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hard cash-第88章

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d like an Article; a Quarterly one; and so gained two advantages: 1st; he rarely irritated a fellow…creature; for if he began a sentence hot; what with its length; and what with its windiness; he ended it cool: item; stabs by polysyllables are pricks by sponges。 2ndly; this foible earned him the admiration of fools; and that is as invaluable as they are innumerable。

Yet was there in the mother…tongue he despised one gem of a word he vastly admired: like most Quarterly writers。 That charming word; the pet of the polysyllabic; was 〃OF。〃

 He opened the matter in a subdued and sympathising tone well calculated to win a loving father; such as Richard Hardiewas not。

〃My good friend here informs me; sir; you are so fortunate as to possess a son of distinguished abilities; and who is at present labouring under some of those precursory indications of incipient disease of the cerebro…psychical organs; of which I have been; I may say; somewhat successful in diagnosing the symptoms。 Unless I have been misinformed; he has; for a considerable time; experienced persistent headache of a kephalalgic or true cerebral type; and has now advanced to the succeeding stage of taciturnity and depression; not* unaccompanied with isolation; and probably constipation: but as yet without hallucination; though possibly; and; as my experience of the great majority of these cases would induce me to say; probably he is not** undisturbed by one or more of those latent; and; at first; trifling aberrations; either of the intelligence or the senses; which in their preliminary stages escape the observation of all but the expert nosologist。〃

*Anglice; 〃accompanied。〃 **Anglice; 〃disturbed。〃

〃There; you see;〃 said Osmond; 〃Dr。 Wycherley agrees with me: yet I assure you I have only detailed the symptoms; and not the conclusion I had formed from them。〃

Jane inquired timidly what that conclusion was。

〃Miss Hardie; we think it one of those obscure tendencies which are very curable if taken in time〃 Dr。 Wycherley ended the sentence: 〃But no longer remediable if the fleeting opportunity is allowed to escape; and diseased action to pass into diseased organisation。〃

Jane looked awestruck at their solemnity; but Mr。 Hardie; who was taking advice against the grain; turned satirical。 〃Gentleman;〃 said he; 〃be pleased to begin by moderating your own obscurity; and then perhaps I shall see better how to cure my son's disorder。 What the deuce are you driving at?〃

The two doctors looked at one another inquiringly; and so settled how to proceed。 Dr。 Wycherley explained to Mr。 Hardie that there was a sort of general unreasonable and superstitious feeling abroad; a kind of terror of the complaint with which his son was threatened; _〃and which;_ instead of the most remediable of disorders; is looked at as the most incurable of maladies:〃 it was on this account he had learned to approach the subject with singular caution; and even with a timidity which was kinder in appearance than in reality; that he must admit。

〃Well; you may speak out; as far as I am concerned;〃 said Mr。 Hardie; with consummate indifference。

〃Oh; yes!〃 said Jane; in a fever of anxiety; 〃pray conceal nothing from us。〃

〃Well; then; sir; I have not as yet had the advantage of examining your son personally; but; from the diagnostics; I have no doubt whatever he is labouring under the first fore…shadowings of cerebro…psychical perturbation。 To speak plainly; the symptoms are characteristic of the initiatory stage of the germination of a morbid state of the phenomena of intelligence。

His unprofessional hearers only stared。

〃In one word; then;〃 said Dr。 Wycherley; waxing impatient at their abominable obtuseness; 〃it is the premonitory stage of the precursory condition of an organic affection of the brain。〃

〃Oh!〃 said Mr。 Hardie; 〃the brain!* I see; the boy is going mad。〃

* What a blessing there are a few English words left in all our dialects。

The doctors stared in their turn at the prodigious coolness of a tender parent。 〃Not exactly;〃 said Dr。 Wycherley; 〃I am habitually averse to exaggeration of symptoms。 Your son's suggest to me 'the Incubation of Insanity;' nothing more。〃

Jane uttered an exclamation of horror; the doctor soothed her with an assurance that there was no cause for alarm。 〃Incipient aberration〃 was of easy cure: the mischief lay in delay。 〃Miss Hardie;〃 said he paternally; 〃during a long and busy professional career; it has been my painful province to witness the deplorable consequences of the non…recognition; by friends and relatives; of the precedent symptoms of those organic affections of the brain; the relief of which was within the reach of well…known therapeutic agents if exhibited seasonably。〃

He went on to deplore the blind prejudice of unprofessional persons; who choose to fancy that other diseases creep; but Insanity pounces; on a man; which he expressed thus neatly: 〃that other deviations from organic conditions of health are the subject of clearly defined though delicate gradations; but that the worst and most climacteric forms of cerebro…psychical disorder are suddenly developed affections presenting no evidence of any antecedent cephalic organic change; and unaccompanied by a premonitory stage; or by incipient symptoms。〃

This chimera he proceeded to confute by experience: he had repeatedly been called in to cases of mania described as sudden; and almost invariably found the patient had been cranky for years; which he condensed thus: 〃His conduct and behaviour for many years previously to any symptom of mental aberration being noticed; had been characterised by actions quite irreconcilable with the supposition of the existence of perfect sanity of intellect。〃

He instanced a parson; whom he had lately attended; and found him as constipated and as convinced he was John the Baptist engaged to the Princess Mary as could be。 〃But;〃 continued the learned doctor; 〃upon investigation of this afflicted ecclesiastic's antecedent history; I discovered that; for years before this; he had exhibited conduct incompatible with the hypothesis of a mind whose equilibrium had been undisturbed。 He had caused a number of valuable trees to be cut down on his estate; without being able to offer a sane justification for such an outrageous proceeding; and had actually disposed of a quantity of his patrimonial acres; _'and which'_ clearly he never would have parted with had he been in anything resembling a condition of sanity。〃

〃Did he sell the land and timber below the market price?〃 inquired Mr。 Hardie; perking up; and exhibiting his first symptoms of interest in the discussion。

〃On that head; sir; my informant; his heir…at…law; gave me no information: nor did I enter into that class of detail。 You naturally look at morbid phenomena in a commercial spirit; but we regard them medicallyand all this time most assiduously visiting the sick of his parish and preaching admirable serious。

The next instance he gave was of a stockbroker suffering under general paralysis and a rooted idea that all the _specie_ in the Bank of England was his; and ministers in league with foreign governments to keep him out of it。 〃Him;〃 said the doctor; 〃I discovered to have be
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