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wild wales-第169章

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relation working at the foundry behind us I came to see him。〃

〃Are you in the royal service?〃

〃I am not; your honour; I was once in the royal service; but having 
a dispute with the boatswain at Spithead; I gave him a wipe; jumped 
overboard and swam ashore。  After that I sailed for Cuba; got into 
the merchants' service there; and made several voyages to the Black 
Coast。  At present I am in the service of the merchants of Cork。〃

〃I wonder that you are not now in the royal service;〃 said I; 
〃since you are so fond of fighting。  There is hot work going on at 
present up the Black Sea; and brave men; especially Irishmen; are 
in great request。〃

〃Yes; brave Irishmen are always in great request with England when 
she has a battle to fight。  At other times they are left to lie in 
the mud with the chain round their necks。  It has been so ever 
since the time of De Courcy; and I suppose always will be so; 
unless Irishmen all become of my mind; which is not likely。  Were 
the Irish all of my mind; the English would find no Irish champion 
to fight their battles when the French or the Russians come to 
beard them。〃

〃By De Courcy;〃 said I; 〃you mean the man whom the King of England 
confined in the Tower of London after taking from him his barony in 
the county of Cork。〃

〃Of course; your honour; and whom he kept in the Tower till the 
King of France sent over a champion to insult and beard him; when 
the king was glad to take De Courcy out of the dungeon to fight the 
French champion; for divil a one of his own English fighting men 
dared take the Frenchman in hand。〃

〃A fine fellow that De Courcy;〃 said I。

〃Rather too fond of the drop though; like your honour and myself; 
for after he had caused the French champion to flee back into 
France he lost the greater part of the reward which the King of 
England promised him; solely by making too free with the strong 
drink。  Does your honour remember that part of the story?〃

〃I think I do;〃 said I; 〃but I should be very glad to hear you 
relate it。〃

〃Then your honour shall。  Right glad was the King of England when 
the French champion fled back to France; for no sooner did the 
dirty spalpeen hear that they were going to bring De Courcy against 
him; the fame of whose strength and courage filled the whole world; 
than he betook himself back to his own country; and was never heard 
of more。  Right glad; I say; was the King of England; and gave 
leave to De Courcy to return to Ireland。  'And you shall have;' 
said he; 'of the barony which I took from you all that you can ride 
round on the first day of your return。'  So De Courcy betook 
himself to Ireland and to his barony; but he was anything but a 
lucky man; this De Courcy; for his friends and relations and 
tenantry; hearing of his coming; prepared a grand festival for him; 
with all kinds of illigant viands and powerful liquors; and when he 
arrived there it was waiting for him; and down to it he sat; and 
ate; and drank; and for joy of seeing himself once more amongst his 
friends and tenantry in the hall of his forefathers; and for love 
of the drop; which he always had; he drank of the powerful liquors 
more than he ought; and the upshot was that he became drunk; agus 
do bhi an duine maith sin misgeadh do ceather o glog; the good 
gentleman was drunk till four o'clock; and when he awoke he found 
that he had but two hours of day remaining to win back his brave 
barony。  However; he did not lose heart; but mounted his horse and 
set off riding as fast as a man just partly recovered from 
intoxication could be expected to do; and he contrived to ride 
round four parishes; and only four; and these four parishes were 
all that he recovered of his brave barony; and all that he had to 
live upon till his dying day; and all that he had to leave to his 
descendants; so that De Courcy could scarcely be called a very 
lucky man; after all。〃

Shortly after my friend the sailor had concluded his account of De 
Courcy; we arrived in the vicinity of a small town or rather 
considerable village。  It stood on the right…hand side of the road; 
fronting the east; having a high romantic hill behind it on the 
sides of which were woods; groves; and pleasant…looking white 

〃What place is this?〃 said I to my companion。

〃This is …; your honour; and here; if your honour will accept a 
glass of whiskey we will splice the mainbrace together。〃

〃Thank you;〃 said I; 〃but I am in haste to get to Swansea。  
Moreover; if I am over fond of the drop; as you say I am; the 
sooner I begin to practise abstinence the better。〃

〃Very true; your honour!  Well; at any rate; when your honour gets 
to Swansea; you will not be able to say that Pat Flannagan walked 
for miles with your honour along the road; without offering your 
honour a glass of whiskey。〃

〃Nor shall Pat Flannagan be able to say the same thing of my 
honour。  I have a shilling in my pocket at Pat Flannagan's service; 
if he chooses to splice with it the mainbrace for himself and for 

〃Thank your honour; but I have a shilling in my own pocket; and a 
dollar too; and a five…pound note besides; so I needn't be beholden 
for drink money to anybody under the sun。〃

〃Well then; farewell!  Here's my hand! … Slan leat a Phatraic ui 

〃Slan leat a dhuine…uasail!〃 said Patrick; giving me his hand; 〃and 
health; hope; and happiness to ye。〃

Thereupon he turned aside to …; and I continued my way to Swansea。  
Arrived at a place called Glandwr; about two miles from Swansea; I 
found that I was splashed from top to toe; for the roads were 
frightfully miry; and was sorry to perceive that my boots had given 
way at the soles; large pieces of which were sticking out。  I must; 
however; do the poor things the justice to say; that it was no 
wonder that they were in this dilapidated condition; for in those 
boots I had walked at least two hundred miles; over all kinds of 
paths; since I had got them soled at Llangollen。  〃Well;〃 said I to 
myself; 〃it won't do to show myself at Swansea in this condition; 
more especially as I shall go to the best hotel; I must try and get 
myself made a little decent here。〃  Seeing a little inn; on my 
right; I entered it; and addressing myself to a neat comfortable 
landlady; who was standing within the bar; I said:…

〃Please to let me have a glass of ale! … and hearkee; as I have 
been walking along the road; I should be glad of the services of 
the 'boots。'〃

〃Very good; sir;〃 said the landlady with a curtsey。

Then showing me into a nice little sanded parlour; she brought me 
the glass of ale; and presently sent in a lad with a boot…jack to 
minister to me。  Oh; what can't a little money effect?  For 
sixpence in that small nice inn; I had a glass of ale; my boots 
cleaned; and the excrescences cut off; my clothes wiped with a 
dwile; and then passed over with a brush; and was myself thanked 
over and over again。  Starting again with all the spirited 
confidence of one who has just cast off his slough; I soon found 
myself in the suburbs of Swansea。  As I passed under what appeared 
to be a railroad bridge I inqui
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