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the wars of the jews-第122章

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e to Cesarea; having resolved to set his forces in order at that place; before he began the war。 Nay; indeed; while he was assisting his father at   Alexandria; in settling that government which had been   newly conferred upon them by God; it so happened that the sedition at Jerusalem was revived; and parted into three factions; and that one faction fought against the other; which partition in such evil cases may be said to be a good thing; and the effect of Divine justice。 Now as to the attack the zealots made upon the people; and which I esteem the beginning of the city's destruction; it hath been already explained after an accurate manner; as also whence it   arose; and to how great a mischief it was increased。 But for the present sedition; one should not mistake if he called it a sedition begotten by another sedition; and to be like a wild beast grown mad; which; for want of food from abroad; fell now upon eating its own flesh。      2。 For Eleazar; the son of Simon; who made the first   separation of the zealots from the people; and made them retire into the temple; appeared very angry at John's   insolent attempts; which he made everyday upon the   people; for this man never left off murdering; but the truth was; that he could not bear to submit to a tyrant who set up after him。 So he being desirous of gaining the entire power and dominion to himself; revolted from John; and took to his assistance Judas the son of Chelcias; and Simon the   son of Ezron; who were among the men of greatest power。   There was also with him Hezekiah; the son of Chobar; a   person of eminence。 Each of these were followed by a   great many of the zealots; these seized upon the inner   court of the temple (1) and laid their arms upon the holy gates; and over the holy fronts of that court。 And because they had plenty of provisions; they were of good courage; for there was a great abundance of what was consecrated   to sacred uses; and they scrupled not the making use of   them; yet were they afraid; on account of their small   number; and when they had laid up their arms there; they did not stir from the place they were in。 Now as to John; what advantage he had above Eleazar in the multitude of   his followers; the like disadvantage he had in the situation he was in; since he had his enemies over his head; and as he could not make any assault upon them without some   terror; so was his anger too great to let them be at rest; nay; although he suffered more mischief from Eleazar and his party than he could inflict upon them; yet would he not leave off assaulting them; insomuch that there were   continual sallies made one against another; as well as darts thrown at one another; and the temple was defiled every   where with murders。      3。 But now the tyrant Simon; the son of Gioras; whom the people had invited in; out of the hopes they had of his   assistance in the great distresses they were in; having in his power the upper city; and a great part of the lower; did now make more vehement assaults upon John and his   party; because they were fought against from above also; yet was he beneath their situation when he attacked them; as they were beneath the attacks of the others above them。 Whereby it came to pass that John did both receive and   inflict great damage; and that easily; as he was fought   against on both sides; and the same advantage that   Eleazar and his party had over him; since he was beneath them; the same advantage had he; by his higher situation; over Simon。 On which account he easily repelled the   attacks that were made from beneath; by the weapons   thrown from their hands only; but was obliged to repel   those that threw their darts from the temple above him; by his engines of war; for he had such engines as threw darts; and javelins; and stones; and that in no small number; by which he did not only defend himself from such as fought against him; but slew moreover many of the priests; as they were about their sacred ministrations。 For notwithstanding these men were mad with all sorts of impiety; yet did they still admit those that desired to offer their sacrifices; although they took care to search the people of their own country beforehand; and both suspected and watched   them; while they were not so much afraid of strangers; who; although they had gotten leave of them; how cruel soever they were; to come into that court; were yet often destroyed by this sedition; for those darts that were thrown by the engines came with that force; that they went over all the buildings; and reached as far as the altar; and the temple itself; and fell upon the priests; and those (2) that were about the sacred offices; insomuch that many persons who came thither with great zeal from the ends of the earth; to offer sacrifices at this celebrated place; which was   esteemed holy by all mankind; fell down before their own sacrifices themselves; and sprinkled that altar which was venerable among all men; both Greeks and Barbarians;   with their own blood; till the dead bodies of strangers were mingled together with those of their own country; and those of profane persons with those of the priests; and the blood of all sorts of dead carcasses stood in lakes in the holy courts themselves。 And now; 〃O must wretched city; what   misery so great as this didst thou suffer from the Romans; when they came to purify thee from thy intestine hatred! 'For thou couldst be no longer a place fit for God; nor   couldst thou long continue in being; after thou hadst been a sepulcher for the bodies of thy own people; and hadst   made the holy house itself a burying…place in this civil war of thine。 Yet mayst thou again grow better; if perchance thou wilt hereafter appease the anger of that God who is the author of thy destruction。〃 But I must restrain myself from these passions by the rules of history; since this is not a proper time for domestical lamentations; but for historical narrations; I therefore return to the operations that follow in this sedition。 (3)      4。 And now there were three treacherous factions in the   city; the one parted from the other。 Eleazar and his party; that kept the sacred first…fruits; came against John in their cups。 Those that were with John plundered the populace;   and went out with zeal against Simon。 This Simon had his supply of provisions from the city; in opposition to the seditious。 When; therefore; John was assaulted on both   sides; he made his men turn about; throwing his darts upon those citizens that came up against him; from the cloisters he had in his possession; while he opposed those that   attacked him from the temple by his engines of war。 And if at any time he was freed from those that were above him; which happened frequently; from their being drunk and   tired; he sallied out with a great number upon Simon and his party; and this he did always in such parts of the city as he could come at; till he set on fire those houses that were full of corn; and of all other provisions。 (4) The same thing was done by Simon; when; upon the other's retreat; he   attacked the city also; as if they had; on purpose; done it to serve the Romans; by destroying what the city had laid up against the siege; and by thus cutting off the ne
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