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qualities which fit a people to subdue and govern mankind would be
claimed for the Romans。
The following lay belongs to the latest age of Latin ballad…poetry。 N 鎣
is and Livius Andronicus were probably among the children whose
mothers held them up to see the chariot of Curius go by。 The minstrel who
sang on that day might possibly have lived to read the first hexameters of
Ennius; and to see the first comedies of Plautus。 His poem; as might be
expected; shows a much wider acquaintance with the geography; manners;
and productions of remote nations; than would have been found in
compositions of the age of Camillus。 But he troubles himself little about
dates; and having heard travellers talk with admiration of the Colossus of
Rhodes; and of the structures and gardens with which the Macedonian
king of Syria had embellished their residence on the banks of the Orontes;
he has never thought of inquiring whether these things existed in the age
of Romulus。
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Lays of Ancient Rome
The Prophecy of Capys
A Lay Sung at the Banquet in the Capitol; on the
Day Whereon Manius Curius Dentatus; a Second
Time Consul; Triumphed Over King Pyrrhus and the
Tarentines; in the Year of the City CCCCLXXIX
Now slain is King Amulius; Of the great Sylvian line; Who
reigned in Alba Longa; On the throne of Aventine。 Slain is the
Ponfiff Camers; Who spake the words of doom: ‘‘The children to
the Tiber; The mother to the tomb。''
In Alba's lake no fisher His net to…day is flinging; On the dark
rind of Alba's oaks To…day no axe is ringing; The yoke hangs o'er
the manger; The scythe lies in the hay: Through all the Alban
villages No work is done to…day。
And every Alban burgher Hath donned his whitest gown; And
every head in Alba Weareth a poplar crown; And every Alban door…
post With boughs and flowers is gay; For to…day the dead are living;
The lost are found to…day。
They were doomed by a bloody king; They were doomed by a
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Lays of Ancient Rome
lying priest; They were cast on the raging flood; They were tracked
by the raging beast; Raging beast and raging flood Alike have
spared the prey; And to…day the dead are living; The lost are found
The troubled river knew them; And smoothed his yellow foam;
And gently rocked the cradle That bore the fate of Rome。 The
ravening she…wolf knew them; And licked them o'er and o'er; And
gave them of her own fierce milk; Rich with raw flesh and gore。
Twenty winters; twenty springs; Since then have rolled away; And
to…day the dead are living: The lost are found to…day。
Blithe it was to see the twins; Right goodly youths and tall;
Marching from Alba Longa To their old grandsire's hall。 Along their
path fresh garlands Are hung from tree to tree: Before them stride
the pipers; Piping a note of glee。
On the right goes Romulus; With arms to the elbows red; And in
his hand a broadsword; And on the blade a head A head in an iron
helmet; With horse…hair hanging down; A shaggy head; a swarthy
head; Fixed in a ghastly frown The head of King Amulius
Of the great Sylvian line; Who reigned in Alba Longa; On the
throne of Aventine。
On the left side goes Remus; With wrists and fingers red; And
in his hand a boar…spear; And on the point a head A wrinkled head
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Lays of Ancient Rome
and aged; With silver beard and hair; And holy fillets round it;
Such as the pontiffs wear The head of ancient Camers; Who spake
the words of doom: ‘‘The children to the Tiber; The mother to the
Two and two behind the twins Their trusty comrades go; Four
and forty valiant men; With club; and axe; and bow。 On each side
every hamlet Pours forth its joyous crowd; Shouting lads and
baying dogs; And children laughing loud; And old men weeping
fondly As Rhea's boys go by; And maids who shriek to see the
heads; Yet; shrieking; press more nigh。
So marched they along the lake; They marched by fold and stall;
By cornfield and by vineyard; Unto the old man's hall。
In the hall…gate sat Capys; Capys; the sightless seer; From head
to foot he trembled As Romulus drew near。 And up stood stiff his
thin white hair; And his blind eyes flashed fire: ‘‘Hail! foster child
of the wondrous nurse! Hail! son of the wondrous sire!''
‘‘But thouwhat dost thou here In the old man's peaceful hall?
What doth the eagle in the coop; The bison in the stall? Our corn
fills many a garner; Our vines clasp many a tree; Our flocks are
white on many a hill: But these are not for thee。
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Lays of Ancient Rome
‘‘For thee no treasure ripens In the Tartessian mine; For thee no
ship brings precious bales Across the Libyan brine; Thou shalt not
drink from amber; Thou shalt not rest on down; Ara