all。

(43) To prevent confusion; it may not be amiss; with Dean Aldrich; to distinguish between four Josephs in the history of Herod。 1。 Joseph; Herod's uncle; and the 'second' husband of his sister Salome; slain by Herod; on account of Mariamne。

2。 Joseph; Herod's quaestor; or treasurer; slain on the same account。 3。 Joseph; Herod's brother; slain in battle against Antigonus。 4。 Joseph; Herod's nephew; the husband of Olympias; mentioned in this place。

(44) These daughters of Herod; whom Pheroras's wife affronted; were Salome and Roxana; two virgins; who were born to him of his two wives; Elpide and Phedra。 See Herod's genealogy; Antiq。 B。 XVII。 ch。 1。 sect。 3。

(45) This strange obstinacy of Pheroras in retaining his
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