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wild wales-第6章

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predatory chieftain; who resided a little way off in Flintshire; to 
come and set the town on fire; and slaughter the inhabitants; in 
revenge for the wrongs he had suffered; and then proceeds to vent 
all kinds of imprecations against the mayor and people of Chester; 
wishing; amongst other things; that they might soon hear that the 
Dee had become too shallow to bear their ships … that a certain 
cutaneous disorder might attack the wrists of great and small; old 
and young; laity and clergy … that grass might grow in their 
streets … that Ilar and Cyveilach; Welsh saints; might slay them … 
that dogs might snarl at them … and that the king of heaven; with 
the saints Brynach and Non; might afflict them with blindness … 
which piece; however ineffectual in inducing God and the saints to 
visit the Chester people with the curses with which the furious 
bard wished them to be afflicted; seems to have produced somewhat 
of its intended effect on the chieftain; who shortly afterwards; on 
learning that the mayor and many of the Chester people were present 
at the fair of Mold; near which place he resided; set upon them at 
the head of his forces; and after a desperate combat; in which many 
lives were lost; took the mayor prisoner; and drove those of his 
people who survived into a tower; which he set on fire and burnt; 
with all the unhappy wretches which it contained; completing the 
horrors of the day by hanging the unfortunate mayor。

Conversant as I was with all this strange history; is it wonderful 
that I looked with great interest from the wall of Chester in the 
direction of Mold?

Once did I make the compass of the city upon the walls; and was 
beginning to do the same a second time; when I stumbled against a 
black; who; with his arms leaning upon the wall; was spitting over 
it; in the direction of the river。  I apologised; and contrived to 
enter into conversation with him。  He was tolerably well dressed; 
had a hairy cap on his head; was about forty years of age; and 
brutishly ugly; his features scarcely resembling those of a human 
being。  He told me he was a native of Antigua; a blacksmith by 
trade; and had been a slave。  I asked him if he could speak any 
language besides English; and received for answer that besides 
English; he could speak Spanish and French。  Forthwith I spoke to 
him in Spanish; but he did not understand me。  I then asked him to 
speak to me in Spanish; but he could not。  〃Surely you can tell me 
the word for water in Spanish;〃 said I; he; however; was not able。  
〃How is it;〃 said I; 〃that; pretending to be acquainted with 
Spanish; you do not even know the word for water?〃  He said he 
could not tell; but supposed that he had forgotten the Spanish 
language; adding however; that he could speak French perfectly。  I 
spoke to him in French … he did not understand me:  I told him to 
speak to me in French; but he did not。  I then asked him the word 
for bread in French; but he could not tell me。  I made no 
observations on his ignorance; but inquired how he liked being a 
slave?  He said not at all; that it was very bad to be a slave; as 
a slave was forced to work。  I asked him if he did not work now 
that he was free?  He said very seldom; that he did not like work; 
and that it did not agree with him。  I asked how he came into 
England; and he said that wishing to see England; he had come over 
with a gentleman as his servant; but that as soon as he got there; 
he had left his master; as he did not like work。  I asked him how 
he contrived to live in England without working?  He said that any 
black might live in England without working; that all he had to do 
was to attend religious meetings; and speak against slavery and the 
Americans。  I asked him if he had done so。  He said he had; and 
that the religious people were very kind to him; and gave him 
money; and that a religious lady was going to marry him。  I asked 
him if he knew anything about the Americans?  He said he did; and 
that they were very bad people; who kept slaves and flogged them。  
〃And quite right too;〃 said I; 〃if they are lazy rascals like 
yourself; who want to eat without working。  What a pretty set of 
knaves or fools must they be; who encourage a fellow like you to 
speak against negro slavery; of the necessity for which you 
yourself are a living instance; and against a people of whom you 
know as much as of French or Spanish。〃  Then leaving the black; who 
made no other answer to what I said; than by spitting with 
considerable force in the direction of the river; I continued 
making my second compass of the city upon the wall。

Having walked round the city for the second time; I returned to the 
inn。  In the evening I went out again; passed over the bridge; and 
then turned to the right in the direction of the hills。  Near the 
river; on my right; on a kind of green; I observed two or three 
tents resembling those of gypsies。  Some ragged children were 
playing near them; who; however; had nothing of the appearance of 
the children of the Egyptian race; their locks being not dark; but 
either of a flaxen or red hue; and their features not delicate and 
regular; but coarse and uncouth; and their complexions not olive; 
but rather inclining to be fair。  I did not go up to them; but 
continued my course till I arrived near a large factory。  I then 
turned and retraced my steps into the town。  It was Saturday night; 
and the streets were crowded with people; many of whom must have 
been Welsh; as I heard the Cambrian language spoken on every side。


Sunday Morning … Tares and Wheat … Teetotalism … Hearsay … Irish 
Family … What Profession? … Sabbath Evening … Priest or Minister … 
Give us God。

ON the Sunday morning; as we sat at breakfast; we heard the noise 
of singing in the street; running to the window; we saw a number of 
people; bareheaded; from whose mouths the singing or psalmody 
proceeded。  These; on inquiry; we were informed; were Methodists; 
going about to raise recruits for a grand camp…meeting; which was 
to be held a little way out of the town。  We finished our 
breakfast; and at eleven attended divine service at the Cathedral。  
The interior of this holy edifice was smooth and neat; strangely 
contrasting with its exterior; which was rough and weather…beaten。  
We had decent places found us by a civil verger; who probably took 
us for what we were … decent country people。  We heard much fine 
chanting by the choir; and an admirable sermon; preached by a 
venerable prebend; on 〃Tares and Wheat。〃  The congregation was 
numerous and attentive。  After service we returned to our inn; and 
at two o'clock dined。  During dinner our conversation ran almost 
entirely on the sermon; which we all agreed was one of the best 
sermons we had ever heard; and most singularly adapted to country 
people like ourselves; being on 〃Wheat and Tares。〃  When dinner was 
over my wife and daughter repaired to the neighbouring church; and 
I went in quest of the camp…meeting; having a mighty desire to know 
what kind of a thing Methodism at Chester was。

I found about two thousand people gat
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