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hard cash-第192章

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 Fullalove; another was of course Vespasian; and the third was the missing plaintiff。

A buzz announced his arrival; and expectation rose high。 Mr。 Colt called him with admirably feigned nonchalance; he stepped into the box; and there was a murmur of surprise and admiration at his bright countenance and manly bearing。

Of course to give his evidence would be to write 〃Hard Cash〃 over again。 It is enough to say that his examination in chief lasted all that day; and an hour of the next。

Colt took him into the asylum; and made him say what he had suffered there to swell the damages。 The main points his examination in chief established were his sanity during his whole life; the money settled on him; the means the doctors took to irritate him; and then sign him excited; the subserviency of his uncle to his father; the double motive his father had in getting him imprisoned; the business of the L。 14;000。

When Colt sat down at eleven o'clock on the second day; the jury looked indignant; and the judge looked very grave; and the case very black。

Mr。 Saunders electrified his attorney by saying; 〃My advice is; don't cross…examine him。〃

Heathfield implored him not to take so strange a course。

On this Saunders shrugged his shoulders; rose; and cross…examined Alfred about the vision of one Captain Dodd he had seen; and about his suspicions of his father。 〃Had not Richard Hardie always been a kind and liberal father?〃 To this he assented。 〃Had he not sacrificed a large fortune to his creditors?〃 Plaintiff believed so。 〃On reflection; then; did not plaintiff think he must have been under an illusion?〃 No; he had gone by direct evidence。

Confining himself sagaciously to this one question; and exerting all his skill and pertinacity; Saunders succeeded in convincing the court that the Hard Cash was a myth: a pure chimera。 The defendant's case looked up; for there are many intelligent madmen with a single illusion。

The re…examination was of course very short; but telling; for Alfred swore that Miss Julia Dodd had helped him to carry home the phantom of her father; and that Miss Dodd had a letter from her father to say that he was about to sail with the other phantom; the L。 14;000。

Here Mr。 Saunders interposed; and said that evidence was inadmissible。 Let him call Miss Dodd。

_Colt。_How do you know I'm not going to call her?

_The Judge。_ If you are; it is superfluous; if not; it is inadmissible。

Mr。 Compton cast an inquiring glance up at a certain gallery。 A beautiful girl bowed her head in reply; with a warm blush and such a flash of her eye; and Mr。 Colt said; 〃As my learned friend was afraid to cross…examine the plaintiff on any point but this; and as I mean to respond to his challenge; and call Miss Dodd; I will not trouble the plaintiff any further。〃

Through the whole ordeal Alfred showed a certain flavour of Eton and Oxford that won all hearts。 His replies were frank and honest; and under cross…examination he was no more to be irritated than if Saunders had been Harrow bowling at him; or the Robin sparring with him。 The serjeant; who was a gentleman; indicated some little regret at the possible annoyance he was causing him。 Alfred replied with a grand air of good fellowship; 〃Do not think so poorly of me as to suppose I feel aggrieved because you are an able advocate and do your duty to your client; sir。〃

_The Judge。_That is very handsomely said。 I am afraid you have got an awkward customer; in a case of this kind; Brother Saunders。

_Serjt。 S。_It is not for want of brains he is mad; my lord。

_Alfred。_That is a comfort; any way。 (Laughter。)

When counsel had done with him; the judge used his right; and put several shrewd and unusual questions to him: asked him to define insanity。 He said he could only do it by examples: and he abridged several intelligent madmen; their words and ways; and contrasted them with the five or six sane people he had fallen in with in asylums; showing his lordship plainly that _he_ could tell any insane person whatever from a sane one; and _vice versa。_ This was the most remarkable part of the trial; to see this shrewd old judge extracting from a real observer and logical thinker those positive indicia of sanity and insanity; which exist; but which no lawyer has ever yet been able to extract from any psychological physician in the witness…box。 At last; he was relieved; and sat sucking an orange among the spectators; for they had parched his throat amongst them; I promise you。

Julia Dodd entered the box; and a sunbeam seemed to fill the court。 She knew what to do: her left hand was gloved; but her white right hand bare。 She kissed the book; and gave her evidence in her clear; mellow; melting voice; gave it reverently and modestly; for to her the court was a church。 She said how long she had been acquainted with Alfred; and how his father was adverse; and her mother had thought it was because they did not pass for rich; and had told her they were rich; and with this she produced David's letter; and she also swore to having met Alfred and others carrying her father in a swoon from his father's very door。 She deposed to Alfred's sanity on her wedding eve; and on the day his recapture was attempted。

Saunders; against his own judgment; was instructed to cross…examine her; and; without meaning it; he put a question which gave her deep distress。 〃Are you now engaged to the plaintiff?〃 She looked timidly round; and saw Alfred; and hesitated。 The serjeant pressed her politely; but firmly。

〃Must I reply to that?〃 she said piteously。

〃If you please。〃

〃Then; no。 Another misfortune has now separated him and me for ever。〃

〃What is that; pray?〃

〃My father is said to have died at sea: and my mother thinks _he_ is to blame。〃

_The judge to Saunders。_What on earth has this to do with Hardie against Hardie?

_Saunders。_You are warmly interested in the plaintiff's success?

_Julia。_Oh yes; sir。

_Colt_ (aside to Garrow)。The fool is putting his foot into it: there's not a jury in England that would give a verdict to part two interesting young lovers。

_Saunders。_You are attached to him?

_Julia。_Ah; that I do。

This burst; intended for poor Alfred; not the court; baffled cross…examination and grammar and everything else。 Saunders was wise and generous; and said no more。

Colt cast a glance of triumph; and declined to re…examine。 He always let well alone。 The judge; however; evinced a desire to trace the fourteen thousand pounds from Calcutta; but Julia could not help him: that mysterious sum had been announced by letter as about to sail; and then no more was heard about it till Alfred accused his father of having it。 All endeavours to fill this hiatus failed。 However; Julia; observing that in courts material objects affect the mind most; had provided herself with all the _pieces de conviction_ she could find; and she produced her father's empty pocket…book; and said; when he was brought home senseless; this was in his breast…pocket。

〃Hand it up to me;〃 said the judge。 He examined it; and said it had been in the water。

〃Captain Dodd was wrecked off the French coast;〃 suggested Mr。 Saunders。

〃My learned friend had better go into the witness…box; if
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