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Shakespeare and the English altogether aside; I think there is 

another Gothic nation; at least; entitled to dispute with them the 

palm。  Indeed; to my mind; there is more genuine poetry contained 

in the old Danish book which I came so strangely by; than has been 

produced in Germany from the period of the Niebelungen lay to the 


'Ah; the Koempe Viser?' said the elderly individual; breathing 

forth an immense volume of smoke; which he had been collecting 

during the declamation of his young companion。  'There are singular 

things in that book; I must confess; and I thank you for showing it 

to me; or rather your attempt at translation。  I was struck with 

that ballad of Orm Ungarswayne; who goes by night to the grave…hill 

of his father to seek for counsel。  And then; again; that strange 

melancholy Swayne Vonved; who roams about the world propounding 

people riddles; slaying those who cannot answer; and rewarding 

those who can with golden bracelets。  Were it not for the violence; 

I should say that ballad has a philosophic tendency。  I thank you 

for making me acquainted with the book; and I thank the Jew Mousha 

for making me acquainted with you。'

'That Mousha was a strange customer;' said the youth; collecting 


'He WAS a strange customer;' said the elder individual; breathing 

forth a gentle cloud。  'I love to exercise hospitality to wandering 

strangers; especially foreigners; and when he came to this place; 

pretending to teach German and Hebrew; I asked him to dinner。  

After the first dinner; he asked me to lend him five pounds; I DID 

lend him five pounds。  After the fifth dinner; he asked me to lend 

him fifty pounds; I did NOT lend him the fifty pounds。'

'He was as ignorant of German as of Hebrew;' said the youth; 'on 

which account he was soon glad; I suppose; to transfer his pupil to 

some one else。'

'He told me;' said the elder individual; 'that he intended to leave 

a town where he did not find sufficient encouragement; and; at the 

same time; expressed regret at being obliged to abandon a certain 

extraordinary pupil; for whom he had a particular regard。  Now I; 

who have taught many people German from the love which I bear to 

it; and the desire which I feel that it should be generally 

diffused; instantly said that I should be happy to take his pupil 

off his hands; and afford him what instruction I could in German; 

for; as to Hebrew; I have never taken much interest in it。  Such 

was the origin of our acquaintance。  You have been an apt scholar。  

Of late; however; I have seen little of you … what is the reason?'

The youth made no answer。

'You think; probably; that you have learned all I can teach you?  

Well; perhaps you are right。'

'Not so; not so;' said the young man eagerly; 'before I knew you I 

knew nothing; and am still very ignorant; but of late my father's 

health has been very much broken; and he requires attention; his 

spirits also have become low; which; to tell you the truth; he 

attributes to my misconduct。  He says that I have imbibed all kinds 

of strange notions and doctrines; which will; in all probability; 

prove my ruin; both here and hereafter; which … which … '

'Ah!  I understand;' said the elder; with another calm whiff。  'I 

have always had a kind of respect for your father; for there is 

something remarkable in his appearance; something heroic; and I 

would fain have cultivated his acquaintance; the feeling; however; 

has not been reciprocated。  I met him; the other day; up the road; 

with his cane and dog; and saluted him; he did not return my 


'He has certain opinions of his own;' said the youth; 'which are 

widely different from those which he has heard that you profess。'

'I respect a man for entertaining an opinion of his own;' said the 

elderly individual。  'I hold certain opinions; but I should not 

respect an individual the more for adopting them。  All I wish for 

is tolerance; which I myself endeavour to practise。  I have always 

loved the truth; and sought it; if I have not found it; the greater 

my misfortune。'

'Are you happy?' said the young man。

'Why; no!  And; between ourselves; it is that which induces me to 

doubt sometimes the truth of my opinions。  My life; upon the whole; 

I consider a failure; on which account; I would not counsel you; or 

any one; to follow my example too closely。  It is getting late; and 

you had better be going; especially as your father; you say; is 

anxious about you。  But; as we may never meet again; I think there 

are three things which I may safely venture to press upon you。  The 

first is; that the decencies and gentlenesses should never be lost 

sight of; as the practice of the decencies and gentlenesses is at 

all times compatible with independence of thought and action。  The 

second thing which I would wish to impress upon you is; that there 

is always some eye upon us; and that it is impossible to keep 

anything we do from the world; as it will assuredly be divulged by 

somebody as soon as it is his interest to do so。  The third thing 

which I would wish to press upon you … '

'Yes;' said the youth; eagerly bending forward。

'Is … ' and here the elderly individual laid down his pipe upon the 

table … 'that it will be as well to go on improving yourself in 



The alehouse…keeper … Compassion for the rich … Old English 

gentleman … How is this? … Madeira … The Greek Parr … Twenty 

languages … Whiter's health … About the fight … A sporting 

gentleman … The flattened nose … Lend us that pightle … The surly 


'HOLLOA; master! can you tell us where the fight is likely to be?'

Such were the words shouted out to me by a short thick fellow; in 

brown top…boots; and bareheaded; who stood; with his hands in his 

pockets; at the door of a country alehouse as I was passing by。

Now; as I knew nothing about the fight; and as the appearance of 

the man did not tempt me greatly to enter into conversation with 

him; I merely answered in the negative; and continued my way。

It was a fine lovely morning in May; the sun shone bright above; 

and the birds were carolling in the hedgerows。  I was wont to be 

cheerful at such seasons; for; from my earliest recollection; 

sunshine and the song of birds have been dear to me; yet; about 

that period; I was not cheerful; my mind was not at rest; I was 

debating within myself; and the debate was dreary and 

unsatisfactory enough。  I sighed; and turning my eyes upward; I 

ejaculated; 'What is truth?'

But suddenly; by a violent effort breaking away from my 

meditations; I hastened forward; one mile; two miles; three miles 

were speedily left behind; and now I came to a grove of birch and 

other trees; and opening a gate I passed up a kind of avenue; and 

soon arriving before a large brick house; of rather antique 

appearance; kn
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