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youthful lieutenant bawling out: 〃Here they come! Right onto us;
b'Gawd!〃 His further words were lost in a roar of wicked thunder from
the men's rifles。
The youth's eyes had instantly turned in the direction indicated by the
awakened and agitated lieutenant; and he had seen the haze of treachery
disclosing a body of soldiers of the enemy。 They were so near that he
could see their features。 There was a recognition as he looked at the types
of faces。 Also he perceived with dim amazement that their uniforms
were rather gay in effect; being light gray; accented with a brilliant…hued
facing。 Too; the clothes seemed new。
These troops had apparently been going for… ward with caution; their
rifles held in readiness; when the youthful lieutenant had discovered them
and their movement had been interrupted by the volley from the blue
regiment。 From the moment's glimpse; it was derived that they had been
unaware of the proximity of their dark… suited foes or had mistaken the
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direction。 Al… most instantly they were shut utterly from the youth's sight
by the smoke from the energetic rifles of his companions。 He strained
his vision to learn the accomplishment of the volley; but the smoke hung
before him。
The two bodies of troops exchanged blows in the manner of a pair of
boxers。 The fast angry firings went back and forth。 The men in blue
were intent with the despair of their circum… stances and they seized upon
the revenge to be had at close range。 Their thunder swelled loud and
valiant。 Their curving front bristled with flashes and the place resounded
with the clangor of their ramrods。 The youth ducked and dodged for a
time and achieved a few unsatisfactory views of the enemy。 There
appeared to be many of them and they were replying swiftly。 They
seemed moving toward the blue regiment; step by step。 He seated
himself gloomily on the ground with his flag between his knees。
As he noted the vicious; wolflike temper of his comrades he had a
sweet thought that if the enemy was about to swallow the regimental
broom as a large prisoner; it could at least have the consolation of going
down with bristles for… ward。
But the blows of the antagonist began to grow more weak。 Fewer
bullets ripped the air; and finally; when the men slackened to learn of the
fight; they could see only dark; floating smoke。 The regiment lay still
and gazed。 Pres… ently some chance whim came to the pestering blur;
and it began to coil heavily away。 The men saw a ground vacant of
fighters。 It would have been an empty stage if it were not for a few
corpses that lay thrown and twisted into fantastic shapes upon the sward。
At sight of this tableau; many of the men in blue sprang from behind
their covers and made an ungainly dance of joy。 Their eyes burned and a
hoarse cheer of elation broke from their dry lips。
It had begun to seem to them that events were trying to prove that they
were impotent。 These little battles had evidently endeavored to demon…
strate that the men could not fight well。 When on the verge of
submission to these opinions; the small duel had showed them that the
propor… tions were not impossible; and by it they had revenged themselves
upon their misgivings and upon the foe。
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The impetus of enthusiasm was theirs again。 They gazed about them
with looks of uplifted pride; feeling new trust in the grim; always
confident weapons in their hands。 And they were men。
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PRESENTLY they knew that no firing threat… ened them。 All ways
seemed once more opened to them。 The dusty blue lines of their friends
were disclosed a short distance away。 In the distance there were many
colossal noises; but in all this part of the field there was a sudden stillness。
They perceived that they were free。 The depleted band drew a long
breath of relief and gathered itself into a bunch to complete its trip。
In this last length of journey the men began to show strange emotions。
They hurried with nervous fear。 Some who had been dark and un…
faltering in the grimmest moments now could not conceal an anxiety that
made them frantic。 It was perhaps that they dreaded to be killed in
insignificant ways after the times for proper military deaths had passed。
Or; perhaps; they thought it would be too ironical to get killed at
199 the portals of safety。 With backward looks of perturbation; they
As they approached their own lines there was some sarcasm exhibited
on the part of a gaunt and bronzed regiment that lay resting in the shade of
trees。 Questions were wafted to them。
〃Where th' hell yeh been?〃
〃What yeh comin' back fer?〃
〃Why didn't yeh stay there?〃
〃Was it warm out there; sonny?〃
〃Goin' home now; boys?〃
One shouted in taunting mimicry: 〃Oh; mother; come quick an' look at
th' sojers!〃
There was no reply from the bruised and bat… tered regiment; save that
one man made broad… cast challenges to fist fights and the red…bearded
officer walked rather near and glared in great swashbuckler style at a tall
captain in the other regiment。 But the lieutenant suppressed the man who
wished to fist fight; and the tall cap… tain; flushing at the little fanfare of
the red… bearded one; was obliged to look intently at some trees。
The youth's tender flesh was deeply stung by these remarks。 From
under his creased brows he glowered with hate at the mockers。 He
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meditated upon a few revenges。 Still; many in the regiment hung their
heads in criminal