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wild wales-第51章

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whatever counsel he gave people was for their best; he was gentle 
and humane; and got every man out of trouble who came to him in his 
need。  His wife was called Bergthora; she was the daughter of 
Skarphethin。  She was a bold…spirited woman who feared nobody; and 
was rather rough of temper。  They had six children; three daughters 
and three sons; all of whom will be frequently mentioned in this 

In the history many instances are given of Nial's skill in giving 
good advice and his power of seeing events before they happened。  
Nial lived in Iceland during most singular times; in which though 
there were laws provided for every possible case; no man could have 
redress for any injury unless he took it himself; or his friends 
took it for him; simply because there were no ministers of justice 
supported by the State; authorised and empowered to carry the 
sentence of the law into effect。  For example; if a man were slain; 
his death would remain unpunished; unless he had a son or a 
brother; or some other relation to slay the slayer; or to force him 
to pay 〃bod;〃 that is; amends in money; to be determined by the 
position of the man who was slain。  Provided the man who was slain 
had relations; his death was generally avenged; as it was 
considered the height of infamy in Iceland to permit one's 
relations to be murdered; without slaying their murderers; or 
obtaining bod from them。  The right; however; permitted to 
relations of taking with their own hands the lives of those who had 
slain their friends; produced incalculable mischiefs; for if the 
original slayer had friends; they; in the event of his being slain 
in retaliation for what he had done; made it a point of honour to 
avenge his death; so that by the lex talionis feuds were 
perpetuated。  Nial was a great benefactor to his countrymen; by 
arranging matters between people; at variance in which he was much 
helped by his knowledge of the law; and by giving wholesome advice 
to people in precarious situations; in which he was frequently 
helped by the power which he possessed of the second sight。  On 
several occasions he settled the disputes in which his friend 
Gunnar was involved; a noble; generous character; and the champion 
of Iceland; but who had a host of foes; envious of his renown; and 
it was not his fault if Gunnar was eventually slain; for if the 
advice which he gave had been followed; the champion would have 
died an old man; and if his own sons had followed his advice; and 
not been over fond of taking vengeance on people who had wronged 
them; they would have escaped a horrible death; in which he himself 
was involved; as he had always foreseen he should be。

〃Dost thou know by what death thou thyself wilt die?〃 said Gunnar 
to Nial; after the latter had been warning him that if he followed 
a certain course he would die by a violent death。

〃I do;〃 said Nial。

〃What is it?〃 said Gunnar。

〃What people would think the least probable;〃 replied Nial。

He meant that he should die by fire。  The kind generous Nial; who 
tried to get everybody out of difficulty; perished by fire。  His 
sons by their violent conduct had incensed numerous people against 
them。  The house in which they lived with their father was beset at 
night by an armed party; who; unable to break into it owing to the 
desperate resistance which they met with from the sons of Nial; 
Skarphethin; Helgi; and Grimmr and a comrade of theirs called Kari; 
(4) set it in a blaze; in which perished Nial; the lawyer and man 
of the second sight; his wife Bergthora; and two of their sons; the 
third; Helgi; having been previously slain; and Kari; who was 
destined to be the avenger of the ill…fated family; having made his 
escape; after performing deeds of heroism which for centuries after 
were the themes of song and tale in the ice…bound isle。


Snowdon … Caernarvon … Maxen Wledig … Moel y Cynghorion … The 
Wyddfa … Snow of Snowdon … Rare Plant。

ON the third morning after our arrival at Bangor we set out for 

Snowdon or Eryri is no single hill; but a mountainous region; the 
loftiest part of which; called Y Wyddfa; nearly four thousand feet 
above the level of the sea; is generally considered to be the 
highest point of Southern Britain。  The name Snowdon was bestowed 
upon this region by the early English on account of its snowy 
appearance in winter; Eryri by the Britons; because in the old time 
it abounded with eagles; Eryri (5) in the ancient British language 
signifying an eyrie or breeding…place of eagles。

Snowdon is interesting on various accounts。  It is interesting for 
its picturesque beauty。  Perhaps in the whole world there is no 
region more picturesquely beautiful than Snowdon; a region of 
mountains; lakes; cataracts; and; groves in which nature shows 
herself in her most grand and beautiful forms。

It is interesting from its connection with history:  it was to 
Snowdon that Vortigern retired from the fury of his own subjects; 
caused by the favour which he showed to the detested Saxons。  It 
was there that he called to his counsels Merlin; said to be 
begotten on a hag by an incubus; but who was in reality the son of 
a Roman consul by a British woman。  It was in Snowdon that he built 
the castle; which he fondly deemed would prove impregnable; but 
which his enemies destroyed by flinging wild…fire over its walls; 
and it was in a wind…beaten valley of Snowdon; near the sea; that 
his dead body decked in green armour had a mound of earth and 
stones raised over it。  It was on the heights of Snowdon that the 
brave but unfortunate Llywelin ap Griffith made his last stand for 
Cambrian independence; and it was to Snowdon that that very 
remarkable man; Owen Glendower; retired with his irregular bands 
before Harry the Fourth and his numerous and disciplined armies; 
soon however; to emerge from its defiles and follow the foe; 
retreating less from the Welsh arrows from the crags; than from the 
cold; rain and starvation of the Welsh hills。

But it is from its connection with romance that Snowdon derives its 
chief interest。  Who when he thinks of Snowdon does not associate 
it with the heroes of romance; Arthur and his knights? whose 
fictitious adventures; the splendid dreams of Welsh and Breton 
minstrels; many of the scenes of which are the valleys and passes 
of Snowdon; are the origin of romance; before which what is classic 
has for more than half a century been waning; and is perhaps 
eventually destined to disappear。  Yes; to romance Snowdon is 
indebted for its interest and consequently for its celebrity; but 
for romance Snowdon would assuredly not be what it at present is; 
one of the very celebrated hills of the world; and to the poets of 
modern Europe almost what Parnassus was to those of old。

To the Welsh; besides being the hill of the Awen or Muse; it has 
always been the hill of hills; the loftiest of all mountains; the 
one whose snow is the coldest; to climb to whose peak is the most 
difficult of all feats; and the one whose fall will be the most 
astounding catastrophe of the last day。

To vie
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