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draws a body to the center。
Characteristic。 Striking; that which is peculiar to some thing or
Commensurate。 Sufficient; in proper proportion; sufficient for
the occasion。
Commercially。 Pertaining to the nature of trade; the making of
Complicated。 Not easily explainable; not easy to separate。
Comparatively。 Judged by something else; taken with reference to
another object or thing。
Compression。 The drawing together; forcing into a smaller
compass; or space。
Composition。 Made up of different elements; or things。
Conceivable。 Made up from the imagination。
Concaved。 Hollowed: In aviation it has reference to the underside
of the plane; which is usually provided; structurally; with a
hollow or trough formation。
Conforming。 To make alike in form; to bring into harmony。
Conjunction。 In eonneetion with; joining together。
Convex。 A rounded surface; a bulging out。
Conclusion。 The end; a finding in law; a reasoning from a certain
Conductivity。 The property of materials whereby they will
transmit heat along from one part to another; also electricity。
Concentrated。 Brought together; assembled in a smaller space。
Conclusive。 A positive ending; decisive of the matter at issue。
Concentrically。 A line which is at all points at the same
distance from one point。
Condensation。 The act or process of making denser; or being
brought together。
Contemplate。 To consider; to judge。
Convoys。 A protecting force which aeeompanies the transfer of
Convection。 The diffusion of heat through a liquid or gas。
Consistent。 A state of harmony; the same at &11 times。
Constant。 In mathematics; a figure which never changes; or a
figure used as a fixed valuation in a problem。
Controllable。 Held within bounds; that which can be within the
power to accomplish。
Correctional。 The means whereby a fault may be made right。
Consequence。 The result; that which flows from a preceding
Counterforce。 An action contrary or opposite to the main force。
Counter…balance。 Any power equally opposing another。
Counteract。 A force acting in opposition to another。
Countercurrent。 An air current which sets up in an opposite
direction in the path of a moving aeroplane。
Cushioned。 An action which takes place against a moving
aeroplane; by a sudden gust of air or countercurrent。
Dedicated。 To set apart for some special purpose。
Degree。 An interval; a grade; a stage; a certain proportion。
Deltoid。 Shaped like the Greek letter delta。
Density。 Closeness of parts。
Demonstration。 Making clear; showing up; an exhibition or
Deceptive。 The power or tendency to give a false impression。
Deterrent。 To hold back; to prevent action。
Detracting。 The tendency to take away; to belittle。
Depressed。 To move downwardly。
Destination。 The place set for the end of the journey。
Despoiling。 To take away from; robbing or taking from another
by force or by stealth。
Dependant。 Hanging below; projecting from the lower side。
Dexterity。 Agility; smartness in action。
Deranged。 Put out of order; wrongly arranged。
Develop。 Brought out; to put into a correct shape or form。
Deferred。 Put over to another time。
Designedly。 With a direct purpose。
Diagonal。 Across an object at an angle to one or more aides。
Diametrically。 Across an object through or near the center
Diagram。 A mechanical plan or outline of an object。
Dimension。 The distance across an object。 The measurement; for
instance; of a propeller from tip to tip。
Dynamically。 Pertaining to motion as a result of force。
Dispossessed。 A term used to indicate the act which removes a
person from the possession of property。
Diameter。 The measurement across an object。
Divest。 Taken away from; removed out of。
Disregard。 Deliberate lack of attention。
Diversity。 The state wherein one is unlike another;
Drift。 The term used to indicate the horizontal motion; or the
pull of an aeroplane。
Dragon。 A fabulous monster; usually in the form of a serpent。
Duplicate。 Two; made in exact imitation of an original。
Easement。 A legal phrase to designate that right which man
possesses; irrespective of any law; to gain access to his
Effrontery。 Boldness with insolence; rashness without propriety。
Effective。 To be efficient。
Element。 One part of a whole。
Elasticity。 Material which will go back to its original form
after being distorted; is said to be elastic。
Eliminate。 To take away from; to remove a part; or the whole。
Elliptical。 Oblong with rounded ends。
Elusive。 Capable of escaping from; hard to hold。
Elevator。 The horizontal planes in front or rear; or in both
front and rear of the supporting surfaces of an aeroplane。
Emergency。 A sudden occurrence calling for immediate action。
Emplacement。 A spot designed to hold heavy field pieces in
Enactment。 The formulation of a law; the doing of a special
Enunciated。 Announced; setting forth of an act or a condition。
Energy。 That quality by reason of which anything tends to move or
Equidistant。 Two points or objects at equal distance from a
common point。
Equilibrinm。 A balance produced by the action of two or more
Equalizing; One made equal to the other; one side the same as the
Equipped。 Armed; provided with the proper material; or in the
same condition。
Essential。 The important part or element。
Essence The real charaeter or element of the thing itself。
External。 The outermost portion。
Evolution。 A gradual change or building up; from a lower to a
higher order。
Evolved。 Brought out from a crude condition to a better form。
Expression。 The art of explaining or setting forth。
Expansion。 Growing larger; to occupy a greater space。
Exerted。 To work to the utmost; to put forth in action。
Exhilaratiorn。 A lively; pleasing or happy sensation。
Exploited。 To fully examine and consider; as well as carry out。
Extremity。 The end; as far as ean be considered。
Facility。 Ease of management; to do things without difficulty。
Factor。 One of the elements in a problem; or in mechanical
Fascination; Attraetiveness that is pleasing。
Flexure。 The capacity to bend and yield; and return to its
original position。
Flexible; That which will yield; springy。
Fore and Aft。 Lengthwise; as from stem to stern of a ship。
Formation。 The shape or arrangement of an article or thing。
Formulated。 Put into some eonerete form; or so arranged that it
may be understood。
Frictionless。 Being without a grinding or retarding aotion。
Fulcrumed。 A resting place for a lever。