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the wars of the jews-第116章

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s had the victory; and after much slaughter Otho slew himself; when he had   heard of this defeat at Brixia; and after he had managed the public affairs three months and two days。 (18) Otho's army also came over to Vitellius's generals; and he came himself down to Rome with his army。 But in the mean time   Vespasian removed from Cesarea; on the fifth day of the   month Deasius; 'Sivan;' and marched against those places of Judea which were not yet overthrown。 So he went up to the mountainous country; and took those two toparchies that   were called the Gophnitick and Acrabattene toparchies。 After which he took Bethel and Ephraim; two small cities; and   when he had put garrisons into them; he rode as far as   Jerusalem; in which march he took many prisoners; and many captives; but Cerealis; one of his commanders; took a body of horsemen and footmen; and laid waste that part of Idumea which was called the Upper Idumea; and attacked Caphethra; which pretended to be a small city; and took it at the first onset; and burnt it down。 He also attacked Caphatabira; and laid siege to it; for it had a very strong wall; and when he expected to spend a long time in that siege; those that were within opened their gates on the sudden; and came to beg pardon; and surrendered themselves up to him。 When   Cerealis had conquered them; he went to Hebron; another   very ancient city。 I have told you already that this city is situated in a mountainous country not far off Jerusalem; and when he had broken into the city by force; what multitude and young men were left therein he slew; and burnt down the city; so that as now all the places were taken; excepting Herodlum; and Masada; and Macherus; which were in the   possession of the robbers; so Jerusalem was what the Romans at present aimed at。      10。 And now; as soon as Simon had set his wife free; and recovered her from the zealots; he returned back to the   remainders of Idumea; and driving the nation all before him from all quarters; he compelled a great number of them to retire to Jerusalem; he followed them himself also to the city; and encompassed the wall all round again; and when he   lighted upon any laborers that were coming thither out of the country; he slew them。 Now this Simon; who was without the wall; was a greater terror to the people than the Romans themselves; as were the zealots who were within it more   heavy upon them than both of the other; and during this time did the mischievous contrivances and courage 'of John'   corrupt the body of the Galileans; for these Galileans had advanced this John; and made him very potent; who made   them suitable requital from the authority he had obtained by their means; for he permitted them to do all things that any of them desired to do; while their inclination to plunder was insatiable; as was their zeal in searching the houses of the rich; and for the murdering of the men; and abusing of the women; it was sport to them。 They also devoured what spoils they had taken; together with their blood; and indulged   themselves in feminine wantonness; without any disturbance; till they were satiated therewith; while they decked their hair; and put on women's garments; and were besmeared over with ointments; and that they might appear very comely; they had paints under their eyes; and imitated not only the ornaments; but also the lusts of women; and were guilty of such   intolerable uncleanness; that they invented unlawful pleasures of that sort。 And thus did they roll themselves up and down the city; as in a brothel…house; and defiled it entirely with their impure actions; nay; while their faces looked like the faces of women; they killed with their right hands; and when their gait was effeminate; they presently attacked men; and became warriors; and drew their swords from under their   finely dyed cloaks; and ran every body through whom they alighted upon。 However; Simon waited for such as ran away from John; and was the more bloody of the two; and he who had escaped the tyrant within the wall was destroyed by the other that lay before the gates; so that all attempts of flying and deserting to the Romans were cut off; as to those that had a mind so to do。      11。 Yet did the army that was under John raise a sedition against him; and all the Idumeans separated themselves from the tyrant; and attempted to destroy him; and this out of their envy at his power; and hatred of his cruelty; so they got together; and slew many of the zealots; and drove the rest before them into that royal palace that was built by Grapte; who was a relation of Izates; the king of Adiabene; the   Idumeans fell in with them; and drove the zealots out thence into the temple; and betook themselves to plunder John's effects; for both he himself was in that palace; and therein had he laid up the spoils he had acquired by his tyranny。 In the mean time; the multitude of those zealots that were   dispersed over the city ran together to the temple unto those that fled thither; and John prepared to bring them down   against the people and the Idumeans; who were not so much afraid of being attacked by them (because they were   themselves better soldiers than they) as at their madness; lest they should privately sally out of the temple and get among them; and not only destroy them; but set the city on fire also。 So they assembled themselves together; and the high priests with them; and took counsel after what manner they should avoid their assault。 Now it was God who turned their   opinions to the worst advice; and thence they devised such a remedy to get themselves free as was worse than the disease itself。 Accordingly; in order to overthrow John; they   determined to admit Simon; and earnestly to desire the   introduction of a second tyrant into the city; which resolution they brought to perfection; and sent Matthias; the high priest; to beseech this Simon to come ill to them; of whom they had so often been afraid。 Those also that had fled from the   zealots in Jerusalem joined in this request to him; out of the desire they had of preserving their houses and their effects。 Accordingly he; in an arrogant manner; granted them his   lordly protection; and came into the city; in order to deliver it from the zealots。 The people also made joyful acclamations to him; as their savior and their preserver; but when he was come in; with his army; he took care to secure his own   authority; and looked upon those that had invited him in to be no less his enemies than those against whom the invitation was intended。      12。 And thus did Simon get possession of Jerusalem; in the third year of the war; in the month Xanthicus 'Nisan';   whereupon John; with his multitude of zealots; as being both prohibited from coming out of the temple; and having lost their power in the city; (for Simon and his party had   plundered them of what they had;) were in despair of   deliverance。 Simon also made an assault upon the temple; with the assistance of the people; while the others stood upon the cloisters and the battlements; and defended themselves from their assaults。 However; a considerable number of   Simon's party fell; and many were carried off wounded; for the zealots threw their darts easily from a superior 
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