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wild wales-第131章

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away; and scarcely had I done so when the door was slammed to 
behind me with great force; and I heard two 〃aughs;〃 one not quite 
so deep and abhorrent as the other; probably proceeding from the 
throat of the younger female。

〃Two regular Saxon…hating Welsh women;〃 said I; philosophically; 
〃just of the same sort no doubt as those who played such pranks on 
the slain bodies of the English soldiers; after the victory 
achieved by Glendower over Mortimer on the Severn's side。〃

I proceeded in the direction indicated; winding round the side of 
the hill; the same mountain which the old man had pointed out to me 
some time before。  At length; on making a turn I saw a very lofty 
mountain in the far distance to the south…west; a hill right before 
me to the south; and; on my left; a meadow overhung by the southern 
hill; in the middle of which stood a house from which proceeded a 
violent barking of dogs。  I would fain have made immediately up to 
it for the purpose of inquiring my way; but saw no means of doing 
so; a high precipitous bank lying between it and me。  I went 
forward and ascended the side of the hill before me; and presently 
came to a path running east and west。  I followed it a little way 
towards the east。  I was now just above the house; and saw some 
children and some dogs standing beside it。  Suddenly I found myself 
close to a man who stood in a hollow part of the road; from which a 
narrow path led down to the house; a donkey with panniers stood 
beside him。  He was about fifty years of age; with a carbuncled 
countenance; high but narrow forehead; grey eyebrows; and small; 
malignant grey eyes。  He had a white hat; with narrow eaves and the 
crown partly knocked out; a torn blue coat; corduroy breeches; long 
stockings and highlows。  He was sucking a cutty pipe; but seemed 
unable to extract any smoke from it。  He had all the appearance of 
a vagabond; and of a rather dangerous vagabond。  I nodded to him; 
and asked him in Welsh the name of the place。  He glared at me 
malignantly; then; taking the pipe out of his mouth; said that he 
did not know; that he had been down below to inquire and light his 
pipe; but could get neither light nor answer from the children。  I 
asked him where he came from; but he evaded the question by asking 
where I was going to。

〃To the Pont y Gwr Drwg;〃 said I。

He then asked me if I was an Englishman。

〃Oh yes;〃 said I; 〃I am Carn Sais;〃 whereupon; with a strange 
mixture in his face of malignity and contempt; he answered in 
English that he didn't understand me。

〃You understood me very well;〃 said I; without changing my 
language; 〃till I told you I was an Englishman。  Harkee; man with 
the broken hat; you are one of the bad Welsh who don't like the 
English to know the language; lest they should discover your lies 
and rogueries。〃  He evidently understood what I said; for he 
gnashed his teeth; though he said nothing。  〃Well;〃 said I; 〃I 
shall go down to those children and inquire the name of the house;〃 
and I forthwith began to descend the path; the fellow uttering a 
contemptuous 〃humph〃 behind me; as much as to say; 〃Much you'll 
make out down there。〃  I soon reached the bottom and advanced 
towards the house。  The dogs had all along been barking violently; 
as I drew near to them; however; they ceased; and two of the 
largest came forward wagging their tails。  〃The dogs were not 
barking at me;〃 said I; 〃but at that vagabond above。〃  I went up to 
the children; they were four in number; two boys and two girls; all 
red…haired; but tolerably good…looking。  They had neither shoes nor 
stockings。  〃What is the name of this house?〃 said I to the eldest; 
a boy about seven years old。  He looked at me; but made no answer。  
I repeated my question; still there was no answer; but methought I 
heard a humph of triumph from the hill。  〃Don't crow quite yet; old 
chap;〃 thought I to myself; and putting my hand into my pocket; I 
took out a penny; and offering it to the child said:  〃Now; small 
man; Peth yw y enw y lle hwn?〃  Instantly the boy's face became 
intelligent; and putting out a fat little hand; he took the ceiniog 
and said in an audible whisper; 〃Waen y Bwlch。〃  〃I am all right;〃 
said I to myself; 〃that is one of the names of the places which the 
old ostler said I must go through。〃  Then addressing myself to the 
child I said:  〃Where's your father and mother?〃

〃Out on the hill;〃 whispered the child。

〃What's your father?〃

〃A shepherd。〃

〃Good;〃 said I。  〃Now can you tell me the way to the bridge of the 
evil man?〃  But the features became blank; the finger was put to 
the mouth; and the head was hung down。  That question was evidently 
beyond the child's capacity。  〃Thank you!〃 said I; and turning 
round I regained the path on the top of the bank。  The fellow and 
his donkey were still there。  〃I had no difficulty;〃 said I; 〃in 
obtaining information; the place's name is Waen y Bwlch。  But oes 
genoch dim Cumraeg … you have no Welsh。〃  Thereupon I proceeded 
along the path in the direction of the east。  Forthwith the fellow 
said something to his animal; and both came following fast behind。  
I quickened my pace; but the fellow and his beast were close in my 
rear。  Presently I came to a place where another path branched off 
to the south。  I stopped; looked at it; and then went on; but 
scarcely had done so when I heard another exulting 〃humph〃 behind。  
〃I am going wrong;〃 said I to myself; 〃that other path is the way 
to the Devil's Bridge; and the scamp knows it or he would not have 
grunted。〃  Forthwith I faced round; and brushing past the fellow 
without a word turned into the other path and hurried along it。  By 
a side glance which I cast I could see him staring after me; 
presently; however; he uttered a sound very much like a Welsh 
curse; and; kicking his beast; proceeded on his way; and I saw no 
more of him。  In a little time I came to a slough which crossed the 
path。  I did not like the look of it at all; and to avoid it 
ventured upon some green mossy…looking ground to the left; and had 
scarcely done so when I found myself immersed to the knees in a 
bog。  I; however; pushed forward; and with some difficulty got to 
the path on the other side of the slough。  I followed the path; and 
in about half…an…hour saw what appeared to be houses at a distance。  
〃God grant that I maybe drawing near some inhabited place!〃 said I。  
The path now grew very miry; and there were pools of water on 
either side。  I moved along slowly。  At length I came to a place 
where some men were busy in erecting a kind of building。  I went up 
to the nearest and asked him the name of the place。  He had a 
crowbar in his hand; was half naked; had a wry mouth and only one 
eye。  He made me no answer; but mowed and gibbered at me。

〃For God's sake;〃 said I; 〃don't do so; but tell me where I am!〃  
He still uttered no word; but mowed and gibbered yet more 
frightfully than before。  As I stood staring at him another man 
came to me and said in broken English:  〃It is of no use speaking 
to him; sir; he is deaf and dumb。〃

〃I am glad he is no worse;〃 said I; 〃f
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