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the augsburg confession-第11章

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the Church by learned and godly men。 Therefore our teachers; 

for the comforting of men's consciences; were constrained to 

show the difference between the power of the Church and the 

power of the sword; and taught that both of them; because of 

God's commandment; are to be held in reverence and honor; as 

the chief blessings of God on earth。  

But this is their opinion; that the power of the Keys; or the 

power of the bishops; according to the Gospel; is a power or 

commandment of God; to preach the Gospel; to remit and retain 

sins; and to administer Sacraments。 For with this commandment 

Christ sends forth His Apostles; John 20; 21 sqq。: As My 

Father hath sent Me; even so send I you。 Receive ye the Holy 

Ghost。 Whosesoever sins ye remit; they are remitted unto them; 

and whosesoever sins ye retain; they are retained。 Mark 16; 

15: Go preach the Gospel to every creature。  

This power is exercised only by teaching or preaching the 

Gospel and administering the Sacraments; according to their 

calling either to many or to individuals。 For thereby are 

granted; not bodily; but eternal things; as eternal 

righteousness; the Holy Ghost; eternal life。 These things 

cannot come but by the ministry of the Word and the 

Sacraments; as Paul says; Rom。 1; 16: The Gospel is the power 

of God unto salvation to every one that believeth。 Therefore; 

since the power of the Church grants eternal things; and is 

exercised only by the ministry of the Word; it does not 

interfere with civil government; no more than the art of 

singing interferes with civil government。 For civil government 

deals with other things than does the Gospel。 The civil rulers 

defend not minds; but bodies and bodily things against 

manifest injuries; and restrain men with the sword and bodily 

punishments in order to preserve civil justice and peace。  

Therefore the power of the Church and the civil power must not 

be confounded。 The power of the Church has its own commission 

to teach the Gospel and to administer the Sacraments。 Let it 

not break into the office of another; Let it not transfer the 

kingdoms of this world; let it not abrogate the laws of civil 

rulers; let it not abolish lawful obedience; let it not 

interfere with judgments concerning civil ordinances or 

contracts; let it not prescribe laws to civil rulers 

concerning the form of the Commonwealth。 As Christ says; John 

18; 33: My kingdom is not of this world; also Luke 12; 14: Who 

made Me a judge or a divider over you? Paul also says; Phil。  

3; 20: Our citizenship is in heaven; 2 Cor。 10; 4: The weapons 

of our warfare are not carnal; but mighty through God to the 

casting down of imaginations。  

After this manner our teachers discriminate between the duties 

of both these powers; and command that both be honored and 

acknowledged as gifts and blessings of God。 

If bishops have any power of the sword; that power they have; 

not as bishops; by the commission of the Gospel; but by human 

law having received it of kings and emperors for the civil 

administration of what is theirs。 This; however; is another 

office than the ministry of the Gospel。  

When; therefore; the question is concerning the jurisdiction 

of bishops; civil authority must be distinguished from 

ecclesiastical jurisdiction。 Again; according to the Gospel 

or; as they say; by divine right; there belongs to the bishops 

as bishops; that is; to those to whom has been committed the 

ministry of the Word and the Sacraments; no jurisdiction 

except to forgive sins; to judge doctrine; to reject doctrines 

contrary to the Gospel; and to exclude from the communion of 

the Church wicked men; whose wickedness is known; and this 

without human force; simply by the Word。 Herein the 

congregations of necessity and by divine right must obey them; 

according to Luke 10; 16: He that heareth you heareth Me。 But 

when they teach or ordain anything against the Gospel; then 

the congregations have a commandment of God prohibiting 

obedience; Matt。 7; 15: Beware of false prophets; Gal。 1; 8: 

Though an angel from heaven preach any other gospel; let him 

be accursed; 2 Cor。 13; 8: We can do nothing against the 

truth; but for the truth。 Also: The power which the Lord hath 

given me to edification; and not to destruction。 So; also; the 

Canonical Laws command (II。 Q。 VII。 Cap。; Sacerdotes; and Cap。 

Oves)。 And Augustine (Contra Petiliani Epistolam): Neither 

must we submit to Catholic bishops if they chance to err; or 

hold anything contrary to the Canonical Scriptures of God。  

If they have any other power or jurisdiction; in hearing and 

judging certain cases; as of matrimony or of tithes; etc。; 

they have it by human right; in which matters princes are 

bound; even against their will; when the ordinaries fail; to 

dispense justice to their subjects for the maintenance of 


Moreover; it is disputed whether bishops or pastors have the 

right to introduce ceremonies in the Church; and to make laws 

concerning meats; holy…days and grades; that is; orders of 

ministers; etc。 They that give this right to the bishops refer 

to this testimony John 16; 12。 13: I have yet many things to 

say unto you; but ye cannot bear them now。 Howbeit when He; 

the Spirit of Truth; is come; He will guide you into all 

truth。 They also refer to the example of the Apostles; who 

commanded to abstain from blood and from things strangled; 

Acts 15; 29。 They refer to the Sabbath…day as having been 

changed into the Lord's Day; contrary to the Decalog; as it 

seems。 Neither is there any example whereof they make more 

than concerning the changing of the Sabbath…day。 Great; say 

they; is the power of the Church; since it has dispensed with 

one of the Ten Commandments!  

But concerning this question it is taught on our part (as has 

been shown above) that bishops have no power to decree 

anything against the Gospel。 The Canonical Laws teach the same 

thing (Dist。 IX) 。 Now; it is against Scripture to establish 

or require the observance of any traditions; to the end that 

by such observance we may make satisfaction for sins; or merit 

grace and righteousness。 For the glory of Christ's merit 

suffers injury when; by such observances; we undertake to 

merit justification。 But it is manifest that; by such belief; 

traditions have almost infinitely multiplied in the Church; 

the doctrine concerning faith and the righteousness of faith 

being meanwhile suppressed。 For gradually more holy…days were 

made; fasts appointed; new ceremonies and services in honor of 

saints instituted; because the authors of such things thought 

that by these works they were meriting grace。 Thus in times 

past the Penitential Canons increased; whereof we still see 

some traces in the satisfactions。  

Again; the authors of traditions do contrary to the command of 

God when they find matters of sin in foods; in days; and like 

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