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taught to move at a pace of suitable decorum; at least a quarter of 

an hour elapsed from the commencement of the march before the last 

boy could make his exit。  The office of bell…ringer was performed 

by every boy successively; and it so happened that; the very first 

day of my attendance at the school; the turn to ring the bell had; 

by order of succession; arrived at the place which had been 

allotted to me; for the master; as I have already observed; was a 

man of method and order; and every boy had a particular seat; to 

which he became a fixture as long as he continued at the school。

So; upon this day; when the tasks were done and completed; and the 

boys sat with their hats and caps in their hands; anxiously 

expecting the moment of dismissal; it was suddenly notified to me; 

by the urchins who sat nearest to me; that I must get up and ring 

the bell。  Now; as this was the first time that I had been at the 

school; I was totally unacquainted with the process; which I had 

never seen; and; indeed; had never heard of till that moment。  I 

therefore sat still; not imagining it possible that any such duty 

could be required of me。  But now; with not a little confusion; I 

perceived that the eyes of all the boys in the school were fixed 

upon me。  Presently there were nods and winks in the direction of 

the bell…rope; and; as these produced no effect; uncouth visages 

were made; like those of monkeys when enraged; teeth were gnashed; 

tongues thrust out; and even fists were bent at me。  The master; 

who stood at the end of the room; with a huge ferule under his arm; 

bent full upon me a look of stern appeal; and the ushers; of whom 

there were four; glared upon me; each from his own particular 

corner; as I vainly turned; in one direction and another; in search 

of one reassuring look。

But now; probably in obedience to a sign from the master; the boys 

in my immediate neighbourhood began to maltreat me。 Some pinched me 

with their fingers; some buffeted me; whilst others pricked me with 

pins; or the points of compasses。  These arguments were not without 

effect。  I sprang from my seat; and endeavoured to escape along a 

double line of benches; thronged with boys of all ages; from the 

urchin of six or seven to the nondescript of sixteen or seventeen。  

It was like running the gauntlet; every one; great or small; 

pinching; kicking; or otherwise maltreating me; as I passed by。

Goaded on in this manner; I at length reached the middle of the 

room; where dangled the bell…rope; the cause of all my sufferings。  

I should have passed it … for my confusion was so great that I was 

quite at a loss to comprehend what all this could mean; and almost 

believed myself under the influence of an ugly dream … but now the 

boys; who were seated in advance in the row; arose with one accord; 

and barred my farther progress; and one; doubtless more sensible 

than the rest; seizing the rope; thrust it into my hand。  I now 

began to perceive that the dismissal of the school; and my own 

release from torment; depended upon this selfsame rope。  I 

therefore; in a fit of desperation; pulled it once or twice; and 

then left off; naturally supposing that I had done quite enough。  

The boys who sat next the door no sooner heard the bell; than; 

rising from their seats; they moved out at the door。  The bell; 

however; had no sooner ceased to jingle; than they stopped short; 

and; turning round; stared at the master; as much as to say; 'What 

are we to do now?'  This was too much for the patience of the man 

of method; which my previous stupidity had already nearly 

exhausted。  Dashing forward into the middle of the room; he struck 

me violently on the shoulders with his ferule; and; snatching the 

rope out of my hand; exclaimed; with a stentorian voice; and 

genuine Yorkshire accent; 'Prodigy of ignorance! dost not even know 

how to ring a bell?  Must I myself instruct thee?'  He then 

commenced pulling at the bell with such violence that long before 

half the school was dismissed the rope broke; and the rest of the 

boys had to depart without their accustomed music。

But I must not linger here; though I could say much about the 

school and the pedagogue highly amusing and diverting; which; 

however; I suppress; in order to make way for matters of yet 

greater interest。  On we went; northward; northward! and; as we 

advanced; I saw that the country was becoming widely different from 

those parts of merry England in which we had previously travelled。  

It was wilder; and less cultivated; and more broken with hills and 

hillocks。  The people; too; of these regions appeared to partake of 

something of the character of their country。  They were coarsely 

dressed; tall and sturdy of frame; their voices were deep and 

guttural; and the half of the dialect which they spoke was 

unintelligible to my ears。

I often wondered where we could be going; for I was at this time 

about as ignorant of geography as I was of most other things。  

However; I held my peace; asked no questions; and patiently awaited 

the issue。

Northward; northward; still!  And it came to pass that; one 

morning; I found myself extended on the bank of a river。  It was a 

beautiful morning of early spring; small white clouds were floating 

in the heaven; occasionally veiling the countenance of the sun; 

whose light; as they retired; would again burst forth; coursing 

like a race…horse over the scene … and a goodly scene it was!  

Before me; across the water; on an eminence; stood a white old 

city; surrounded with lofty walls; above which rose the tops of 

tall houses; with here and there a church or steeple。  To my right 

hand was a long and massive bridge; with many arches; and of 

antique architecture; which traversed the river。  The river was a 

noble one; the broadest that I had hitherto seen。  Its waters; of a 

greenish tinge; poured with impetuosity beneath the narrow arches 

to meet the sea; close at hand; as the boom of the billows breaking 

distinctly upon a beach declared。  There were songs upon the river 

from the fisher…barks; and occasionally a chorus; plaintive and 

wild; such as I had never heard before; the words of which I did 

not understand; but which; at the present time; down the long 

avenue of years; seem in memory's ear to sound like 'Horam; coram; 

dago。'  Several robust fellows were near me; some knee…deep in 

water; employed in hauling the seine upon the strand。  Huge fish 

were struggling amidst the meshes … princely salmon; … their 

brilliant mail of blue and silver flashing in the morning beam; so 

goodly and gay a scene; in truth; had never greeted my boyish eye。

And; as I gazed upon the prospect; my bosom began to heave; and my 

tears to trickle。  Was it the beauty of the scene which gave rise 

to these emotions?  Possibly; for though a poor ignorant child … a 

half…wild creature … I was not insensible to the loveliness of
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