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hard cash-第59章

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e。 Oh; the bright eye; the bounding pulse; the buoyant foot; the reckless joy! He slapped Sharpe on the back a little vulgarly for him:

〃Jonah is on board again; old fellow: look out for squalls。〃

*The _Agra_; being much larger than the bottle; had drifted faster to leeward in the storm。

He uttered this foreboding in a tone of triumph; and with a gay elastic recklessness; which harmonised so well with his makeshift rudder; that Sharpe groaned aloud; and wished himself under any captain in the world but this; and in any other ship。 He looked round to make sure he was not watched; and then tapped his forehead significantly。 This somewhat relieved him; and he did his duty smartly for a man going to the bottom with his eyes open。

But ill luck is not to be bespoken any more than good: the _Agra's_ seemed to have blown itself out; the wind veered to the south…west; and breathed steadily in that quarter for ten days。 The topgallant sails were never lowered nor shifted day nor night all that time; and not a single danger occurred between this and the Cape; except to a monkey; which I fear I must relate; on account of its remoter consequences。 One fine afternoon; everybody was on deck amusing themselves as they could: Mrs。 Beresford; to wit; was being flattered under the Poop awning by Kenealy。 The feud between her and Dodd continued; but under a false impression。 The lady had one advantage over the gentler specimens of her sex; she was never deterred from a kind action by want of pluck; as they are。 Pluck? Aquilina was brimful of it。 When she found Dodd was wounded; she cast her wrongs to the wind; and offered to go and nurse him。 Her message came at an unlucky moment; and by an unlucky messenger: the surgeon said hastily; 〃I can't have him bothered。〃 The stupid servant reported; 〃He can't be worried;〃 and Mrs。 Beresford; thinking Dodd had a hand in this answer; was bitterly mortified; and with some reason。 She would have forgiven him; though; if he had died; but; as he lived; she thought she had a right to detest him; and did; and showed her sentiments like a lady; by never speaking to him; nor looking at him; but ignoring him with frigid magnificence on his own quarter…deck。

Now; among the crew of this ship was a favourite goat; good…tempered; affectionate; and playful; but a single vice counterbalanced all his virtues: he took a drop。 A year or two ago some light…hearted tempter taught him to sip grog; he took to it kindly; and was now arrived at such a pitch that at grog…time he used to butt his way in among the sailors; and get close to the canteen; and; …by arrangement; an allowance was always served out to him。 On imbibing it; he passed with quadrupedal rapidity through three stages; the absurd; the choleric; the sleepy; and was never his own goat again until he awoke from the latter。 Now Master Fred Beresford encountered him in the second stage of inebriety; and; being a rough playfellow; tapped his nose with a battledore。 Instantly Billy butted at him; mischievous Fred screamed and jumped on the bulwarks。 Pot…angry Billy went at him there; whereupon the young gentleman; with all eldrich screech; and a comparative estimate of perils that smacked of inexperience; fled into the sea; at the very moment when his anxious mother was rushing to save him。 She uttered a scream of agony; and would actually have followed him; but was held back; uttering shriek after shriek; that pierced every heart within hearing。

But Dodd saw the boy go overboard; and vaulted over the bulwark near the helm; roared in the very air; 〃Heave the ship to!〃 and went splash into the water about ten yards from the place。 He was soon followed by Vespasian; and a boat was lowered as quickly as possible。 Dodd caught sight of a broad straw hat on the top of a wave; swam lustily to it; and found Freddy inside: it was tied under his chin; and would have floated Goliath。 Dodd turned to the ship; saw the poor mother with white face and arms outstretched as if she would fly at them; and held the urchin up high to her with a joyful 〃hurrah。〃 The ship seemed alive and to hurrah in return with giant voice: the boat soon picked them up; and Dodd came up the side with Freddy in his arms; and placed him in his mother's with honest pride and deep parental sympathy。

Guess how she scolded and caressed her child all in a breath; and sobbed over him! For this no human pen has ever told; nor ever will。 All I can just manage to convey is that; after she had all but eaten the little torment; she suddenly dropped him; and made a great maternal rush at Dodd。 She flung her arms round him; and kissed him eagerly; almost fiercely: then; carried away wild by mighty Nature; she patted him all over in the strangest way; and kissed his waistcoat; his arms; his hands; and rained tears of joy and gratitude on them。

Dodd was quite overpowered。 〃No! no!〃 said he。 〃Don't now; pray; don't! There! there! I know; my dear; I know; I'm a father。〃 And he was very near whimpering himself; but recovered the man and the commander; and said; soothingly; 〃There! there!〃 and he handed her tenderly down to her cabin。

All this time he had actually forgotten the packet。 But now a horrible fear came on him。 He hurried to his own cabin and examined it。 A little salt water had oozed through the bullet…hole and discoloured the leather; but that was all。

He breathed again。

〃Thank Heaven I forgot all about it!〃 said he: 〃it would have made a cur of me。〃

Lady Beresford's petty irritation against Dodd melted at once before so great a thing: she longed to make friends with him; but for once felt timid。 It struck her now all of a sudden that she had been misbehaving。 However; she caught Dodd alone on the deck; and said to him softly; 〃I want so to end our quarrel。〃

〃Our quarrel; madam!〃 said he; 〃why; I know of none: oh; about the light eh? Well; you see the master of a ship is obliged to be a tyrant in some things。〃

〃I make no complaint;〃 said the lady hastily; and hung her head。 〃All I ask you is to forgive one who has behaved like a fool; without even the excuse of being one; andwill you give me your hand; sir?〃

〃Ay; and with all my heart;〃 said Dodd warmly; enclosing the soft little hand in his honest grasp。

And with no more ado these two highflyers ended one of those little misunderstandings petty spirits nurse into a feud。

The ship being in port at the Cape; and two hundred hammers tapping at her; Dodd went ashore in search of Captain Robarts; and made the _Agra_ over to him in the friendliest way; adding warmly that he had found every reason to be satisfied with the officers and the crew。 To his surprise; Captain Robarts received all this ungraciously。 〃You ought to have remained on board; sir; and made me over the command on the quarter…deck。〃 Dodd replied politely that it would have been more formal。 〃Suppose I return immediately; and man the side for you: and then you board her; say; in half…an…hour?〃

〃I shall come when I like;〃 replied Robarts crustily。

〃And when will you like to come?〃 inquired Dodd; with imperturbable good…humour。

〃Now; this moment: and I'll trouble you to come along with me。〃

〃Certainly; sir。〃

They got a boat and went out to the
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