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wild wales-第26章

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grand lady too … kept grand company; and used to be drawn about in 
a coach by four horses。  But she too is gone; and the house is cold 
and empty; no fire in it; sir; no furniture。  There was an auction 
after her death; and a grand auction it was and lasted four days。  
Oh; what a throng of people there was; some of whom came from a 
great distance to buy the curious things; of which there were 

We passed over a bridge; which crosses a torrent; which descends 
from the mountain on the south side of Llangollen; which bridge 
John Jones told me was called the bridge of the Melin Bac; or mill 
of the nook; from a mill of that name close by。  Continuing our way 
we came to a glen; down which the torrent comes which passes under 
the bridge。  There was little water in the bed of the torrent; and 
we crossed easily enough by stepping…stones。  I looked up the glen; 
a wild place enough; its sides overgrown with trees。  Dreary and 
dismal it looked in the gloom of the closing evening。  John Jones 
said that there was no regular path up it; and that one could only 
get along by jumping from stone to stone; at the hazard of breaking 
one's legs。  Having passed over the bed of the torrent; we came to 
a path; which led up the mountain。  The path was very steep and 
stony; the glen with its trees and darkness on our right。  We 
proceeded some way。  At length John Jones pointed to a hollow lane 
on our right; seemingly leading into the glen。

〃That place; sir;〃 said he; 〃is called Pant y Gwyddel … the 
Irishman's dingle; and sometimes Pant Paddy; from the Irish being 
fond of taking up their quarters there。  It was just here; at the 
entrance of the pant; that the tribe were encamped; when I passed 
two months ago at night; in returning from the other side of the 
hill with ten shillings in my pocket; which I had been paid for a 
piece of my work; which I had carried over the mountain to the very 
place where I am now carrying this。  I shall never forget the 
fright I was in; both on account of my life; and my ten shillings。  
I ran down what remained of the hill as fast as I could; not 
minding the stones。  Should I meet a tribe now on my return I shall 
not run; you will be with me; and I shall not fear for my life nor 
for my money; which will be now more than ten shillings; provided 
the man over the hills pays me; as I have no doubt he will。〃

As we ascended higher we gradually diverged from the glen; though 
we did not lose sight of it till we reached the top of the 
mountain。  The top was nearly level。  On our right were a few 
fields enclosed with stone walls。  On our left was an open space 
where whin; furze and heath were growing。  We passed over the 
summit; and began to descend by a tolerably good; though steep 
road。  But for the darkness of evening and a drizzling mist; which; 
for some time past; had been coming on; we should have enjoyed a 
glorious prospect down into the valley; or perhaps I should say 
that I should have enjoyed a glorious prospect; for John Jones; 
like a true mountaineer; cared not a brass farthing for prospects。  
Even as it was; noble glimpses of wood and rock were occasionally 
to be obtained。  The mist soon wetted us to the skin 
notwithstanding that we put up our umbrellas。  It was a regular 
Welsh mist; a niwl; like that in which the great poet Ab Gwilym 
lost his way; whilst trying to keep an assignation with his beloved 
Morfydd; and which he abuses in the following manner:…

〃O ho! thou villain mist; O ho!
What plea hast thou to plague me so?
I scarcely know a scurril name;
But dearly thou deserv'st the same;
Thou exhalation from the deep
Unknown; where ugly spirits keep!
Thou smoke from hellish stews uphurl'd
To mock and mortify the world!
Thou spider…web of giant race;
Spun out and spread through airy space!
Avaunt; thou filthy; clammy thing;
Of sorry rain the source and spring!
Moist blanket dripping misery down;
Loathed alike by land and town!
Thou watery monster; wan to see;
Intruding 'twixt the sun and me;
To rob me of my blessed right;
To turn my day to dismal night。
Parent of thieves and patron best;
They brave pursuit within thy breast!
Mostly from thee its merciless snow
Grim January doth glean; I trow。
Pass off with speed; thou prowler pale;
Holding along o'er hill and dale;
Spilling a noxious spittle round;
Spoiling the fairies' sporting ground!
Move off to hell; mysterious haze;
Wherein deceitful meteors blaze;
Thou wild of vapour; vast; o'ergrown;
Huge as the ocean of unknown。〃

As we descended; the path became more steep; it was particularly so 
at a part where it was overshadowed with trees on both sides。  
Here; finding walking very uncomfortable; my knees suffering much; 
I determined to run。  So shouting to John Jones; 〃Nis gallav 
gerdded rhaid rhedeg;〃 I set off running down the pass。  My 
companion followed close behind; and luckily meeting no mischance; 
we presently found ourselves on level ground; amongst a collection 
of small houses。  On our turning a corner a church appeared on our 
left hand on the slope of the hill。  In the churchyard; and close 
to the road; grew a large yew…tree which flung its boughs far on 
every side。  John Jones stopping by the tree said; that if I looked 
over the wall of the yard I should see the tomb of a Lord 
Dungannon; who had been a great benefactor to the village。  I 
looked; and through the lower branches of the yew; which hung over 
part of the churchyard; I saw what appeared to be a mausoleum。  
Jones told me that in the church also there was the tomb of a great 
person of the name of Tyrwhitt。

We passed on by various houses till we came nearly to the bottom of 
the valley。  Jones then pointing to a large house; at a little 
distance on the right; told me that it was a good gwesty; and 
advised me to go and refresh myself in it; whilst he went and 
carried home his work to the man who employed him; who he said 
lived in a farm…house a few hundred yards off。  I asked him where 
we were。

〃At Llyn Ceiriog;〃 he replied。

I then asked if we were near Pont Fadog; and received for answer 
that Pont Fadog was a good way down the valley; to the north…east; 
and that we could not see it owing to a hill which intervened。

Jones went his way and I proceeded to the gwestfa; the door of 
which stood invitingly open。  I entered a large kitchen; at one end 
of which a good fire was burning in a grate; in front of which was 
a long table; and a high settle on either side。  Everything looked 
very comfortable。  There was nobody in the kitchen:  on my calling; 
however; a girl came; whom I bade in Welsh to bring me a pint of 
the best ale。  The girl stared; but went away apparently to fetch 
it … presently came the landlady; a good…looking middle…aged woman。  
I saluted her in Welsh and then asked her if she could speak 
English。  She replied 〃Tipyn bach;〃 which interpreted; is; a little 
bit。  I soon; however; found that she could speak it very passably; 
for two men coming in from the rear of the house she conversed with 
them in English。  These two individuals seated themselves on chairs 
near the door
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