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wild wales-第19章

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think is the meaning in Saxon of Pont y Cyssylltau。〃

We set out; my guide conducted me along the bank of the Camlas in 
the direction of Rhiwabon; that is towards the east。  On the way we 
discoursed on various subjects; and understood each other tolerably 
well。  I asked if he had been anything besides a weaver。  He told 
me that when a boy he kept sheep on the mountain。  〃Why did you not 
go on keeping sheep?〃 said 〃I would rather keep sheep than weave。〃

〃My parents wanted me at home; sir;〃 said he; 〃and I was not sorry 
to go home; I earned little; and lived badly。〃

〃A shepherd;〃 said I; 〃can earn more than five shillings a week。〃

〃I was never a regular shepherd; sir;〃 said he。  〃But; sir; I would 
rather be a weaver with five shillings a week in Llangollen; than a 
shepherd with fifteen on the mountain。  The life of a shepherd; 
sir; is perhaps not exactly what you and some other gentlefolks 
think。  The shepherd bears much cold and wet; sir; and he is very 
lonely; no society save his sheep and dog。  Then; sir; he has no 
privileges。  I mean gospel privileges。  He does not look forward to 
Dydd Sul; as a day of llawenydd; of joy and triumph; as the weaver 
does; that is if he is religiously disposed。  The shepherd has no 
chapel; sir; like the weaver。  Oh; sir; I say again that I would 
rather be a weaver in Llangollen with five shillings a week; than a 
shepherd on the hill with fifteen。〃

〃Do you mean to say;〃 said I; 〃that you live with your family on 
five shillings a week?〃

〃No; sir。  I frequently do little commissions by which I earn 
something。  Then; sir; I have friends; very good friends。  A good 
lady of our congregation sent me this morning half…a…pound of 
butter。  The people of our congregation are very kind to each 
other; sir。〃

〃That is more;〃 thought I to myself; 〃than the people of my 
congregation are; they are always cutting each other's throats。〃  I 
next asked if he had been much about Wales。

〃Not much; sir。  However; I have been to Pen Caer Gybi; which you 
call Holy Head; and to Beth Gelert; sir。〃

〃What took you to those places?〃

〃I was sent to those places on business; sir; as I told you before; 
sir; I sometimes execute commissions。  At Beth Gelert I stayed some 
time。  It was there I married; sir; my wife comes from a place 
called Dol Gellyn near Beth Gelert。〃

〃What was her name?〃

〃Her name was Jones; sir。〃

〃What; before she married?〃

〃Yes; sir; before she married。  You need not be surprised; sir; 
there are plenty of the name of Jones in Wales。  The name of my 
brother's wife; before she married; was also Jones。〃

〃Your brother is a clever man;〃 said I。

〃Yes; sir; for a Cumro he is clebber enough。〃

〃For a Cumro?〃

〃Yes; sir; he is not a Saxon; you know。〃

〃Are Saxons then so very clever?〃

〃Oh yes; sir; who so clebber?  The clebberest people in Llangollen 
are Saxons; that is; at carnal things … for at spiritual things I 
do not think them at all clebber。  Look at Mr A。; sir。〃

〃Who is he?〃

〃Do you not know him; sir?  I thought everybody knew Mr A。  He is a 
Saxon; sir; and keeps the inn on the road a little way below where 
you live。  He is the clebberest man in Llangollen; sir。  He can do 
everything。  He is a great cook; and can wash clothes better than 
any woman。  Oh; sir; for carnal things; who so clebber as your 

After walking about four miles by the side of the canal we left it; 
and bearing to the right presently came to the aqueduct; which 
strode over a deep and narrow valley; at the bottom of which ran 
the Dee。  〃This is the Pont y Cysswllt; sir;〃 said my guide; 〃it's 
the finest bridge in the world; and no wonder; if what the common 
people say be true; namely that every stone cost a golden 

We went along it; the height was awful。  My guide; though he had 
been a mountain shepherd; confessed that he was somewhat afraid。  
〃It gives me the pendro; sir;〃 said he; 〃to look down。〃  I too felt 
somewhat dizzy; as I looked over the parapet into the glen。  The 
canal which this mighty bridge carries across the gulf is about 
nine feet wide; and occupies about two…thirds of the width of the 
bridge and the entire western side。  The footway is towards the 
east。  From about the middle of the bridge there is a fine view of 
the forges on the Cefn Bach and also of a huge hill near it called 
the Cefn Mawr。  We reached the termination; and presently crossing 
the canal by a little wooden bridge we came to a village。  My guide 
then said; 〃If you please; sir; we will return by the old bridge; 
which leads across the Dee in the bottom of the vale。〃  He then led 
me by a romantic road to a bridge on the west of the aqueduct; and 
far below。  It seemed very ancient。  〃This is the old bridge; sir;〃 
said my guide; 〃it was built a hundred years before the Pont y 
Cysswllt was dreamt of。〃  We now walked to the west; in the 
direction of Llangollen; along the bank of the river。  Presently we 
arrived where the river; after making a bend; formed a pool。  It 
was shaded by lofty trees; and to all appearance was exceedingly 
deep。  I stopped to look at it; for I was struck with its gloomy 
horror。  〃That pool; sir;〃 said John Jones; 〃is called Llyn y 
Meddwyn; the drunkard's pool。  It is called so; sir; because a 
drunken man once fell into it; and was drowned。  There is no deeper 
pool in the Dee; sir; save one; a little below Llangollen; which is 
called the pool of Catherine Lingo。  A girl of that name fell into 
it; whilst gathering sticks on the high bank above it。  She was 
drowned; and the pool was named after her。  I never look at either 
without shuddering; thinking how certainly I should be drowned if I 
fell in; for I cannot swim; sir。〃

〃You should have learnt to swim when you were young;〃 said I; 〃and 
to dive too。  I know one who has brought up stones from the bottom; 
I daresay; of deeper pools than either; but he was a Saxon; and at 
carnal things; you know; none so clebber as the Saxons。〃

I found my guide a first…rate walker and a good botanist; knowing 
the names of all the plants and trees in Welsh。  By the time we 
returned to Llangollen I had formed a very high opinion of him; in 
which I was subsequently confirmed by what I saw of him during the 
period of our acquaintance; which was of some duration。  He was 
very honest; disinterested; and exceedingly good…humoured。  It is 
true; he had his little skits occasionally at the Church; and 
showed some marks of hostility to the church cat; more especially 
when he saw it mounted on my shoulders; for the creature soon began 
to take liberties; and in less than a week after my arrival at the 
cottage; generally mounted on my back; when it saw me reading or 
writing; for the sake of the warmth。  But setting aside those same 
skits at the Church; and that dislike of the church cat; venial 
trifles after all; and easily to be accounted for; on the score of 
his religious education; I found nothing to blame; and much to 
admire; in John Jones; the Calvinistic Methodist of Llangollen。


Divine Service … Llangollen Bells … Iolo Goch … The 
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