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the wars of the jews-第14章

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 and horse。 Cassius premised him also; that after the war was over; he would make him king of Judea。 But it so happened that the power and hopes of his son became the cause of his perdition; for as Malichus was afraid of this; he corrupted one of the king's cup…bearers with money to give a poisoned potion to Antipater; so he became a sacrifice to Malichus's wickedness; and died at a feast。 He was a man in other respects active in the management of affairs; and one that recovered the government to Hyrcanus; and preserved it in his hands。

5。 However; Malichus; when lie was suspected ef poisoning Antipater; and when the multitude was angry with him for it; denied it; and made the people believe he was not guilty。 He also prepared to make a greater figure; and raised soldiers; for he did not suppose that Herod would be quiet; who indeed came upon him with an army presently; in order to revenge his father's death; but; upon hearing the advice of his brother Phasaelus; not to punish him in an open manner; lest the multitude should fall into a sedition; he admitted of Malichus's apology; and professed that he cleared him of that suspicion; he also made a pompous funeral for his father。

6。 So Herod went to Samaria; which was then in a tumult; and settled the city in peace; after which at the 'Pentecost' festival; he returned to Jerusalem; having his armed men with him: hereupon Hyrcanus; at the request of Malichus; who feared his reproach; forbade them to introduce foreigners to mix themselves with the people of the country while they were purifying themselves; but Herod despised the pretense; and him that gave that command; and came in by night。 Upon which Malithus came to him; and bewailed Antipater; Herod also made him believe 'he admitted of his lamentations as real'; although he had much ado to restrain his passion at him; however; he did himself bewail the murder of his father in his letters to Cassius; who; on other accounts; also hated Malichus。 Cassius sent him word back that he should avenge his father's death upon him; and privately gave order to the tribunes that were under him; that they should assist Herod in a righteous action he was about。  7。 And because; upon the taking of Laodicea by Cassius; the men of power were gotten together from all quarters; with presents and crowns in their hands; Herod allotted this time for the punishment of Malichus。 When Malichus suspected that; and was at Tyre; he resolved to withdraw his son privately from among the Tyrians; who was a hostage there; while he got ready to fly away into Judea; the despair he was in of escaping excited him to think of greater things; for he hoped that he should raise the nation to a revolt from the Romans; while Cassius was busy about the war against Antony; and that he should easily depose Hyrcanus; and get the crown for himself。

8。 But fate laughed at the hopes he had; for Herod foresaw what he was so zealous about; and invited both Hyrcanus and him to supper; but calling one of the principal servants that stood by him to him; he sent him out; as though it were to get things ready for supper; but in reality to give notice beforehand about the plot that was laid against him; accordingly they called to mind what orders Cassius had given them; and went out of the city with their swords in their hands upon the sea…shore; where they encompassed Malichus round about; and killed him with many wounds。 Upon which Hyrcanus was immediately aftrighted; till he swooned away and fell down at the surprise he was in; and it was with difficulty that he was recovered; when he asked who it was that had killed Malichus。 And when one of the tribunes replied that it was done by the command of Cassius;〃 Then;〃 said he; 〃Cassius hath saved both me and my country; by cutting off one that was laying plots against them both。〃 Whether he spake according to his own sentiments; or whether his fear was such that he was obliged to commend the action by saying so; is uncertain; however; by this method Herod inflicted punishment upon Malichus。


Phasaelus Is Too Hard For Felix; Herod Also Overcomes Antigonus In Rattle; And The Jews Accuse Both Herod And Phasaelus But Antonius Acquits Them; And Makes Them Tetrarchs。

1。 When Cassius was gone out of Syria; another sedition arose at Jerusalem; wherein Felix assaulted Phasaelus with an army; that he might revenge the death of Malichus upon Herod; by falling upon his brother。 Now Herod happened then to be with Fabius; the governor of Damascus; and as he was going to his brother's assistance; he was detained by sickness; in the mean time; Phasaelus was by himself too hard for Felix; and reproached Hyrcanus on account of his ingratitude; both for what assistance he had afforded Maliehus; and for overlooking Malichus's brother; when he possessed himself of the fortresses; for he had gotten a great many of them already; and among them the strongest of them all; Masada。

2。 However; nothing could be sufficient for him against the force of Herod; who; as soon as he was recovered; took the other fortresses again; and drove him out of Masada in the posture of a supplicant; he also drove away Marion; the tyrant of the Tyrians; out of Galilee; when he had already possessed himself of three fortified places; but as to those Tyrians whom he had caught; he preserved them all alive; nay; some of them he gave presents to; and so sent them away; and thereby procured good…will to himself from the city; and hatred to the tyrant。 Marion had indeed obtained that tyrannical power of Cassius; who set tyrants over all Syria (16) and out of hatred to Herod it was that he assisted Antigonus; the son of Aristobulus; and principally on Fabius's account; whom Antigonus had made his assistant by money; and had him accordingly on his side when he made his descent; but it was Ptolemy; the kinsman of Antigonus; that supplied all that he wanted。

3。 When Herod had fought against these in the avenues of Judea; he was conqueror in the battle; and drove away Antigonus; and returned to Jerusalem; beloved by every body for the glorious action he had done; for those who did not before favor him did join themselves to him now; because of his marriage into the family of Hyrcanus; for as he had formerly married a wife out of his own country of no ignoble blood; who was called Doris; of whom he begat Antipater; so did he now marry Mariamne; the daughter of Alexander; the son of Aristobulus; and the granddaughter of Hyrcanus; and was become thereby a relation of the king。

4。 But when Caesar and Antony had slain Cassius near Philippi; and Caesar was gone to Italy; and Antony to Asia; amongst the rest of the cities which sent ambassadors to Antony unto Bithynia; the great men of the Jews came also; and accused Phasaelus and Herod; that they kept the government by force; and that Hyrcanus had no more than an honorable name。 Herod appeared ready to answer this accusation; and having made Antony his friend by the large sums of money which he gave him; he brought him to such a temper as not to hear the others speak against him; and thus did they part at this time。

5。 However; after this; there came a hundred of the principal men among the Jews to Daphne by A
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