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the wars of the jews-第128章

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were many in number; and the steps by which you ascended up to them were   every one broad: of these towers then the third wall had ninety; and the spaces between them were each two   hundred cubits; but in the middle wall were forty towers; and the old wall was parted into sixty; while the whole   compass of the city was thirty…three furlongs。 Now the third wall was all of it wonderful; yet was the tower Psephinus elevated above it at the north…west corner; and there Titus pitched his own tent; for being seventy cubits high it both afforded a prospect of Arabia at sun…rising; as well as it did of the utmost limits of the Hebrew possessions at the sea westward。 Moreover; it was an octagon; and over against it was the tower Hipplicus; and hard by two others were   erected by king Herod; in the old wall。 These were for   largeness; beauty; and strength beyond all that were in the habitable earth; for besides the magnanimity of his nature; and his magnificence towards the city on other occasions; he built these after such an extraordinary manner; to gratify his own private affections; and dedicated these towers to the memory of those three persons who had been the   dearest to him; and from whom he named them。 They were   his brother; his friend; and his wife。 This wife he had slain; out of his love 'and jealousy'; as we have already related; the other two he lost in war; as they were courageously   fighting。 Hippicus; so named from his friend; was square; its length and breadth were each twenty…five cubits; and its height thirty; and it had no vacuity in it。 Over this solid building; which was composed of great stones united   together; there was a reservoir twenty cubits deep; over which there was a house of two stories; whose height was twenty…five cubits; and divided into several parts; over which were battlements of two cubits; and turrets all round of three cubits high; insomuch that the entire height added together amounted to fourscore cubits。 The second tower; which he named from his brother Phasaelus; had its   breadth and its height equal; each of them forty cubits; over which was its solid height of forty cubits; over which a cloister went round about; whose height was ten cubits; and it was covered from enemies by breast…works and bulwarks。 There was also built over that cloister another tower; parted into magnificent rooms; and a place for bathing; so that this tower wanted nothing that might make it appear to be a   royal palace。 It was also adorned with battlements and   turrets; more than was the foregoing; and the entire altitude was about ninety cubits; the appearance of it resembled the tower of Pharus; which exhibited a fire to such as sailed to Alexandria; but was much larger than it in compass。 This was now converted to a house; wherein Simon exercised   his tyrannical authority。 The third tower was Mariamne; for that was his queen's name; it was solid as high as twenty cubits; its breadth and its length were twenty cubits; and were equal to each other; its upper buildings were more   magnificent; and had greater variety; than the other towers had; for the king thought it most proper for him to adorn that which was denominated from his wife; better than   those denominated from men; as those were built stronger than this that bore his wife's name。 The entire height of this tower was fifty cubits。      4。 Now as these towers were so very tall; they appeared   much taller by the place on which they stood; for that very old wall wherein they were was built on a high hill; and was itself a kind of elevation that was still thirty cubits taller; over which were the towers situated; and thereby were   made much higher to appearance。 The largeness also of   the stones was wonderful; for they were not made of   common small stones; nor of such large ones only as men   could carry; but they were of white marble; cut out of the rock; each stone was twenty cubits in length; and ten in breadth; and five in depth。 They were so exactly united to one another; that each tower looked like one entire rock of stone; so growing naturally; and afterward cut by the hand of the artificers into their present shape and corners; so little; or not at all; did their joints or connexion appear。 low as these towers were themselves on the north side of the wall; the king had a palace inwardly thereto adjoined; which exceeds all my ability to describe it; for it was so very curious as to want no cost nor skill in its construction; but was entirely walled about to the height of thirty cubits; and was adorned with towers at equal distances; and with large bed…chambers; that would contain beds for a hundred   guests a…piece; in which the variety of the stones is not to be expressed; for a large quantity of those that were rare of that kind was collected together。 Their roofs were also   wonderful; both for the length of the beams; and the   splendor of their ornaments。 The number of the rooms was also very great; and the variety of the figures that were about them was prodigious; their furniture was complete; and the greatest part of the vessels that were put in them was of silver and gold。 There were besides many porticoes; one beyond another; round about; and in each of those   porticoes curious pillars; yet were all the courts that were exposed to the air every where green。 There were;   moreover; several groves of trees; and long walks through them; with deep canals; and cisterns; that in several parts were filled with brazen statues; through which the water ran out。 There were withal many dove…courts (11) of tame   pigeons about the canals。 But indeed it is not possible to give a complete description of these palaces; and the very remembrance of them is a torment to one; as putting one in mind what vastly rich buildings that fire which was kindled by the robbers hath consumed; for these were not burnt by the Romans; but by these internal plotters; as we have   already related; in the beginning of their rebellion。 That fire began at the tower of Antonia; and went on to the palaces; and consumed the upper parts of the three towers   themselves。      CHAPTER 5。            A Description Of The Temple。      1。 Now this temple; as I have already said; was built upon a strong hill。 At first the plain at the top was hardly sufficient for the holy house and the altar; for the ground about it was very uneven; and like a precipice; but when king Solomon; who was the person that built the temple; had built a wall to it on its east side; there was then added one cloister   founded on a bank cast up for it; and on the other parts the holy house stood naked。 But in future ages the people   added new banks; (12) and the hill became a larger plain。 They then broke down the wall on the north side; and took in as much as sufficed afterward for the compass of the   entire temple。 And when they had built walls on three sides of the temple round about; from the bottom of the hill; and had performed a work that was greater than could be   hoped for; (in which work long ages were spent by them; as well as all their sacred treasures were exhausted; which were still replenished by those tributes which were sent to God from the whole habitable earth;) they then   enco
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