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that he could master him; and hand him over to the quarter 

sessions。  He says that a hundred pounds would be no bad thing to 

be disbanded upon; for he wishes to take an inn at Swanton Morley; 

keep a cock…pit; and live respectably。

MYSELF。  He is quite right; and now kiss me; my darling brother; 

for I must go back through the bog to Templemore。


Groom and cob … Strength and symmetry … Where's the saddle? … The 

first ride … No more fatigue … Love for horses … Pursuit of words … 

Philologist and Pegasus … The smith … What more; agrah? … 

Sassannach tenpence。

AND it came to pass that; as I was standing by the door of the 

barrack stable; one of the grooms came out to me; saying; 'I say; 

young gentleman; I wish you would give the cob a breathing this 

fine morning。'

'Why do you wish me to mount him?' said I; 'you know he is 

dangerous。  I saw him fling you off his back only a few days ago。'

'Why; that's the very thing; master。  I'd rather see anybody on his 

back than myself; he does not like me; but; to them he does; he can 

be as gentle as a lamb。'

'But suppose;' said I; 'that he should not like me?'

'We shall soon see that; master;' said the groom; 'and; if so be he 

shows temper; I will be the first to tell you to get down。  But 

there's no fear of that; you have never angered or insulted him; 

and to such as you; I say again; he'll be as gentle as a lamb。'

'And how came you to insult him;' said I; 'knowing his temper as 

you do?'

'Merely through forgetfulness; master:  I was riding him about a 

month ago; and having a stick in my hand; I struck him; thinking I 

was on another horse; or rather thinking of nothing at all。  He has 

never forgiven me; though before that time he was the only friend I 

had in the world; I should like to see you on him; master。'

'I should soon be off him; I can't ride。'

'Then you are all right; master; there's no fear。  Trust him for 

not hurting a young gentleman; an officer's son; who can't ride。  

If you were a blackguard dragoon; indeed; with long spurs; 'twere 

another thing; as it is; he'll treat you as if he were the elder 

brother that loves you。  Ride!  He'll soon teach you to ride if you 

leave the matter with him。  He's the best riding…master in all 

Ireland; and the gentlest。'

The cob was led forth; what a tremendous creature!  I had 

frequently seen him before; and wondered at him; he was barely 

fifteen hands; but he had the girth of a metropolitan dray…horse; 

his head was small in comparison with his immense neck; which 

curved down nobly to his wide back:  his chest was broad and fine; 

and his shoulders models of symmetry and strength; he stood well 

and powerfully upon his legs; which were somewhat short。  In a 

word; he was a gallant specimen of the genuine Irish cob; a species 

at one time not uncommon; but at the present day nearly extinct。

'There!' said the groom; as he looked at him; half admiringly; half 

sorrowfully; 'with sixteen stone on his back; he'll trot fourteen 

miles in one hour; with your nine stone; some two and a half more 

ay; and clear a six…foot wall at the end of it。'

'I'm half afraid;' said I; 'I had rather you would ride him。'

'I'd rather so; too; if he would let me; but he remembers the blow。  

Now; don't be afraid; young master; he's longing to go out himself。  

He's been trampling with his feet these three days; and I know what 

that means; he'll let anybody ride him but myself; and thank them; 

but to me he says; 〃No! you struck me。〃'

'But;' said I; 'where's the saddle?'

'Never mind the saddle; if you are ever to be a frank rider; you 

must begin without a saddle; besides; if he felt a saddle; he would 

think you don't trust him; and leave you to yourself。  Now; before 

you mount; make his acquaintance … see there; how he kisses you and 

licks your face; and see how he lifts his foot; that's to shake 

hands。  You may trust him … now you are on his back at last; mind 

how you hold the bridle … gently; gently!  It's not four pair of 

hands like yours can hold him if he wishes to be off。  Mind what I 

tell you … leave it all to him。'

Off went the cob at a slow and gentle trot; too fast and rough; 

however; for so inexperienced a rider。  I soon felt myself sliding 

off; the animal perceived it too; and instantly stood stone still 

till I had righted myself; and now the groom came up:  'When you 

feel yourself going;' said he; 'don't lay hold of the mane; that's 

no use; mane never yet saved man from falling; no more than straw 

from drowning; it's his sides you must cling to with your calves 

and feet; till you learn to balance yourself。  That's it; now 

abroad with you; I'll bet my comrade a pot of beer that you'll be a 

regular rough…rider by the time you come back。'

And so it proved; I followed the directions of the groom; and the 

cob gave me every assistance。  How easy is riding; after the first 

timidity is got over; to supple and youthful limbs; and there is no 

second fear。  The creature soon found that the nerves of his rider 

were in proper tone。  Turning his head half round; he made a kind 

of whining noise; flung out a little foam; and set off。

In less than two hours I had made the circuit of the Devil's 

Mountain; and was returning along the road; bathed with 

perspiration; but screaming with delight; the cob laughing in his 

equine way; scattering foam and pebbles to the left and right; and 

trotting at the rate of sixteen miles an hour。

Oh; that ride! that first ride! … most truly it was an epoch in my 

existence; and I still look back to it with feelings of longing and 

regret。  People may talk of first love … it is a very agreeable 

event; I daresay … but give me the flush; and triumph; and glorious 

sweat of a first ride; like mine on the mighty cob!  My whole frame 

was shaken; it is true; and during one long week I could hardly 

move foot or hand; but what of that?  By that one trial I had 

become free; as I may say; of the whole equine species。  No more 

fatigue; no more stiffness of joints; after that first ride round 

the Devil's Hill on the cob。

Oh; that cob! that Irish cob! … may the sod lie lightly over the 

bones of the strongest; speediest; and most gallant of its kind!  

Oh! the days when; issuing from the barrack…gate of Templemore; we 

commenced our hurry…skurry just as inclination led … now across the 

fields … direct over stone walls and running brooks … mere pastime 

for the cob! … sometimes along the road to Thurles and Holy Cross; 

even to distant Cahir! … what was distance to the cob?

It was thus that the passion for the equine race was first awakened 

within me … a passion which; up to the present time; has been 

rather on the increase than diminishing。  It is no blind passion; 

the horse being a noble and generous creature; intended by the All…

Wise to be the helper 
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