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hard cash-第103章

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〃Ugh!〃 ejaculated Edward。 〃This is a bad beginning。 Girl's candour! Now for a masterpiece of duplicity。〃

Julia inquired how he dared; and Mrs。 Dodd said warmly that Julia was not like other people; she could be candid; had actually done it; more than once; within her recollection。 The young lady justified the exception as follows: 〃If I was going to be married to myself; or to some gentleman I did not care for; I would not spend a shilling。 But I am going to marry _him;_ and sooh; Edward; think of them saying; 'What has he married? a dowdy: why she hadn't new things on to go to church with him: no bonnet; no wreath; no new white dress!' To mortify him the very first day of our〃 The sentence remained unfinished; but two lovely eyes filled to the very brim without running over; and completed the sense; and did the Viceroy's business; though a brother。 〃Why you dear little goose;〃 said he: 〃of course; I don't mean that。 I have as good as got the things we must buy; and those are a new bonnet〃


〃A wreath of orange blossoms〃

〃Oh you good boy!〃

〃Four pair of gloves: two whiteone is safe to breaktwo dark; very dark: invisible green; or visible black; last the honeymoon。 All the rest you must find in the house。〃

〃What; fit her out with a parcel of old things? so cruel; so unreasonable; dear Edward?〃

〃Old things! Why; where is all your gorgeous attire from Oriental climes? I see the splendiferous articles arrive; and then they vanish for ever。〃

〃Now; shawls and Indian muslins! pray what use are they to a bride?〃

〃Why; what looks nicer than a white muslin dress?〃

〃Married in muslin? The very idea makes me shiver。〃

〃Well; clap her on another petticoat。〃

〃How can you be so childish? Muslin is not the _the thing。_〃

〃No more is running in debt。〃

He then suggested that a white shawl or two should be cut into a bridal dress。 At this both ladies' fair throats opened on him with ridicule: cut fifty guinea shawls into ten…pound dresses; that was male economy! was it? Total; a wedding was a wedding: new things always _had_ had to be bought for a wedding; and always would _in secula seculorum。_

〃New things? Yes;〃 said the pertinacious wretch; 〃but they need not be new…bought things。 You ladies go and confound the world's eyes with your own in the drollest way: If Gorgeous Attire has lain long in your drawers; you fancy the world will detect on its glossy surface how long you had it; and gloated over it; and made it stale to your eye; before you could bring your mind to wear it。 That is your delusion; that and the itch for going out shopping; oh; I'm down on you。 Mamma dear; you open that gigantic wardrobe of yours; and I'll oil my hair; white…wash my mug (a little moan from Mrs。 D。) and do the counterjumping business to the life; hand the things down to you; unrol 'em; grin; charge you 100 per cent over value; note them down in a penny memorandum…book; sing out 'Caesh! Caesh!' &c。 &c。: and so we shall get all Julia wants; and go through the ritual of shopping without the substantial disgrace of running in debt。〃

Mrs。 Dodd smiled admiringly; as ladies generally do at the sauciness of a young male; but proposed an amendment。 She would open her wardrobe; and look out all the contents for Edward's inspection; and; if the mere sight of them did not convince him they were inappropriate to a bride; why then she would coincide with his views; and resign her own。

〃All right!〃 said he。 〃That will take a jolly time; I know; so I'll go to my governor first for the bonnet and wreath。〃

Mrs。 Dodd drew in at this last slang word; she had heard young gentlemen apply it to their fathers。 Edward; she felt sure; would not so sully that sacred relation; still the word was obnoxious for its past offences; and she froze at it: 〃I have not the honour to know who the personage is you so describe;〃 said she formally。 Edward replied very carelessly that it was an upholsterer at the north end of the town。

〃Ah; a tradesman you patronise。〃

〃Humph! Well; yes; that is the word; mamma; haw! haw! I have been making the bloke a lot of oak candlesticks; and human heads with sparkling eyes; for walking…sticks; &c。 And now I'll go and draw myprotege'sblunt。〃 The lady's hands were uplifted towards pitying Heaven with one impulse。 The young workman grinned: 〃Soyons de notre siecle;〃 said he; and departed whistling in the tenor clef。 He had the mellowest whistle。

After a few minutes well spent in deploring the fall of her Oxonian; and gently denouncing his motto; and his century; its ways; and above all its words; Mrs。 Dodd took Julia to her bedroom; and unlocked drawers and doors in her wardrobe; and straightway Sarah; who was hurriedly flogging the chairs with a duster; relaxed; and began to work on a cheval…glass as slowly as if she was drawing Nelson's lions at a thousand pounds the tail。 Mrs。 Dodd opened a drawer and took out three pieces of worked Indian muslin; a little discoloured by hoarding: 〃There; that must be bleached and make you some wrappers for the honeymoon; if the weather is at all fine; and petticoats to match;〃 next an envelope consisting of two foolscap sheets tacked: this; carefully undone upon the bed revealed a Brussels lace flounce and a veil: 〃It was my own;〃 said Mrs。 Dodd softly。 〃I saved it for you; see here is your name written on it seventeen years ago。 I thought 'this dear little toddler will have wings some day; and then she will leave me。' But now I am almost afraid to let you wear it; it might bring you misfortune: suppose after years of wedded love you should be bereaved of〃 Mrs。 Dodd choked; and Julia's arms were round her neck in a moment。

〃I'll risk it;〃 cried she impetuously。 〃If it but makes me as beloved as you are; I'll wear it; come weal come woe! And then I shall feel it over me at the altar like my guardian angel's wings; my own sweet; darling mamma。 Oh what an idiot; what a wretch I am; to leave you at all。〃

This unfortunate; unexpected burst; interrupted business sadly。 Mrs。 Dodd sank down directly on the bed and wept; Julia cried over her; and Sarah plumped herself down in a chair and blubbered。 But wedding flowers are generally well watered in the private apartments。

Patient Mrs。 Dodd soon recovered herself: 〃This is childish of me。 When I think that there are mothers who see their children go from the house corpses; not brides; I ought to be ashamed of myself。 Come! a l'oeuvre。 Ah; here is something。〃 And she produced a white China crape shawl。 〃Oh; how sweet;〃 said Julia; 〃why have you never worn it?〃

〃Dear me; child; what use would things be to those I love; if I went and _wore_ them?〃

The next article she laid her hand on was a roll of white poplin; and drew an exclamation from Mrs。 Dodd herself: 〃If I had not forgotten this; and it is the very thing。 Your dear papa bought me this in London; and I remonstrated with him well for buying me such a delicate thing; only once wear。 I kissed it and put it away; and forgot it。 They _say_ if you keep a thing seven years。 It _is_ just seven years since he gave it to me。 Really; the dear boy is a witch: this is your wedding dress; my precious precious。〃 She unrolled a few yards on the bed to show it; and asked the 
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