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the red badge of courage(红色英勇勋章)-第8章

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received a new impetus。         But there was much loss of valuable knapsacks; 

and; on the whole; very good shirts。 

     But    the  regiment    was   not   yet  veteranlike    in  appearance。      Veteran 

regiments in the army were likely to be very small aggregations of men。 

Once; when the command had first come to the field; some perambulating 

veterans; noting the length of their column; had accosted them thus: 〃Hey; 


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                                  The Red Badge of Courage 

fellers; what brigade is that?〃          And when the men had replied that they 

formed a regiment and not a brigade; the older soldiers had laughed; and 

said; 〃O Gawd!〃 

     Also;   there   was   too   great   a   similarity   in   the   hats。 The   hats   of   a 

regiment should properly represent the history of headgear for a period of 

years。    And; moreover; there were no letters of faded gold speaking from 

the   colors。    They   were   new   and   beautiful;   and   the   color   bearer   habitu… 

ally oiled the pole。 

     Presently the army again sat down to think。 The odor of the peaceful 

pines   was   in   the   men's   nostrils。   The   sound   of   monotonous   axe   blows 

rang    through    the   forest;  and   the   insects;   nodding    upon    their   perches; 

crooned like old women。 The youth returned to his theory of a blue dem… 


     One gray dawn; however; he was kicked in the leg by the tall soldier; 

and then; before he was entirely awake; he found himself running down a 

wood road in the midst of men who were panting from the first effects of 

speed。      His    can…   teen   banged     rhythmically     upon     his  thigh;   and   his 

haversack bobbed softly。          His musket bounced a trifle from his shoulder 

at each stride and made his cap feel uncertain upon his head。 

     He could hear the men whisper jerky sen… tences: 〃Saywhat's all this… 

…about?〃      〃What th' thunderweskedaddlin' this way fer?〃 〃Billiekeep 

off m' feet。     Yeh runlike a cow。〃 And the loud soldier's shrill voice could 

be heard: 〃What th' devil they in sich a hurry for?〃 

     The   youth   thought   the   damp   fog   of   early   morning   moved   from   the 

rush of a great body of troops。           From the distance came a sudden spatter 

of firing。 

     He   was   bewildered。       As   he   ran   with   his   com…   rades   he   strenuously 

tried   to   think;   but   all   he   knew   was   that   if   he   fell   down   those   coming 

behind would tread upon him。              All his faculties seemed to be needed to 

guide him over and past obstruc… tions。            He felt carried along by a mob。 

     The sun spread disclosing rays; and; one by one; regiments burst into 

view like armed men just born of the earth。              The youth perceived that the 

time had come。        He was about to be measured。             For a moment he felt in 

the face of his great trial like a babe; and the flesh over his heart seemed 


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                                  The Red Badge of Courage 

very thin。     He seized time to look about him calculatingly。 

     But he instantly saw that it would be impossi… ble for him to escape 

from the regiment。         It in… closed him。      And there were iron laws of tradi… 

tion and law on four sides。         He was in a moving box。 

     As he perceived this fact it occurred to him that he had never wished 

to   come   to   the   war。   He   had   not   enlisted   of   his   free   will。 He   had   been 

dragged   by  the   merciless   government。          And   now   they  were   taking   him 

out to be slaughtered。 

     The   regiment   slid   down   a   bank   and   wallowed   across   a   little   stream。 

The mournful current moved slowly on; and from the water; shaded black; 

some white bubble eyes looked at the men。 

     As they  climbed   the   hill   on   the farther side   artillery  began   to   boom。 

Here   the   youth   forgot   many   things   as   he   felt   a   sudden   impulse   of   curi… 

osity。    He scrambled up the bank with a speed that could not be exceeded 

by a bloodthirsty man。 

     He expected a battle scene。 

     There were some little fields girted and squeezed by a forest。                  Spread 

over the grass and in among the tree trunks; he could see knots and waving 

lines of skirmishers who were running hither and thither and firing at the 

landscape。 A dark battle line lay  upon a sunstruck clearing that   gleamed 

orange color。      A flag fluttered。 

     Other regiments floundered up the bank。                The brigade was formed in 

line of   battle;  and   after   a   pause   started   slowly  through the   woods   in   the 

rear of the receding skirmishers; who were con… tinually melting into the 

scene to appear again farther on。           They were always busy as bees; deeply 

absorbed in their little combats。 

     The youth tried to observe everything。              He did not use care to avoid 

trees and branches; and his forgotten feet were constantly knocking against 

stones or   getting   entangled in briers。  He  was aware  that   these battalions 

with their commotions were woven red and startling into the gentle fabric 

of softened greens and browns。 It looked to be a wrong place for a battle 


     The   skirmishers   in   advance   fascinated   him。  Their   shots   into   thickets 

and   at   distant   and   prominent   trees   spoke   to   him   of   tragedieshid…   den; 


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                                  The Red Badge of Courage 

mysterious; solemn。 

     Once the line encountered the body of a dead soldier。                   He lay upon 

his   back    staring   at  the   sky。  He    was   dressed    in  an   awkward      suit  of 

yellowish   brown。       The   youth   could   see   that   the   soles   of   his   shoes   had 

been worn to the thinness of writing paper; and from a great rent in one the 

dead   foot   projected   piteously。      And   it   was   as   if   fate   had   betrayed   the 

soldier。    In death it exposed to his enemies that poverty which in life he 

had perhaps concealed from his friends。 

     The ranks opened covertly to avoid the corpse。 The invulnerable dead 

man forced a way for him… self。              The youth looked keenly at the ashen 

face。   The   wind   raised   the   tawny   beard。      It   moved   as   if   a   hand   were 

stroking it。     He vaguely desired to walk around and around the body and 

stare; the impulse of the living to try to read in dead eyes the answer to the 


     During the march the ardor which the youth had acquired when out of 

view of the field rapidly faded to nothing。             His curiosity was quite easily 

satisfied。    If an inte
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