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wild wales-第78章

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the lake。  And now I had left the lake and the valley behind; and 
was ascending a hill。  As I gained its summit; up rose the moon to 
cheer my way。  In a little time; a wild stony gorge confronted me; 
a stream ran down the gorge with hollow roar; a bridge lay across 
it。  I asked a figure whom I saw standing by the bridge the place's 
name。  〃Rhyd du〃 … the black ford … I crossed the bridge。  The 
voice of the Methodist was yelling from a little chapel on my left。  
I went to the door and listened:  〃When the sinner takes hold of 
God; God takes hold of the sinner。〃  The voice was frightfully 
hoarse。  I passed on:  night fell fast around me; and the mountain 
to the south…east; towards which I was tending; looked blackly 
grand。  And now I came to a milestone on which I read with 
difficulty:  〃Three miles to Beth Gelert。〃  The way for some time 
had been upward; but now it was downward。  I reached a torrent; 
which coming from the north…west rushed under a bridge; over which 
I passed。  The torrent attended me on my right hand the whole way 
to Beth Gelert。  The descent now became very rapid。  I passed a 
pine wood on my left; and proceeded for more than two miles at a 
tremendous rate。  I then came to a wood … this wood was just above 
Beth Gelert … proceeding in the direction of a black mountain; I 
found myself amongst houses; at the bottom of a valley。  I passed 
over a bridge; and inquiring of some people whom I met the way to 
the inn; was shown an edifice brilliantly lighted up; which I 


Inn at Beth Gelert … Delectable Company … Lieutenant P…。

THE inn or hotel at Beth Gelert was a large and commodious 
building; and was anything but thronged with company; what company; 
however; there was; was disagreeable enough; perhaps more so than 
that in which I had been the preceding evening; which was composed 
of the scum of Manchester and Liverpool; the company amongst which 
I now was; consisted of seven or eight individuals; two of them 
were military puppies; one a tallish fellow; who though evidently 
upwards of thirty; affected the airs of a languishing girl; and 
would fain have made people believe that he was dying of ENNUI and 
lassitude。  The other was a short spuddy fellow; with a broad ugly 
face and with spectacles on his nose; who talked very 
consequentially about 〃the service〃 and all that; but whose tone of 
voice was coarse and his manner that of an under…bred person; then 
there was an old fellow about sixty…five; a civilian; with a red 
carbuncled face; he was father of the spuddy military puppy; on 
whom he occasionally cast eyes of pride and almost adoration; and 
whose sayings he much applauded; especially certain DOUBLES 
ENTENDRES; to call them by no harsher term; directed to a fat girl; 
weighing some fifteen stone; who officiated in the coffee…room as 
waiter。  Then there was a creature to do justice to whose 
appearance would require the pencil of a Hogarth。  He was about 
five feet three inches and a quarter high; and might have weighed; 
always provided a stone weight had been attached to him; about half 
as much as the fat girl。  His countenance was cadaverous and was 
eternally agitated by something between a grin and a simper。  He 
was dressed in a style of superfine gentility; and his skeleton 
fingers were bedizened with tawdry rings。  His conversation was 
chiefly about his bile and his secretions; the efficacy of licorice 
in producing a certain effect; and the expediency of changing one's 
linen at least three times a day; though had he changed his six; I 
should have said that the purification of the last shirt would have 
been no sinecure to the laundress。  His accent was decidedly 
Scotch:  he spoke familiarly of Scott and one or two other Scotch 
worthies; and more than once insinuated that he was a member of 
Parliament。  With respect to the rest of the company I say nothing; 
and for the very sufficient reason that; unlike the above described 
batch; they did not seem disposed to be impertinent towards me。

Eager to get out of such society I retired early to bed。  As I left 
the room the diminutive Scotch individual was describing to the old 
simpleton; who on the ground of the other's being a 〃member;〃 was 
listening to him with extreme attention; how he was labouring under 
an access of bile owing to his having left his licorice somewhere 
or other。  I passed a quiet night; and in the morning breakfasted; 
paid my bill; and departed。  As I went out of the coffee…room the 
spuddy; broad…faced military puppy with spectacles was vociferating 
to the languishing military puppy; and to his old simpleton of a 
father; who was listening to him with his usual look of undisguised 
admiration; about the absolute necessity of kicking Lieutenant P… 
out of the army for having disgraced 〃the service。〃  Poor P…; whose 
only crime was trying to defend himself with fist and candlestick 
from the manual attacks of his brutal messmates。


The Valley of Gelert … Legend of the Dog … Magnificent Scenery … 
The Knicht … Goats in Wales … The Frightful Crag … Temperance House 
… Smile and Curtsey。

BETH GELERT is situated in a valley surrounded by huge hills; the 
most remarkable of which are Moel Hebog and Cerrig Llan; the former 
fences it on the south; and the latter; which is quite black and 
nearly perpendicular; on the east。  A small stream rushes through 
the valley; and sallies forth by a pass at its south…eastern end。  
The valley is said by some to derive its name of Beddgelert; which 
signifies the grave of Celert; from being the burial…place of 
Celert; a British saint of the sixth century; to whom Llangeler in 
Carmarthenshire is believed to have been consecrated; but the 
popular and most universally received tradition is that it has its 
name from being the resting…place of a faithful dog called Celert 
or Gelert; killed by his master; the warlike and celebrated 
Llywelyn ab Jorwerth; from an unlucky misapprehension。  Though the 
legend is known to most people; I shall take the liberty of 
relating it。

Llywelyn during his contests with the English had encamped with a 
few followers in the valley; and one day departed with his men on 
an expedition; leaving his infant son in a cradle in his tent; 
under the care of his hound Gelert; after giving the child its fill 
of goat's milk。  Whilst he was absent a wolf from the neighbouring 
mountains; in quest of prey; found its way into the tent; and was 
about to devour the child; when the watchful dog interfered; and 
after a desperate conflict; in which the tent was torn down; 
succeeded in destroying the monster。  Llywelyn returning at evening 
found the tent on the ground; and the dog; covered with blood; 
sitting beside it。  Imagining that the blood with which Gelert was 
besmeared was that of his own son devoured by the animal to whose 
care he had confided him; Llywelyn in a paroxysm of natural 
indignation forthwith transfixed the faithful creature with his 
spear。  Scarcely; however; had he done so when his ears were 
startled by the cry of a child from beneath the f
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