the wars of the jews-第118章
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ng the dominion over Alexandria; as knowing that Egypt was of the greatest consequence; in order to obtain the entire government; because of its supplying of corn 'to Rome'; which corn; if he could be master of; he hoped to dethrone Vitellius; supposing he should aim to keep the empire by force (for he would not be able to support himself; if the multitude at Rome should once be in want of food); and because he was desirous to join the two legions that were at Alexandria to the other legions that were with him。 He also considered with himself; that he should then have that country for a defense to himself against the uncertainty of fortune; for Egypt (23) is hard to be entered by land; and hath no good havens by sea。 It hath on the west the dry deserts of Libya; and on the south Siene; that divides it from Ethiopia; as well as the cataracts of the Nile; that cannot be sailed over; and on the east the Red Sea extended as far as Coptus; and it is fortified on the north by the land that reaches to Syria; together with that called the Egyptian Sea; having no havens in it for ships。 And thus is Egypt walled about on every side。 Its length between Pelusium and Siene is two thousand furlongs; and the passage by sea from Plinthine to Pelusium is three thousand six hundred furlongs。 Its river Nile is navigable as far as the city called Elephantine; the forenamed cataracts hindering ships from going any farther; The haven also of Alexandria is not entered by the mariners without difficulty; even in times of peace; for the passage inward is narrow; and full of rocks that lie under the water; which oblige the mariners to turn from a straight direction: its left side is blocked up by works made by men's hands on both sides; on its right side lies the island called Pharus; which is situated just before the entrance; and supports a very great tower; that affords the sight of a fire to such as sail within three hundred furlongs of it; that ships may cast anchor a great way off in the night time; by reason of the difficulty of sailing nearer。 About this island are built very great piers; the handiwork of men; against which; when the sea dashes itself; and its waves are broken against those boundaries; the navigation becomes very troublesome; and the entrance through so narrow a passage is rendered dangerous; yet is the haven itself; when you are got into it; a very safe one; and of thirty furlongs in largeness; into which is brought what the country wants in order to its happiness; as also what abundance the country affords more than it wants itself is hence distributed into all the habitable earth。 6。 Justly; therefore; did Vespasian desire to obtain that government; in order to corroborate his attempts upon the whole empire; so he immediately sent to Tiberius Alexander; who was then governor of Egypt and of Alexandria; and informed him what the army had put upon him; and how he; being forced to accept of the burden of the government; was desirous to have him for his confederate and supporter。 Now as soon as ever Alexander had read this letter; he readily obliged the legions and the multitude to take the oath of fidelity to Vespasian; both which willingly complied with him; as already acquainted with the courage of the man; from that his conduct in their neighborhood。 Accordingly Vespasian; looking upon himself as already intrusted with the government; got all things ready for his journey 'to Rome'。 Now fame carried this news abroad more suddenly than one could have thought; that he was emperor over the east; upon which every city kept festivals; and celebrated sacrifices and oblations for such good news; the legions also that were in Mysia and Pannonia; who had been in commotion a little before; on account of this insolent attempt of Vitellius; were very glad to take the oath of fidelity to Vespasian; upon his coming to the empire。 Vespasian then removed from Cesarea to Berytus; where many embassages came to him from Syria; and many from other provinces; bringing with them from every city crowns; and the congratulations of the people。 Mucianus came also; who was the president of the province; and told him with what alacrity the people 'received the news of his advancement'; and how the people of every city had taken the oath of fidelity to him。 7。 So Vespasian's good fortune succeeded to his wishes every where; and the public affairs were; for the greatest part; already in his hands; upon which he considered that he had not arrived at the government without Divine Providence; but that a righteous kind of fate had brought the empire under his power; for as he called to mind the other signals; which had been a great many every where; that foretold he should obtain the government; so did he remember what Josephus had said to him when he ventured to foretell his coming to the empire while Nero was alive; so he was much concerned that this man was still in bonds with him。 He then called for Mucianus; together with his other commanders and friends; and; in the first place; he informed them what a valiant man Josephus had been; and what great hardships he had made him undergo in the siege of Jotapata。 After that he related those predictions of his (24) which he had then suspected as fictions; suggested out of the fear he was in; but which had by time been demonstrated to be Divine。 〃It is a shameful thing (said he) that this man; who hath foretold my coming to the empire beforehand; and been the minister of a Divine message to me; should still be retained in the condition of a captive or prisoner。〃 So he called for Josephus; and commanded that he should be set at liberty; whereupon the commanders promised themselves glorious things; froth this requital Vespasian made to a stranger。 Titus was then present with his father; and said; 〃O father; it is but just that the scandal 'of a prisoner' should be taken off Josephus; together with his iron chain。 For if we do not barely loose his bonds; but cut them to pieces; he will be like a man that had never been bound at all。〃 For that is the usual method as to such as have been bound without a cause。 This advice was agreed to by Vespasian also; so there came a man in; and cut the chain to pieces; while Josephus received this testimony of his integrity for a reward; and was moreover esteemed a person of credit as to futurities also。 CHAPTER 11。 That Upon The Conquest And Slaughter Of Vitellius Vespasian Hastened His Journey To Rome; But Titus His Son Returned To Jerusalem。 1。 And now; when Vespasian had given answers to the embassages; and had disposed of the places of power justly; (25) and according to every one's deserts; he came to Antioch; and consulting which way he had best take; he preferred to go for Rome; rather than to march to Alexandria; because he saw that Alexandria was sure to him already; but that the affairs at Rome were put into disorder by Vitellius; so he sent Mucianus to Italy; and committed a considerable army both of horsemen and footmen to him; yet was Mucianus afraid of going by sea; because it was the middle of winter; and so he led his army on foot through Cappadocia and Phrygia。 2。 In
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