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the american republic-第3章

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 the  book were more of a book; more worthy of my countrymen; and a  more weighty proof of the love I beat them; and with which I have  written it。  All I can say is; that it is an honest book; a  sincere book; and contains my best thoughts on the subjects  treated。  If well received; I shall be grateful; if neglected; I  shall endeavor to practise resignation; as I have so often done。


ELIZABETH; N。 J。; September 16; 1865。



The ancients summed up the whole of human wisdom in the maxim;  Know Thyself; and certainly there is for an individual no more  important as there is no more difficult knowledge; than knowledge  of himself; whence he comes; whither he goes; what he is; what he  is for; what he can do; what he ought to do; and what are his  means of doing it。

Nations are only individuals on a larger scale。  They have a  life; an individuality; a reason; a conscience; and instincts of  their own; and have the same general laws of development and  growth; and; perhaps; of decay; as the individual man。  Equally  important; and no less difficult than for the individual; is it  for a nation to know itself; understand its own existence; its  own powers and faculties; rights and duties; constitution;  instincts; tendencies; and 2                            destiny。  A nation has a spiritual as  well as a material; a moral as well as a physical existence; and  is subjected to internal as well as external conditions of health  and virtue; greatness and grandeur; which it must in some measure  understand and observe; or become weak and infirm; stunted in its  growth; and end in premature decay and death。

Among nations; no one has more need of full knowledge of itself  than the United States; and no one has hitherto had less。  It has  hardly had a distinct consciousness of its own national existence;  and has lived the irreflective life of the child; with no severe  trial; till the recent rebellion; to throw it back on itself and  compel it to reflect on its own constitution; its own separate  existence; individuality; tendencies; and end。  The defection of  the slaveholding States; and the fearful struggle that has  followed for national unity and integrity; have brought it at  once to a distinct recognition of itself; and forced it to pass  from thoughtless; careless; heedless; reckless adolescence to  grave and reflecting manhood。  The nation has been suddenly  compelled to study itself; and henceforth must act from  reflection; understanding; science; statesmanship; not from  instinct; impulse; passion; or caprice; knowing well what 3                                                           it does;  and wherefore it does it。  The change which four years of civil  war have wrought in the nation is great; and is sure to give it  the seriousness; the gravity; the dignity; the manliness it has  heretofore lacked。

Though the nation has been brought to a consciousness of its own  existence; it has not; even yet; attained to a full and clear  understanding of its own national constitution。  Its vision is  still obscured by the floating mists of its earlier morning; and  its judgment rendered indistinct and indecisive by the wild  theories and fancies of its childhood。  The national mind has  been quickened; the national heart has been opened; the national  disposition prepared; but there remains the important work of  dissipating the mists that still linger; of brushing away these  wild theories and fancies; and of enabling it to form a clear  and intelligent judgment of itself; and a true and just  appreciation of its own constitution tendencies;and destiny;  or; in other words; of enabling the nation to understand its own  idea; and the means of its actualization in space and time。

Every living nation has an idea given it by Providence to  realize; and whose realization is its special work; mission; or  destiny。  Every nation is; in some sense; a chosen people of 4                                                              God。   The Jews were the chosen people of God; through whom the  primitive traditions were to be preserved in their purity and  integrity; and the Messiah was to come。  The Greeks were the  chosen people of God; for the development and realization of the  beautiful or the divine splendor in art; and of the true in  science and philosophy; and the Romans; for the development of  the state; law; and jurisprudence。  The great despotic nations of  Asia were never properly nations; or if they were nations with a  mission; they proved false to it; and count for nothing in the  progressive development of the human race。  History has not  recorded their mission; and as far as they are known they have  contributed only to the abnormal development or corruption of  religion and civilization。  Despotism is barbaric and abnormal。

The United States; or the American Republic; has a mission; and  is chosen of God for the realization of a great idea。  It has  been chosen not only to continue the work assigned to Greece and  Rome; but to accomplish a greater work than was assigned to  either。  In art; it will prove false to its mission if it do not  rival Greece; and in science and philosophy; if it do not surpass  it。  In the state; in law; in jurisprudence; it must continue and  surpass Rome。  Its idea 5                         is liberty; indeed; but liberty with law;  and law with liberty。  Yet its mission is not so much the  realization of liberty as the realization of the true idea of the  state; which secures at once the authority of the public and the  freedom of the individualthe sovereignty of the people without  social despotism; and individual freedom without anarchy。  In  other words; its mission is to bring out in its life the  dialectic union of authority and liberty; of the natural rights  of man and those of society。  The Greek and Roman republics  asserted the state to the detriment of individual freedom; modern  republics either do the same; or assert individual freedom to the  detriment of the state。  The American republic has been  instituted by Providence to realize the freedom of each with  advantage to the other。

The real mission of the United States is to introduce and  establish a political constitution; which; while it retains all  the advantages of the constitutions of states thus far known; is  unlike any of them; and secures advantages which none of them did  or could possess。  The American constitution has no prototype in  any prior constitution。  The American form of government can be  classed throughout with none of the forms of government described  by Aristotle; or 6                  even by later authorities。  Aristotle knew only  four forms of government: Monarchy; Aristocracy; Democracy; and  Mixed Governments。  The American form is none of these; nor any  combination of them。  It is original; a new contribution to  political science; and seeks to attain the end of all wise and  just government by means unknown or forbidden to the ancients;  and which have been but imperfectly comprehended even by American  political writers themselves。  The originality of the American  constitution has been overlooked by the great 
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