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wild wales-第142章

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marriages of this kind were generally considered valid; and seldom 
set aside。  The ecclesiastical law; however; did not recognise 
these poetical marriages; and the parents of Morfudd by appealing 
to the law soon severed the union。  After confining the lady for a 
short time; they bestowed her hand in legal fashion upon a 
chieftain of the neighbourhood; very rich but rather old; and with 
a hump on his back; on account which he was nicknamed bow…back; or 
little hump…back。  Morfudd; however; who passed her time in rather 
a dull manner with this person; which would not have been the case 
had she done her duty by endeavouring to make the poor man 
comfortable; and by visiting the sick and needy around her; was 
soon induced by the bard to elope with him。  The lovers fled to 
Glamorgan; where Ifor Hael; not much to his own credit; received 
them with open arms; probably forgetting how he had immured his OWN 
daughter in a convent; rather than bestow her on Ab Gwilym。  Having 
a hunting…lodge in a forest on the banks of the lovely Taf; he 
allotted it to the fugitives as a residence。  Ecclesiastical law; 
however; as strong in Wild Wales as in other parts of Europe; soon 
followed them into Glamorgan; and; very properly; separated them。  
The lady was restored to her husband; and Ab Gwilym fined to a very 
high amount。  Not being able to pay the fine; he was cast into 
prison; but then the men of Glamorgan arose to a man; swearing that 
their head bard should not remain in prison。  〃Then pay his fine!〃 
said the ecclesiastical law; or rather the ecclesiastical lawyer。  
〃So we will!〃 said the men of Glamorgan; and so they did。  Every 
man put his hand into his pocket; the amount was soon raised; the 
fine paid; and the bard set free。

Ab Gwilym did not forget this kindness of the men of Glamorgan; 
and; to requite it; wrote an address to the sun; in which he 
requests that luminary to visit Glamorgan; to bless it; and to keep 
it from harm。  The piece concludes with some noble lines somewhat 
to this effect

〃If every strand oppression strong
Should arm against the son of song;
The weary wight would find; I ween;
A welcome in Glamorgan green。〃

Some time after his release he meditated a second elopement with 
Morfudd; and even induced her to consent to go off with him。  A 
friend; to whom he disclosed what he was thinking of doing; asking 
him whether he would venture a second time to take such a step; 〃I 
will;〃 said the bard; 〃in the name of God and the men of 
Glamorgan。〃  No second elopement; however; took place; the bard 
probably thinking; as has been well observed; that neither God nor 
the men of Glamorgan would help him a second time out of such an 
affair。  He did not attain to any advanced age; but died when about 
sixty; some twenty years before the rising of Glendower。  Some time 
before his death his mind fortunately took a decidedly religious 

He is said to have been eminently handsome in his youth; tall; 
slender; with yellow hair falling in ringlets down his shoulders。  
He is likewise said to have been a great libertine。  The following 
story is told of him:…

〃In a certain neighbourhood he had a great many mistresses; some 
married and others not。  Once upon a time; in the month of June he 
made a secret appointment with each of his lady…loves; the place 
and hour of meeting being the same for all; each was to meet him at 
the same hour beneath a mighty oak which stood in the midst of a 
forest glade。  Some time before the appointed hour he went; and 
climbing up the oak; hid himself amidst the dense foliage of its 
boughs。  When the hour arrived he observed all the nymphs tripping 
to the place of appointment; all came; to the number of twenty…four 
… not one stayed away。  For some time they remained beneath the oak 
staring at each other。  At length an explanation ensued; and it 
appeared that they had all come to meet Ab Gwilym。

〃'Oh; the treacherous monster!' cried they with one accord; 'only 
let him show himself and we will tear him to pieces。'

〃'Will you?' said Ab Gwilym from the oak; 'here I am; let her who 
has been most wanton with me make the first attack upon me!'

〃The females remained for some time speechless; all of a sudden; 
however; their anger kindled; not against the bard; but against 
each other。  From harsh and taunting words they soon came to 
actions:  hair was torn off; faces were scratched; blood flowed 
from cheek and nose。  Whilst the tumult was at its fiercest Ab 
Gwilym slipped away。〃

The writer merely repeats this story; and he repeats it as 
concisely as possible; in order to have an opportunity of saying 
that he does not believe one particle of it。  If he believed it; he 
would forthwith burn the most cherished volume of the small 
collection of books from which he derives delight and recreation; 
namely; that which contains the songs of Ab Gwilym; for he would 
have nothing in his possession belonging to such a heartless 
scoundrel as Ab Gwilym must have been had he got up the scene above 
described。  Any common man who would expose to each other and the 
world a number of hapless; trusting females who had favoured him 
with their affections; and from the top of a tree would feast his 
eyes upon their agonies of shame and rage; would deserve to be … 
emasculated。  Had Ab Gwilym been so dead to every feeling of 
gratitude and honour as to play the part which the story makes him 
play; he would have deserved not only to be emasculated; but to be 
scourged with harp…strings in every market…town in Wales; and to be 
dismissed from the service of the Muse。  But the writer repeats 
that he does not believe one tittle of the story; though Ab 
Gwilym's biographer; the learned and celebrated William Owen; not 
only seems to believe it; but rather chuckles over it。  It is the 
opinion of the writer that the story is of Italian origin; and that 
it formed part of one of the many rascally novels brought over to 
England after the marriage of Lionel; Duke of Clarence; the third 
son of Edward the Third; with Violante; daughter of Galeazzo; Duke 
of Milan。

Dafydd Ab Gwilym has been in general considered as a songster who 
never employed his muse on any subject save that of love; and there 
can be no doubt that by far the greater number of his pieces are 
devoted more or less to the subject of love。  But to consider him 
merely in the light of an amatory poet would be wrong。  He has 
written poems of wonderful power on almost every conceivable 
subject。  Ab Gwilym has been styled the Welsh Ovid; and with great 
justice; but not merely because like the Roman he wrote admirably 
on love。  The Roman was not merely an amatory poet:  let the shade 
of Pythagoras say whether the poet who embodied in immortal verse 
the oldest; the most wonderful; and at the same time the most 
humane; of all philosophy was a mere amatory poet。  Let the shade 
of blind Homer be called up to say whether the bard who composed 
the tremendous line …

〃Surgit ad hos clypei dominus septemplicis Ajax〃 …

equal to any save ONE of his own; was a mere amatory songster。  
Yet; dive
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