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wild wales-第158章

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〃Oh; I saw that as I came past;〃 said I; 〃I don't think there is 
much accommodation there。〃

〃Oh; your honour is clane mistaken; there is always an illigant 
fire and an illigant bed too。〃

〃Is there only one bed?〃 said I。

〃Oh; yes; there are two beds; one for the accommodation of the 
people of the house and the other for that of the visitors。〃

〃And do the visitors sleep together then?〃 said I。

〃Oh yes! unless they wish to be unsociable。  Those who are not 
disposed to be sociable sleeps in the chimney…corners。〃

〃Ah;〃 said I; 〃I see it is a very agreeable inn; however; I shall 
go on to the 'Pump Saint。'〃

〃I am sorry for it; your honour; for your honour's sake; your 
honour won't be half so illigantly served at the 'Pump Saint' as 
there above。〃

〃Of what religion are you?〃 said I。

〃Oh; I'm a Catholic; just like your honour; for if I am not clane 
mistaken your honour is an Irishman。〃

〃Who is your spiritual director?〃 said I。

〃Why; then; it is just Father Toban; your honour; whom of course 
your honour knows。〃

〃Oh yes!〃 said I; 〃when you next see him present my respects to 

〃What name shall I mention; your honour?〃

〃Shorsha Borroo;〃 said I。

〃Oh; then I was right in taking your honour for an Irishman。  None 
but a raal Paddy bears that name。  A credit to your honour is your 
name; for it is a famous name; (17) and a credit to your name is 
your honour; for it is a neat man without a bend you are。  God 
bless your honour and good night! and may you find dacent quarters 
in the 'Pump Saint。'〃

Leaving Mary Bane I proceeded on my way。  The evening was rather 
fine but twilight was coming rapidly on。  I reached the bottom of 
the valley and soon overtook a young man dressed something like a 
groom。  We entered into conversation。  He spoke Welsh and a little 
English。  His Welsh I had great difficulty in understanding; as it 
was widely different from that which I had been accustomed to。  He 
asked me where I was going to; I replied to the 〃Pump Saint;〃 and 
then enquired if he was in service。

〃I am;〃 said he。

〃With whom do you live?〃 said I。

〃With Mr Johnes of Dol Cothi;〃 he answered。

Struck by the word Cothi; I asked if Dol Cothi was ever called Glyn 

〃Oh yes;〃 said he; 〃frequently。〃

〃How odd;〃 thought I to myself; 〃that I should have stumbled all of 
a sudden upon the country of my old friend Lewis Glyn Cothi; the 
greatest poet after Ab Gwilym of all Wales!〃

〃Is Cothi a river?〃 said I to my companion。

〃It is;〃 said he。

Presently we came to a bridge over a small river。

〃Is this river the Cothi?〃 said I。

〃No;〃 said he; 〃this is the Twrch; the bridge is called Pont y 

〃The bridge of Twrch or the hog;〃 said I to myself; 〃there is a 
bridge of the same name in the Scottish Highlands; not far from the 
pass of the Trossachs。  I wonder whether it has its name from the 
same cause as this; namely; from passing over a river called the 
Twrch or Torck; which word in Gaelic signifies boar or hog even as 
it does in Welsh。〃  It had now become nearly dark。  After 
proceeding some way farther I asked the groom if we were far from 
the inn of the 〃Pump Saint。〃

〃Close by;〃 said he; and presently pointing to a large building on 
the right…hand side he said:  〃This is the inn of the 'Pump Saint;' 
sir。  Nos Da'chi!〃


〃Pump Saint〃 … Pleasant Residence … The Watery Coom … Philological 
Fact … Evening Service … Meditation。

I ENTERED the inn of the 〃Pump Saint。〃  It was a comfortable old…
fashioned place; with a very large kitchen and a rather small 
parlour。  The people were kind and attentive; and soon set before 
me in the parlour a homely but savoury supper; and a foaming 
tankard of ale。  After supper I went into the kitchen; and sitting 
down with the good folks in an immense chimney…corner; listened to 
them talking in their Carmarthenshire dialect till it was time to 
go to rest; when I was conducted to a large chamber where I found 
an excellent and clean bed awaiting me; in which I enjoyed a 
refreshing sleep; occasionally visited by dreams in which some of 
the scenes of the preceding day again appeared before me; but in an 
indistinct and misty manner。

Awaking in the very depth of the night I thought I heard the 
murmuring of a river; I listened and soon found that I had not been 
deceived。  〃I wonder whether that river is the Cothi;〃 said I; 〃the 
stream of the immortal Lewis。  I will suppose that it is〃 … and 
rendered quite happy by the idea; I soon fell asleep again。

I arose about eight and went out to look about me。  The village 
consists of little more than half…a…dozen houses。  The name 〃Pump 
Saint〃 signifies 〃Five Saints。〃  Why the place is called so I know 
not。  Perhaps the name originally belonged to some chapel which 
stood either where the village now stands or in the neighbourhood。  
The inn is a good specimen of an ancient Welsh hostelry。  Its gable 
is to the road and its front to a little space on one side of the 
way。  At a little distance up the road is a blacksmith's shop。  The 
country around is interesting:  on the north…west is a fine wooded 
hill … to the south a valley through which flows the Cothi; a fair 
river; the one whose murmur had come so pleasingly upon my ear in 
the depth of night。

After breakfast I departed for Llandovery。  Presently I came to a 
lodge on the left…hand beside an ornamental gate at the bottom of 
an avenue leading seemingly to a gentleman's seat。  On inquiring of 
a woman; who sat at the door of the lodge; to whom the grounds 
belonged; she said to Mr Johnes; and that if I pleased I was 
welcome to see them。  I went in and advanced along the avenue; 
which consisted of very noble oaks; on the right was a vale in 
which a beautiful brook was running north and south。  Beyond the 
vale to the east were fine wooded hills。  I thought I had never 
seen a more pleasing locality; though I saw it to great 
disadvantage; the day being dull; and the season the latter fall。  
Presently; on the avenue making a slight turn; I saw the house; a 
plain but comfortable gentleman's seat with wings。  It looked to 
the south down the dale。  〃With what satisfaction I could live in 
that house;〃 said I to myself; 〃if backed by a couple of thousands 
a…year。  With what gravity could I sign a warrant in its library; 
and with what dreamy comfort translate an ode of Lewis Glyn Cothi; 
my tankard of rich ale beside me。  I wonder whether the proprietor 
is fond of the old bard and keeps good ale。  Were I an Irishman 
instead of a Norfolk man I would go in and ask him。〃

Returning to the road I proceeded on my journey。  I passed over 
Pont y Rhanedd or the bridge of the Rhanedd; a small river flowing 
through a dale; then by Clas Hywel; a lofty mountain which appeared 
to have three heads。  After walking for some miles I came to where 
the road divided into two。  By a sign…post I saw that both led to 
Llandovery; one by Porth y Rhyd and the other by Llanwrda。  The 
distance by the first was six miles and a half; by the latter eight 
and a half。  Feeling quite the reverse of tired I ch
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