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wild wales-第43章

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and asked him if he was about to depart。

〃Yes; signore; I shall presently start for Denbigh。〃

〃After breakfast I shall start for Bangor;〃 said I。

〃Do you propose to reach Bangor to…night; signore?〃

〃Yes;〃 said I。

〃Walking; signore?〃

〃Yes;〃 said I; 〃I always walk in Wales。〃

〃Then you will have rather a long walk; signore; for Bangor is 
thirty…four miles from here。〃

I asked him if he was married。

〃No; signore; but my brother in Liverpool is。〃

〃To an Italian?〃

〃No; signore; to a Welsh girl。〃

〃And I suppose;〃 said I; 〃you will follow his example by marrying 
one; perhaps that good…looking girl the landlady's daughter we were 
seated with last night?〃

〃No; signore; I shall not follow my brother's example。  If ever I 
take a wife she shall be of my own village; in Como; whither I hope 
to return; as soon as I have picked up a few more pounds。〃

〃Whether the Austrians are driven away or not?〃 said I。

〃Whether the Austrians are driven away or not … for to my mind 
there is no country like Como; signore。〃

I ordered breakfast; whilst taking it in the room above I saw 
through the open window the Italian trudging forth on his journey; 
a huge box on his back; and a weather…glass in his hand … looking 
the exact image of one of those men; his country people; whom forty 
years before I had known at N…。  I thought of the course of time; 
sighed and felt a tear gather in my eye。

My breakfast concluded; I paid my bill; and after inquiring the way 
to Bangor; and bidding adieu to the kind landlady and her daughter; 
set out from Cerrig y Drudion。  My course lay west; across a flat 
country; bounded in the far distance by the mighty hills I had seen 
on the preceding evening。  After walking about a mile I overtook a 
man with a game leg; that is a leg which; either by nature or 
accident not being so long as its brother leg; had a patten 
attached to it; about five inches high; to enable it to do duty 
with the other … he was a fellow with red shock hair and very red 
features; and was dressed in ragged coat and breeches and a hat 
which had lost part of its crown; and all its rim; so that even 
without a game leg he would have looked rather a queer figure。  In 
his hand he carried a fiddle。

〃Good morning to you;〃 said I。

〃A good morning to your hanner; a merry afternoon and a roaring; 
joyous evening … that is the worst luck I wish to ye。〃

〃Are you a native of these parts?〃 said I。

〃Not exactly; your hanner … I am a native of the city of Dublin; 
or; what's all the same thing; of the village of Donnybrook; which 
is close by it。〃

〃A celebrated place;〃 said I。

〃Your hanner may say that; all the world has heard of Donnybrook; 
owing to the humours of its fair。  Many is the merry tune I have 
played to the boys at that fair。〃

〃You are a professor of music; I suppose?〃

〃And not a very bad one; as your hanner will say; if you allow me 
to play you a tune。〃

〃Can you play Croppies Lie Down?〃

〃I cannot; your hanner; my fingers never learnt to play such a 
blackguard tune; but if you wish to hear Croppies Get Up I can 
oblige ye。〃

〃You are a Roman Catholic; I suppose?〃

〃I am not; your hanner … I am a Catholic to the back…bone; just 
like my father before me。  Come; your hanner; shall I play ye 
Croppies Get Up?〃

〃No;〃 said I; 〃it's a tune that doesn't please my ears。  If; 
however; you choose to play Croppies Lie Down; I'll give you a 

〃Your hanner will give me a shilling?〃

〃Yes;〃 said I; 〃if you play Croppies Lie Down; but you know you 
cannot play it; your fingers never learned the tune。〃

〃They never did; your hanner; but they have heard it played of ould 
by the blackguard Orange fiddlers of Dublin on the first of July; 
when the Protestant boys used to walk round Willie's statue on 
College Green … so if your hanner gives me the shilling; they may 
perhaps bring out something like it。〃

〃Very good;〃 said I; 〃begin!〃

〃But; your hanner; what shall we do for the words? though my 
fingers may remember the tune my tongue does not remember the words 
… that is unless 。 。 。〃

〃I give another shilling;〃 said I; 〃but never mind you the words; I 
know the words; and will repeat them。〃

〃And your hanner will give me a shilling?〃

〃If you play the tune;〃 said I。

〃Hanner bright; your hanner?〃

〃Honour bright;〃 said I。

Thereupon the fiddler taking his bow and shouldering his fiddle; 
struck up in first…rate style the glorious tune; which I had so 
often heard with rapture in the days of my boyhood in the barrack…
yard of Clonmel; whilst I; walking by his side as he stumped along; 
caused the welkin to resound with the words; which were the delight 
of the young gentlemen of the Protestant academy of that beautiful 
old town。

〃I never heard those words before;〃 said the fiddler; after I had 
finished the first stanza。

〃Get on with you;〃 said I。

〃Regular Orange words!〃 said the fiddler; on my finishing the 
second stanza。

〃Do you choose to get on?〃 said I。

〃More blackguard Orange words I never heard!〃 cried the fiddler; on 
my coming to the conclusion of the third stanza。  〃Divil a bit 
farther will I play; at any rate till I get the shilling。〃

〃Here it is for you;〃 said I; 〃the song is ended; and; of course; 
the tune。〃

〃Thank your hanner;〃 said the fiddler; taking the money; 〃your 
hanner has kept your word with me; which is more than I thought 
your hanner would。  And now your hanner let me ask you why did your 
hanner wish for that tune; which is not only a blackguard one but 
quite out of date; and where did your hanner get the words?〃

〃I used to hear the tune in my boyish days;〃 said I; 〃and wished to 
hear it again; for though you call it a blackguard tune; it is the 
sweetest and most noble air that Ireland; the land of music; has 
ever produced。  As for the words; never mind where I got them; they 
are violent enough; but not half so violent as the words of some of 
the songs made against the Irish Protestants by the priests。〃

〃Your hanner is an Orange man; I see。  Well; your hanner; the 
Orange is now in the kennel; and the Croppies have it all their own 

〃And perhaps;〃 said I; 〃before I die; the Orange will be out of the 
kennel and the Croppies in; even as they were in my young days。〃

〃Who knows; your hanner? and who knows that I may not play the old 
tune round Willie's image in College Green; even as I used some 
twenty…seven years ago?〃

〃Oh then you have been an Orange fiddler?〃

〃I have; your hanner。  And now as your hanner has behaved like a 
gentleman to me I will tell ye all my history。  I was born in the 
city of Dublin; that is in the village of Donnybrook; as I tould 
your hanner before。  It was to the trade of bricklaying I was bred; 
and bricklaying I followed till at last; getting my leg smashed; 
not by falling off the ladder; but by a row in the fair; I was 
obliged to give it up; for how could I run up the ladder with a 
patten on my foot; which they put on to make my broken leg as long 
as the other。  Well your hanner; being obliged to give up my 
bricklaying; I took to fiddling; to which I had
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