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wild wales-第53章

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moels stood up here and there; about us and below us; partly in 
glorious light; partly in deep shade。  Manifold were the objects 
which we saw from the brow of Snowdon; but of all the objects which 
we saw; those which filled us with delight and admiration; were 
numerous lakes and lagoons; which; like sheets of ice or polished 
silver; lay reflecting the rays of the sun in the deep valleys at 
his feet。

〃Here;〃 said I to Henrietta; 〃you are on the top crag of Snowdon; 
which the Welsh consider; and perhaps with justice; to be the most 
remarkable crag in the world; which is mentioned in many of their 
old wild romantic tales; and some of the noblest of their poems; 
amongst others in the 'Day of Judgment;' by the illustrious Goronwy 
Owen; where it is brought forward in the following manner:

〃'Ail i'r ar ael Eryri;
Cyfartal hoewal a hi。'

〃'The brow of Snowdon shall be levelled with the ground; and the 
eddying waters shall murmur round it。'

〃You are now on the top crag of Snowdon; generally termed Y Wyddfa; 
(6) which means a conspicuous place or tumulus; and which is 
generally in winter covered with snow; about which snow there are 
in the Welsh language two curious englynion or stanzas consisting 
entirely of vowels with the exception of one consonant; namely the 
letter R。

〃'Oer yw'r Eira ar Eryri; … o'ryw
Ar awyr i rewi;
Oer yw'r ia ar riw 'r ri;
A'r Eira oer yw 'Ryri。

〃'O Ri y'Ryri yw'r oera; … o'r ar;
Ar oror wir arwa;
O'r awyr a yr Eira;
O'i ryw i roi rew a'r ia。'

〃'Cold is the snow on Snowdon's brow
It makes the air so chill;
For cold; I trow; there is no snow
Like that of Snowdon's hill。

〃'A hill most chill is Snowdon's hill;
And wintry is his brow;
From Snowdon's hill the breezes chill
Can freeze the very snow。'〃

Such was the harangue which I uttered on the top of Snowdon; to 
which Henrietta listened with attention; three or four English; who 
stood nigh; with grinning scorn; and a Welsh gentleman with 
considerable interest。  The latter coming forward shook me by the 
hand exclaiming …

〃Wyt ti Lydaueg?〃

〃I am not a Llydauan;〃 said I; 〃I wish I was; or anything but what 
I am; one of a nation amongst whom any knowledge save what relates 
to money…making and over…reaching is looked upon as a disgrace。  I 
am ashamed to say that I am an Englishman。〃

I then returned his shake of the hand; and bidding Henrietta and 
the guide follow me; went into the cabin; where Henrietta had some 
excellent coffee and myself and the guide a bottle of tolerable 
ale; very much refreshed we set out on our return。

A little way from the top; on the right…hand side as you descend; 
there is a very steep path running down in a zigzag manner to the 
pass which leads to Capel Curig。  Up this path it is indeed a task 
of difficulty to ascend to the Wyddfa; the one by which we mounted 
being comparatively easy。  On Henrietta's pointing out to me a 
plant; which grew on a crag by the side of this path some way down; 
I was about to descend in order to procure it for her; when our 
guide springing forward darted down the path with the agility of a 
young goat; in less than a minute returned with it in his hand and 
presented it gracefully to the dear girl; who on examining it said 
it belonged to a species of which she had long been desirous of 
possessing a specimen。  Nothing material occurred in our descent to 
Llanberis; where my wife was anxiously awaiting us。  The ascent and 
descent occupied four hours。  About ten o'clock at night we again 
found ourselves at Bangor。


Gronwy Owen … Struggles of Genius … The Stipend。

THE day after our expedition to Snowdon I and my family parted; 
they returning by railroad to Chester and Llangollen whilst I took 
a trip into Anglesey to visit the birth…place of the great poet 
Goronwy Owen; whose works I had read with enthusiasm in my early 

Goronwy or Gronwy Owen; was born in the year 1722; at a place 
called Llanfair Mathafarn Eithaf in Anglesey。  He was the eldest of 
three children。  His parents were peasants and so exceedingly poor 
that they were unable to send him to school。  Even; however; when 
an unlettered child he gave indications that he was visited by the 
awen or muse。  At length the celebrated Lewis Morris chancing to be 
at Llanfair became acquainted with the boy; and struck with his 
natural talents; determined that he should have all the benefit 
which education could bestow。  He accordingly; at his own expense 
sent him to school at Beaumaris; where he displayed a remarkable 
aptitude for the acquisition of learning。  He subsequently sent him 
to Jesus College; Oxford; and supported him there whilst studying 
for the church。  Whilst at Jesus; Gronwy distinguished himself as a 
Greek and Latin scholar; and gave such proofs of poetical talent in 
his native language; that he was looked upon by his countrymen of 
that Welsh college as the rising Bard of the age。  After completing 
his collegiate course he returned to Wales; where he was ordained a 
minister of the Church in the year 1745。  The next seven years of 
his life were a series of cruel disappointments and pecuniary 
embarrassments。  The grand wish of his heart was to obtain a curacy 
and to settle down in Wales。  Certainly a very reasonable wish。  To 
say nothing of his being a great genius; he was eloquent; highly 
learned; modest; meek and of irreproachable morals; yet Gronwy Owen 
could obtain no Welsh curacy; nor could his friend Lewis Morris; 
though he exerted himself to the utmost; procure one for him。  It 
is true that he was told that he might go to Llanfair; his native 
place; and officiate there at a time when the curacy happened to be 
vacant; and thither he went; glad at heart to get back amongst his 
old friends; who enthusiastically welcomed him; yet scarcely had he 
been there three weeks when he received notice from the Chaplain of 
the Bishop of Bangor that he must vacate Llanfair in order to make 
room for a Mr John Ellis; a young clergyman of large independent 
fortune; who was wishing for a curacy under the Bishop of Bangor; 
Doctor Hutton … so poor Gronwy the eloquent; the learned; the meek; 
was obliged to vacate the pulpit of his native place to make room 
for the rich young clergyman; who wished to be within dining 
distance of the palace of Bangor。  Truly in this world the full 
shall be crammed; and those who have little; shall have the little 
which they have taken away from them。  Unable to obtain employment 
in Wales Gronwy sought for it in England; and after some time 
procured the curacy of Oswestry in Shropshire; where he married a 
respectable young woman; who eventually brought him two sons and a 

From Oswestry he went to Donnington near Shrewsbury; where under a 
certain Scotchman named Douglas; who was an absentee; and who died 
Bishop of Salisbury; he officiated as curate and master of a 
grammar school for a stipend … always grudgingly and contumeliously 
paid … of three…and…twenty pounds a year。  From Donnington he 
removed to Walton in Cheshire; where he lost his daughter who was 
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