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wild wales-第67章

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covers and a decanter; which she placed before me。  〃What is that?〃 
said I; pointing to a decanter。

〃Only a pint of sherry; sir;〃 said she of the white dress and 

〃Dear me;〃 said I; 〃I ordered no sherry; I wanted some ale … a pint 
of ale。〃

〃You called for a pint; sir;〃 said the handmaid; 〃but you mentioned 
no ale; and I naturally supposed that a gentleman of your 
appearance〃 … here she glanced at my dusty coat … 〃and speaking in 
the tone you did; would not condescend to drink ale with his chop; 
however; as it seems I have been mistaken; I can take away the 
sherry and bring you the ale。〃

〃Well; well;〃 said I; 〃you can let the sherry remain; I do not like 
sherry; and am very fond of ale; but you can let the wine remain; 
upon the whole I am glad you brought it … indeed I merely came to 
do a good turn to the master of the house。〃

〃Thank you; sir;〃 said the handmaid。

〃Are you his daughter?〃 said I。

〃Oh no; sir;〃 said the handmaid reverently; 〃only his waiter。〃

〃You may be proud to wait on him;〃 said I。

〃I am; sir;〃 said the handmaid; casting down her eyes。

〃I suppose he is much respected in the neighbourhood?〃 said I。

〃Very much so; sir;〃 said the damsel; 〃especially amidst the 

〃The connection;〃 said I。  〃Ah; I see; he has extensive 
consanguinity; most Welsh have。  But;〃 I continued; 〃there is such 
a thing as envy in the world; and there are a great many malicious 
people in the world; who speak against him。〃

〃A great many; sir; but we take what they say from whence it 

〃You do quite right;〃 said I。  〃Has your master written any poetry 

〃Sir!〃 said the damsel staring at me。

〃Any poetry;〃 said I; 〃any pennillion?〃

〃No; sir;〃 said the damsel; 〃my master is a respectable man; and 
would scorn to do anything of the kind。〃

〃Why;〃 said I; 〃is not your master a bard as well as an innkeeper?〃

〃My master; sir; is an innkeeper;〃 said the damsel; 〃but as for the 
other; I don't know what you mean。〃

〃A bard;〃 said I; 〃is a prydydd; a person who makes verses … 
pennillion; does not your master make them?〃

〃My master make them?  No; sir; my master is a religious gentleman; 
and would scorn to make such profane stuff。〃

〃Well;〃 said I; 〃he told me he did within the last two hours。  I 
met him at Dyffrin Gaint; along with another man; and he took me 
into the public…house; where we had a deal of discourse。〃

〃You met my master at Dyffryn Gaint?〃 said the damsel。

〃Yes;〃 said I; 〃and he treated me with ale; told me that he was a 
poet; and that he was going to Bangor to buy a horse or a pig。〃

〃I don't see how that could be; sir;〃 said the damsel; 〃my master 
is at present in the house; rather unwell; and has not been out for 
the last three days … there must be some mistake。〃

〃Mistake;〃 said I。  〃Isn't this the … Arms?〃

〃Yes; sir; it is。〃

〃And isn't your master's name W…?〃

〃No; sir; my master's name is H…; and a more respectable man … 〃

〃Well;〃 said I interrupting her … 〃all I can say is that I met a 
man in Dyffryn Gaint; who treated me with ale; told me that his 
name was W…; that he was a prydydd and kept the … Arms at L…。〃

〃Well;〃 said the damsel; 〃now I remember; there is a person of that 
name in L…; and he also keeps a house which he calls the … Arms; 
but it is only a public…house。〃

〃But;〃 said I; 〃is he not a prydydd; an illustrious poet; does he 
not write pennillion which everybody admires?〃

〃Well;〃 said the damsel; 〃I believe he does write things which he 
calls pennillions; but everybody laughs at them。〃

〃Come; come;〃 said I; 〃I will not hear the productions of a man who 
treated me with ale; spoken of with disrespect。  I am afraid that 
you are one of his envious maligners; of which he gave me to 
understand that he had a great many。〃

〃Envious; sir! not I indeed; and if I were disposed to be envious 
of anybody it would not be of him; oh dear; why he is … 〃

〃A bard of Anglesey;〃 said I; interrupting her; 〃such a person as 
Gronwy Owen describes in the following lines; which by…the…bye were 
written upon himself:…

〃'Where'er he goes he's sure to find
Respectful looks and greetings kind。'

〃I tell you that it was out of respect to that man that I came to 
this house。  Had I not thought that he kept it; I should not have 
entered it and called for a pint and chop … how distressing! how 
truly distressing!〃

〃Well; sir;〃 said the damsel; 〃if there is anything distressing you 
have only to thank your acquaintance who chooses to call his mug…
house by the name of a respectable hotel; for I would have you know 
that this is an hotel; and kept by a respectable and a religious 
man; and not kept by …  However; I scorn to say more; especially as 
I might be misinterpreted。  Sir; there's your pint and chop; and if 
you wish for anything else you can ring。  Envious; indeed; of such 
…  Marry come up!〃 and with a toss of her head; higher than any she 
had hitherto given; she bounced out of the room。

Here was a pretty affair!  I had entered the house and ordered the 
chop and pint in the belief that by so doing I was patronising the 
poet; and lo; I was not in the poet's house; and my order would 
benefit a person for whom; however respectable and religious; I 
cared not one rush。  Moreover; the pint which I had ordered 
appeared in the guise not of ale; which I am fond of; but of 
sherry; for which I have always entertained a sovereign contempt; 
as a silly; sickly compound; the use of which will transform a 
nation; however bold and warlike by nature; into a race of 
sketchers; scribblers; and punsters; in fact into what Englishmen 
are at the present day。  But who was to blame?  Why; who but the 
poet and myself?  The poet ought to have told me that there were 
two houses in L… bearing the sign of the … Arms; and that I must 
fight shy of the hotel and steer for the pot…house; and when I gave 
the order I certainly ought to have been a little more explicit; 
when I said a pint I ought to have added … of ale。  Sententiousness 
is a fine thing sometimes; but not always。  By being sententious 
here; I got sherry; which I dislike; instead of ale which I like; 
and should have to pay more for what was disagreeable; than I 
should have had to pay for what was agreeable。  Yet I had merely 
echoed the poet's words in calling for a pint and chop; so after 
all the poet was to blame for both mistakes。  But perhaps he meant 
that I should drink sherry at his house; and when he advised me to 
call for a pint; he meant a pint of sherry。  But the maid had said 
he kept a pot…house; and no pot…houses have wine…licences; but the 
maid after all might be an envious baggage; and no better than she 
should be。  But what was now to be done?  Why; clearly make the 
best of the matter; eat the chop and leave the sherry。  So I 
commenced eating the chop; which was by this time nearly cold。  
After eating a few morsels I looked at the sherry:  〃I may as well 
take a glass;〃 said I。  So with a wry face I poured myself out a 

〃What detestable stuff!〃 said I; after I had drunk it。  〃However; 
as I shall have to pay fo
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