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wild wales-第119章

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satchel down I took a seat and ordered the maid to get some dinner 
for me; and then asked what had become of the waiter; Tom Jenkins。

〃He is not here at present; sir;〃 said the freckled maid; 〃he is at 
his own house。〃

〃And why is he not here?〃 said I。

〃Because he is not wanted; sir; he only comes in summer when the 
house is full of people。〃

And having said this the little freckled damsel left the room。

〃Reither a cool night; sir!〃 said the enormous man after we had 
been alone together a few minutes。

I again almost started; for he spoke with the same kind of half…
piping; half…wheezing voice; with which methought the Wolverhampton 
gent had spoken to me in my dream。

〃Yes;〃 said I; 〃it is rather cold out abroad; but I don't care as I 
am not going any farther to…night。〃

〃That's not my case;〃 said the stout man; 〃I have got to go ten 
miles; as far as Cerrig Drudion; from which place I came this 
afternoon in a wehicle。〃

〃Do you reside at Cerrig Drudion?〃 said I。

〃No;〃 said the stout man; whose dialect I shall not attempt further 
to imitate; 〃but I have been staying there some time; for happening 
to go there a month or two ago I was tempted to take up my quarters 
at the inn。  A very nice inn it is; and the landlady a very 
agreeable woman; and her daughters very agreeable young ladies。〃

〃Is this the first time you have been at Bala?〃

〃Yes; the first time。  I had heard a good deal about it; and wished 
to see it。  So to…day; having the offer of a vehicle at a cheap 
rate; I came over with two or three other gents; amongst whom is 
Doctor Jones。〃

〃Dear me〃 said I; 〃is Doctor Jones in Bala?〃

〃Yes;〃 said the stout man。  〃Do you know him?〃

〃Oh yes;〃 said I; 〃and have a great respect for him; his like for 
politeness and general learning is scarcely to be found in 

〃Only think;〃 said the stout man。  〃Well; I never heard that of him 

Wishing to see my sleeping room before I got my dinner; I now rose 
and was making for the door; when it opened; and in came Doctor 
Jones。  He had a muffler round his neck; and walked rather slowly 
and disconsolately; leaning upon a cane。  He passed without 
appearing to recognise me; and I; thinking it would be as well to 
defer claiming acquaintance with him till I had put myself a little 
to rights; went out without saying anything to him。  I was shown by 
the freckled maid to a nice sleeping apartment; where I stayed some 
time adjusting myself。  On my return to the coffee…room I found the 
doctor sitting near the fire…place。  The stout man had left the 
room。  I had no doubt that he had told Doctor Jones that I had 
claimed acquaintance with him; and that the doctor; not having 
recollected me; had denied that he knew anything of me; for I 
observed that he looked at me very suspiciously。

I took my former seat; and after a minute's silence said to Doctor 
Jones; 〃I think; sir; I had the pleasure of seeing you some time 
ago at Cerrig Drudion?〃

〃It's possible; sir;〃 said Doctor Jones in a tone of considerable 
hauteur; and tossing his head so that the end of his chin was above 
his comforter; 〃but I have no recollection of it。〃

I held my head down for a little time; then raising it and likewise 
my forefinger; I looked Doctor Jones full in the face and said; 
〃Don't you remember talking to me about Owen Pugh and Coll Gwynfa?〃

〃Yes; I do;〃 said Doctor Jones in a very low voice; like that of a 
person who deliberates; 〃yes; I do。  I remember you perfectly; 
sir;〃 he added almost immediately in a tone of some animation; 〃you 
are the gentleman with whom I had a very interesting conversation 
one evening last summer in the bar of the inn at Cerrig Drudion。  I 
regretted very much that our conversation was rather brief; but I 
was called away to attend to a case; a professional case; sir; of 
some delicacy; and I have since particularly regretted that I was 
unable to return that night; as it would have given me much 
pleasure to have been present at a dialogue; which I have been told 
by my friend the landlady; you held with a certain Italian who was 
staying at the house; which was highly agreeable and instructive to 
herself and her daughter。〃

〃Well;〃 said I; 〃I am rejoiced that fate has brought us together 
again。  How have you been in health since I had the pleasure of 
seeing you?〃

〃Rather indifferent; sir; rather indifferent。  I have of late been 
afflicted with several ailments; the original cause of which; I 
believe; was a residence of several years in the Ynysoedd y 
Gorllewin … the West India Islands … where I had the honour of 
serving her present gracious Majesty's gracious uncle; George the 
Fourth … in a medical capacity; sir。  I have likewise been 
afflicted with lowness of spirits; sir。  It was this same lowness 
of spirits which induced me to accept an invitation made by the 
individual lately in the room to accompany him in a vehicle with 
some other people to Bala。  I shall always consider my coming as a 
fortunate circumstance; inasmuch as it has given me an opportunity 
of renewing my acquaintance with you。〃

〃Pray;〃 said I; 〃may I take the liberty of asking who that 
individual is?〃

〃Why;〃 said Doctor Jones; 〃he is what they call a Wolverhampton 

〃A Wolverhampton gent;〃 said I to myself; 〃only think!〃

〃Were you pleased to make any observation; sir?〃 said the doctor。

〃I was merely saying something to myself;〃 said I。  〃And in what 
line of business may he be?  I suppose in the hog line。〃

〃Oh no!〃 said Doctor Jones。  〃His father; it is true; is a hog…
merchant; but as for himself he follows no business; he is what is 
called a fast young man; and goes about here and there on the 
spree; as I think they term it; drawing; whenever he wants money; 
upon his father; who is in affluent circumstances。  Some time ago 
he came to Cerrig Drudion; and was so much pleased with the place; 
the landlady; and her daughters; that he has made it his 
headquarters ever since。  Being frequently at the house I formed an 
acquaintance with him; and have occasionally made one in his 
parties and excursions; though I can't say I derive much pleasure 
from his conversation; for he is a person of little or no 

〃The son of a hog…merchant;〃 thought I to myself。  〃Depend upon it; 
that immense fellow whom I saw in my dream purchase the big hog at 
Llangollen fair; and who wanted me to give him a poond for his 
bargain; was this gent's father。  Oh; there is much more in dreams 
than is generally dreamt of by philosophy!〃

Doctor Jones presently began to talk of Welsh literature; and we 
were busily engaged in discussing the subject when in walked the 
fast young man; causing the floor to quake beneath his ponderous 
tread。  He looked rather surprised at seeing the doctor and me 
conversing; but Doctor Jones turning to him; said; 〃Oh; I remember 
this gentleman perfectly。〃

〃Oh!〃 said the fast young man; 〃very good!〃 then flinging himself 
down in a chair with a force that nearly broke it; and fixing his 
eyes upon me; said; 〃I think I remember the gentleman too。  If I am 
not much mistaken; s
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